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Kinky Simran
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Kinky Simran
Niddhi's Hidden Struggles

After returning from our honeymoon, my life took a whirlwind turn. Raj had to return to work, but I was asked to take an additional week off to participate in various traditions and ceremonies. The entire week was incredibly busy with relatives visiting and different ceremonies to follow.

The first morning back, I woke up early to get ready for the day's ceremonies. My mother-in-law helped me dress in a heavy saree and full makeup, ensuring that every piece of jewelry and accessory was in place. The ghungat covered my entire face and neck, making it difficult to see or move freely. Despite the discomfort, I understood the importance of these traditions and embraced them wholeheartedly.

Mother-in-law (smiling): "Niddhi, you look beautiful. Today is your muu dikhai, and you'll receive blessings and gifts from our relatives."

(nervously): "Thank you, Ma. I hope I make a good impression."

The muu dikhai ceremony was a highlight. Relatives showered me with cash gifts, and some even gave silver jewelry like payal and bichiya. The generosity and love from everyone were overwhelming, and I felt a deep sense of belonging.

Aunt (handing me a gift): "Niddhi, welcome to our family. May you bring happiness and prosperity to our home."

(gratefully): "Thank you so much. Your blessings mean a lot to me."

The days were filled with endless activities, from pujas to family gatherings. Each evening, I was exhausted by the time I got free. By then, Raj was already asleep, and I felt a pang of disappointment as I looked at his peaceful face.

(thinking): "I miss you, Raj. I wish we had more time together."

Despite the exhaustion, my mind often wandered to the intimate moments Raj and I had shared during our honeymoon. I longed to feel his touch again, to hear his whispers of love and adoration. The rituals and heavy clothing made it difficult to even get a moment alone, let alone share any intimacy.

(thinking): "I can't wait for these ceremonies to be over so we can have some time to ourselves. I miss being close to you, Raj."

Whenever I did get a moment to talk to Raj, it was brief but filled with love and understanding. He reassured me that this busy time would soon pass, and we would be able to enjoy our married life more freely.

Raj (over the phone): "How are you holding up, Niddhi? I know it's a lot, but it'll be over soon."

"I'm managing, Raj. I miss you, though. These ceremonies are exhausting."

Raj (comfortingly): "I miss you too. Just a few more days, and we'll have our time together. I promise."

One afternoon, as I was getting ready for another ceremony, we received an unexpected visit from raj's cousin, Priya. She had traveled from their hometown to be with us during this time.

Priya (hugging me): "Niddhi! It's so good to see you."

(smiling): "Priya, It's good to see you too"

Her visit provided a much-needed respite from the relentless schedule. We spent some time catching up, and she helped me get through the rest of the week with her cheerful presence.

As the final day of ceremonies approached, I felt a mix of relief and anticipation. The last ceremony was a grand family dinner, and I was dressed in yet another elaborate saree with full makeup and jewelry.

Mother-in-law: "Tonight is the last ceremony, Niddhi. You've done wonderfully this week."

(gratefully): "Thank you, Ma."

That night, after everyone had left and the house was finally quiet, Raj and I had a moment alone. He pulled me into his arms and kissed me gently, his touch sending shivers down my spine.

Raj (whispering): "I missed you so much, Niddhi."

(softly): "I missed you too, Raj. I can't wait to have some time just for us."

We spent the night talking and reconnecting. Though we didn't make love, the intimacy and closeness we shared were enough to make me feel cherished and loved.

Raj (holding me): "I promise, we'll have our time soon. Just a little more patience, my love."

(smiling): "I'm happy just being with you, Raj."

With the ceremonies finally over, I looked forward to the days ahead. The past week had been a whirlwind of traditions and rituals, but it had also strengthened my bond with Raj and his family. I was eager to start our married life in earnest, knowing that the love and understanding we shared would guide us through any challenges.

(thinking): "This is just the beginning of our journey together. I can't wait to see what the future holds for us, Raj."

As I lay in bed that night, wrapped in Raj's arms, I felt a sense of contentment and anticipation. The busy week had come to an end, and now it was time to focus on our love and building a life together. The future looked bright, and I was ready to embrace it with Raj by my side.

From Next Day it was time for my daily routine, My days had become a blur of responsibilities and expectations. Every morning, I woke up at 5 am to start my day. I prepared tiffin for Raj and cooked breakfast and lunch for the entire family. Raj's family, including his elder sister, her husband Ravi, and their two kids, were staying with us temporarily, adding to my workload. My mother-in-law had set a strict routine for me, ensuring I balanced both household chores and my job.

Mother-in-law: "Niddhi, remember to prepare the children's favorite snacks for their school lunch. And don't forget to iron Raj's shirts."

"Yes, Ma. I'll take care of everything."

I left for work around 8 am, dressed in a traditional saree with a half-sleeve blouse, light makeup, and slightly faded mehndi.
Despite my efforts, I often reached the office late. One morning, I arrived at 9:30 am, half an hour late. My boss, a chubby, annoying woman in her 40s, called me into her cabin.

Boss (sternly): "Niddhi, this is unacceptable. You're half an hour late. I'm marking you for a half-day."

(almost in tears): "I'm sorry, ma'am. I had some urgent household work. It won't happen again."

Boss: "No excuses. Be on time."

Feeling dejected, I walked to my desk. Vicky, waved at me with a soothing smile. His gesture made me feel a little better, and I smiled back, momentarily forgetting about my boss's rudeness. Throughout the day, I worked with renewed passion, being happy by Vicky's kindness.

Vicky (smiling): "Hey, Niddhi. Rough morning?"

(smiling back): "Yeah, but I'm okay now. Thanks."

I left work at 6 pm and reached home by 7 pm, only to dive back into household chores. Preparing dinner, fulfilling my in-laws' wishes, and managing other tasks left me exhausted. By the time I finished everything, it was late, and I barely had the energy to shower before collapsing into bed.

This routine continued for a month. Each day presented new challenges, but I endured everything. I started waking up at 4 am to manage my time better, and I finally began reaching the office on time. It took me two weeks to adjust, and soon I was expertly managing my dual responsibilities. However, I didn't realize how much this relentless schedule was affecting my health.

A month later, I found myself more tired than ever. My body ached from the lack of rest, and my mind was constantly preoccupied with the never-ending list of tasks. Despite my efforts, the workload at home didn't seem to lessen, and the demands kept piling up.

Raj (concerned): "Niddhi, you look exhausted. Are you getting enough rest?"

(forcing a smile): "I'm fine, Raj. Just a bit tired. There's a lot to do."

One evening, as I was preparing dinner, Raj's elder sister, Priya, approached me.

Priya: "Niddhi, you need to take care of yourself. You're doing so much for everyone. Why don't you take a break and rest for a while?"

(gratefully): "Thank you, Didi. I'll be okay. I just need to finish this."

Despite the support from Priya, I pushed myself too hard. My health began to deteriorate. I started losing weight, and my energy levels were low. Raj noticed and became increasingly worried.

Raj (firmly): "Niddhi, this can't go on. You're overworking yourself. We need to find a solution."

(tearfully): "I don't know what to do, Raj. There's so much to manage."

Raj: "We'll figure it out together. Maybe we can hire some help for the household chores."

Raj's suggestion brought a glimmer of hope. We decided to hire a part-time maid to help with the household chores. This decision brought some relief, but the routine still demanded so much from me.

Despite the challenges, I continued to navigate my responsibilities with determination. The support from Raj and the occasional moments of kindness from colleagues like Vicky helped me stay afloat. But deep down, I knew I needed to find a better balance for the sake of my health and well-being.

As the week concluded, I reflected on my journey so far. It had been a month of immense challenges, but also one of growth and resilience. I realized the importance of self-care and the need to lean on my support system. With Raj by my side and a plan to ease the workload, I felt hopeful about the future.

(thinking): "This is just a phase. I'll get through this. With Raj's support and some adjustments, I'll find a way to balance everything."

And so, the journey continued, with new lessons learned and a renewed commitment to find balance and happiness in my new life.

After hiring a maid, things got a bit easier around the house. Priya and her family had left a few weeks before, heading back to their city where Ravi owns a jewelry shop. That’s their hometown, and it felt like life was starting to settle back into a routine. However, I still vividly remember that unexpected day which left me with totally different feelings.

One Friday, I wasn't feeling well... My body ached and there is exhaustion. I took a sick leave, and that same day, the entire family decided to visit a nearby temple. Raj was at work, and I stayed back. I assumed Ravi, Priyas Husband went with them, but he had some work to do.

The doorbell rang, and to my surprise, it was Ravi.

Ravi: "Hi Niddhi, how are you feeling? I had some work, so I didn't go. By the way, I have a surprise for you."

"Oh, I'm okay, Ravi. Just tired. What surprise?"

Ravi: "Remember the navel ring? I got the tool to help you put it on."

Ravi, Raj, and I were discussing the navel ring one day. Since Ravi owns a jewelry shop, we asked for his advice on the matter. Although he didn’t have the right tool with him at the time, he suggested that a navel ring would look good on me and encouraged me to try it.

Today, he showed up with the tool he had bought specifically for this purpose. I was initially reluctant, unsure about the whole idea.

Me: "I'm not sure, Ravi. I've never done anything like this before. & I'm not feeling well, Maybe another time."

Ravi: "Trust me, Raj will be so surprised and happy. Come on, let's do this."

Feeling a mix of curiosity and hesitation, I finally agreed trusting Ravi. He suggested we do it in the bedroom and asked me to lay down.

Ravi: "I promise it won't hurt much. I'll stimulate the area, and the pain will be faint."

Ravi led me to the bedroom, and I hesitated but eventually agreed. The idea of another man touching me, especially in such an intimate way, felt strange and unexpected. Ravi slowly pulled up my kameez, admiring my navel. The high waist salwar covered half of it. His touch was gentle yet firm, sending shivers down my spine.

Ravi: "Just relax. It'll be fine."

"Okay, but please be careful."

As he untied the naada of my salwar, I felt a rush of emotions. His hands were confident, and I realized only when he started pulling it down that this was actually happening. I questioned him, but his answers were logical. He needed access to my navel.

"Ravi, are you sure this is necessary?"

Ravi: "Yes, Niddhi. Trust me."

His touch felt different from Raj's—new and unfamiliar. It was as if my body was responding to a different kind of energy. Ravi’s fingers caressed my skin gently,

making me feel things I hadn’t expected. I felt a mixture of guilt and excitement, my mind racing with thoughts I couldn’t fully comprehend.

In my mind, I kept thinking, "This feels so different. Why am I feeling this way? Should I stop this?" But the logical side of me reasoned that it was just a simple procedure, nothing more.

Ravi continued, slowly caressing and pulling down my salwar until my pelvis.

(thinking): "This feels wrong, but why am I getting aroused?"


Ravi: "You're doing great, Niddhi. Just breathe."

"Okay, I'll try."

Ravi's hands were warm and soft. As he carefully caressed my stomach, his fingers lingering on my skin, I felt a shiver run down my spine. This touch, so different from Raj's, sent a wave of unfamiliar sensations through me.

Ravi: "I'm just going to clean the area. It'll help reduce any discomfort."

He used a cotton ball soaked in antiseptic to clean around my navel, his touch gentle and deliberate. The cold sensation of the antiseptic contrasted sharply with the warmth of his hands.

"It feels a bit cold."

Ravi: "That's normal. Just a few more seconds."

As Ravi's fingers traced circles around my navel, I felt a strange mix of anticipation and nervousness.


My mind raced with thoughts of whether this was right or wrong, but my body seemed to be responding on its own. His touch was more intimate than I had imagined, and it awakened a curiosity within me that I had never felt before.

He carefully positioned the tool, and I held my breath.

Ravi: "Ready? It'll be quick."

"Yes, go ahead."

There was a slight pinch as the tool pressed against my skin....


I slightly moaned feeling the pinch... but Ravi's touch was reassuring. He worked with precision, and soon, the navel ring was in place. The entire experience was oddly exhilarating, and I couldn't help but feel a sense of thrill mixed with guilt.

Ravi: "Done. How does it feel?"

"It stings a little, but it's okay."

Ravi: "It looks beautiful. Raj will love it."

"Thank You Ravi"

Ravi: "I know you are not feeling well. You must be tired from all the household chores and office routine. I'm sure you have body pain."

"Yes a little bit, But i will be fine"

Ravi: "I can help you with a massage. It'll be beneficial."

My heart raced at his offer. The idea of Ravi's hands on me again, this time for a massage, was both tempting and terrifying. The memory of his gentle caresses was still fresh, and part of me longed for that touch again, while another part screamed that it was wrong.

"No, Ravi. That's not necessary. Please leave."

I immediately denied his offer, getting up and asking him to leave respectfully.


We moved to the living room, where I felt safer and more in control.

Ravi: "Alright, but keep this a secret. My wife will be mad if she finds out I didn't go with them. Tell Raj you went to a nearby jewelry shop to get it done."

"Okay, I will."

Ravi complimented my appearance, making sure to comment on my gorgeous waistline and navel.

Ravi: "Raj is lucky. You look stunning."

I was just blank, no expression.

His words were flattering, but they also made me feel exposed and vulnerable.

"Thanks, Ravi."

After Ravi left, I felt a mix of emotions. Guilt, confusion, and a lingering sense of discomfort. I decided to focus on getting better and keeping the secret as Ravi requested. The intimate touches and the unexpected thrill of the moment stayed with me, haunting my thoughts.

(thinking): "I hope Raj likes the navel ring. But why do I feel so uneasy about what happened?"

I couldn't shake the feeling that something had changed within me. The memory of Ravi's hands on my skin, the way he made me feel, lingered in my mind, creating a whirlpool of emotions that I struggled to understand.

When Raj came home, I showed him the navel ring.

Raj: "Wow, Niddhi! This looks beautiful. When did you get it done?"

(nervously): "I went to a nearby jewelry shop today."

Raj: "I'm glad you did it. It looks amazing."

Back to the present...

I used to earn 20k per month and was saving it to help my little brother with his studies, which I had already informed Raj about. He was understanding and very supportive.

It had been two months since our marriage, and one month after we hired the maid & her salary was due in two days. It was Saturday, and Raj was at the office. I had the weekend off, but the day was already off to a stressful start. The maid stood in front of me, expecting her salary of 8000 rupees. My mother-in-law approached with a stern expression.

Mother-in-law: "Niddhi, transfer her the salary. It's your responsibility. We never had a maid before, so if you can't manage, stop using her and do the work yourself."

Her words hit me like a punch to the gut. I felt devastated and humiliated but managed to transfer the money to the maid without arguing. My father-in-law was within earshot but didn't say a word in my defense. The injustice stung, and I felt anger bubbling inside me. I considered confronting Raj about it but feared he might not understand. By the end of the day, I decided to let the maid go and manage everything myself.

For the next month, I handled all the household chores alone. Raj noticed the maid was gone but saw that the house was still well-managed. My mother-in-law continued to criticize me whenever my clothes didn't meet her standards, often making me change into her outdated sarees. However, when we visited relatives, she would dress me in beautiful, modern sarees. Her behavior puzzled me, but I endured it silently.

The only bright spots were Vicky's friendly greetings at the office and Raj's love and affection during the nights and weekends. Despite the growing frustration, I found solace in these small moments.

One Sunday, the house was buzzing with activity. I was in the kitchen, my hands moving swiftly as I chopped vegetables and stirred pots, preparing lunch. The aroma of spices filled the air, mingling with the sounds of laughter and chatter coming from the living room where Raj, my mother-in-law, and father-in-law were watching TV. Despite the clatter of dishes and the sizzle of food, a sense of unease hit me. The morning had been hectic, and my body felt unusually heavy and fatigued.

My mother-in-law called out, “Niddhi, bring me a glass of water.” Her voice had a sharp edge, reflecting her usual demeanor. I hurriedly complied, As I balanced a tray of water glasses, my feet moving on autopilot. Just as I handed her the glass, a sudden wave of nausea washed over me. My vision blurred, and the room spun violently. I tried to steady myself, but my legs gave way. The glass slipped from my fingers, shattering on the floor as I collapsed.

Everything went dark.

When I woke up, the sterile smell of antiseptic filled my nostrils. The faint beeping of medical equipment echoed in the room. I blinked against the harsh overhead light and slowly turned my head. Raj was beside me, his eyes red-rimmed and filled with worry. Relief washed over his face when he saw me awake. He hugged me tightly, his arms trembling, and kissed my forehead. The warmth of his embrace was comforting, but I could feel the tension in his body.

"Niddhi, thank God you’re okay" he murmured, his voice cracking.

I glanced around the room and saw my mother-in-law standing at a distance, her eyes fixed on the floor. She looked like a scolded child, her usual stern expression replaced with something akin to guilt. My father-in-law stood next to her, a gentle smile of relief on his face. He looked at me with kind eyes, his expression soft and reassuring.

"How are you feeling, beta?" he asked softly.

I tried to sit up, but a sharp pain shot through my head, reminding me of the fall. "A little dizzy" I admitted, flinching. I touched my forehead and felt the bandage there.

Raj held my hand, his grip firm but tender. "You scared us all. You fainted and hit your head pretty hard. The doctor said you’re going to be fine, but you need to rest. You have been overworking yourself."

I nodded, the events slowly coming back to me. The stress of the morning, the sudden nausea, the fall. I glanced at my mother-in-law again, but she still avoided my gaze. A mix of emotions swirled within me—anger, confusion, and a lingering sense of unease.

"We're taking you home soon. You need to rest" Raj said, his voice gentle but firm.

My father-in-law added, "We're here for you, Niddhi. Take all the time you need to recover."

As I lay back against the pillows, I felt a tear slip down my cheek. The worry in Raj's eyes, the guilt in my mother-in-law's posture, and the relief in my father-in-law's smile created a confusing tableau of emotions. Despite the pain and the exhaustion, I felt a strange sense of clarity. This incident had shaken something loose within our family dynamics, and as I closed my eyes to rest, I wondered what changes it might bring.

I was prescribed rest for a few days, and Raj took leave to take care of me. During my recovery, I had time to reflect on my situation. I realized I had been pushing myself too hard and needed to find a balance.

Once I was back to normal, I resumed my daily routine, but with a renewed sense of purpose. I knew I had to take care of myself better.

One evening, Raj and I were in bed, and I decided to share my feelings.

"Raj, I've been feeling overwhelmed lately. Managing everything alone has been tough."

Raj: "I noticed the maid was gone. Why didn't you tell me?"

"I didn't want to burden you. And... your mother said it was my responsibility."

Raj looked concerned and held my hand.

Raj: "You don't have to do everything alone, Niddhi. I found a solution and now know what has been happening.. I took care of it... just endure this drama for few more weeks... "

"I asked what do you mean Raj. I dont understand..."

Raj : "Trust me... I am ashamed and really sorry for what you have endured... I love you more than ever..."

"Its okay Raj... I will take care from now... I will manage... I love you too..."

Two weeks after my fainting incident, I awoke to an unsettling scene. The house, usually filled with the morning routine's comforting sounds, was oddly quiet. I stepped out of the bedroom, Curious, I approached the living room and saw them packing their bags. My heart sank. No one had mentioned any travel plans, and the sight of them preparing to leave filled me with an overwhelming sense of foreboding.

My mother-in-law, her face etched with a mix of determination and unease, was murmuring to herself, her words a jumbled mess. She seemed agitated, her movements quick and sharp. My father-in-law, on the other hand, moved more slowly, his face clouded with an expression that was part guilt, part sorrow. The air in the room was thick with unspoken words and unresolved tensions.

Swallowing the lump in my throat, I approached my mother-in-law first. Respectfully, I bent down to touch her feet, a gesture of respect. She stiffened but didn't move away. When I straightened up, I looked into her eyes, searching for answers.

"Maa, where are you going?" I asked, my voice trembling with confusion and concern.

She didn't respond. Instead, she walked out of the room, her murmuring becoming more frantic. The sight of her retreating back filled me with a mixture of anger and helplessness. Why was she leaving without a word?

I turned to my father-in-law, who lingered behind. His eyes met mine, filled with a deep sadness that made my heart ache. He sighed heavily, setting his bag down for a moment.

"Sorry, beta, for all the trouble," he said, his voice gentle but laden with regret. "We hope you come visit us whenever possible. Take care of Raj, and you too have a blessed marriage."

Tears welled up in my eyes, and I couldn't hold them back. They streamed down my face, hot and unchecked. The sudden departure, the cryptic words, the heavy emotions—it was all too much. I felt a chasm of sadness open up inside me, my heart heavy with the weight of their unexpected departure.

"But why are you leaving so suddenly? Did I do something wrong?" I asked, my voice barely a whisper.

My father-in-law shook his head, his expression softening. "No, Niddhi, it's not your fault. There are things... things that need to be resolved back home. Please understand."

I wanted to ask more, to demand a clearer explanation, but the sorrow in his eyes stopped me. He gently patted my shoulder before picking up his bag and following my mother-in-law out of the house. The door closed behind them with a soft click, leaving me standing in the hallway, feeling abandoned and bewildered.

Later that evening, Raj sat me down to explain everything. His voice was calm, but I could sense the frustration beneath his words.

Raj: "Niddhi, I know this is sudden and hard to understand. But I need to tell you something. I knew Maa was being unfair to you. She never liked the idea of you working, and she was upset about how I took care of all the wedding expenses."

I listened intently, trying to process the information.

Raj: "They were always planning to return to their native place eventually. But their sudden departure was because of me. I spoke to Dad about everything. He agreed that it was best for them to go back earlier than planned. Originally, they were supposed to stay for a year or two, especially until we had kids. But I couldn't stand the way Maa was treating you."

He paused, looking at me with concern.

Raj: "Dad is a good man, but he finds it hard to speak up against Maa. She barely approved of our marriage, and I knew it was tough for you. I wanted to give you a better environment, where you could be happy and free."

I felt a whirlwind of emotions. The sadness of their sudden departure, the relief that Raj understood my struggles, and the gratitude for his support all mingled together.

"Raj, I didn't expect this. But I'm grateful for what you did. I was struggling, but I didn't want to cause any trouble."

Raj pulled me into a comforting embrace.

Raj: "You're my priority, Niddhi. I want you to be happy and healthy. We'll visit them whenever we can, but for now, I want you to focus on yourself and our life together."

The explanation did little to ease the ache in my heart, but Raj's presence was a balm to my raw emotions. As we stood there, holding each other, I couldn't shake the feeling that this was just the beginning of a new chapter filled with its own challenges and uncertainties. And as much as the sudden departure hurt, I knew we had to move forward together, facing whatever came our way.

As the days passed, I adjusted to the new dynamic at home. The house felt different without my in-laws, but there was also a sense of peace. Raj's support and love helped me navigate the changes, and I started to find a balance between my responsibilities and self-care.

With my in-laws gone, I had more freedom to manage the house and my work. I continued waking up early to prepare for the day, but the workload was more manageable. Raj and I grew closer, our bond strengthened by the challenges we faced together.

One evening, as we sat together after dinner, Raj held my hand and looked into my eyes.

Raj: "Niddhi, I know things have been tough, but I promise to stand by you. We'll face everything together."

It was a journey of love, understanding, and resilience. Raj's unwavering support and our shared determination helped us overcome the obstacles and build a life filled with happiness and mutual respect. As we moved forward, I felt a renewed sense of hope and strength, ready to face whatever the future held.

In about 1 month, life took on a new rhythm. I had more freedom and could dress as I wanted, but still, I stuck to traditional outfits like salwar kameez, kurtis, leggings, and sarees.

One day, I decided to wear a maroon western dress adorned with delicate floral patterns. The dress clung to my figure, its silky fabric cascading down to my ankles, making me feel bold and confident. I paired it with hoop earrings, letting my hair fall in loose waves around my shoulders. As I stood in front of the mirror, the light filtering through the sheer curtains highlighted the shimmer in the dress, making it glow softly.

With a deep breath, I stepped into the living room where Raj was getting ready, absorbed in wearing his shoes. The soft, morning light bathed the room in warmth. I felt a flutter of anticipation, hoping he would see the effort I had put into this new look.

"Raj," I called gently, breaking his concentration. "What do you think?"


He looked up, his eyes widening slightly as he took in my appearance. There was a brief silence before he spoke.

"Niddhi," he said, his tone measured, "you look... different."

I bit my lip, trying to hide my disappointment. "Is it okay? I thought I could try something new."

Raj stood up, his expression thoughtful. "I prefer the traditional outfits. They suit you better."

His words felt like a cold splash of water, dampening my spirits. I forced a smile, not wanting to argue. "Okay," I murmured, turning back towards the bedroom.

I changed into my usual attire—a vibrant yellow salwar suit with intricate patterns. The fabric was light and airy, the dupatta flowing gracefully as I moved. This outfit was comfortable, familiar, and something Raj always admired. As I adjusted my bangles and smoothed down the fabric, I caught a glimpse of my reflection in the mirror.


The woman staring back at me was the one Raj loved, the one who fit perfectly into his world of tradition and familiarity. But beneath the layers of fabric and societal expectations, there was a part of me longing for freedom and self-expression.

I walked back into the living room, feeling a sense of resignation. Raj looked up and smiled, the warmth in his eyes a stark contrast to his earlier reaction.

"Now that's my Niddhi," he said, his tone affectionate.

I returned his smile, but inside, a storm of thoughts and emotions swirled. I knew I had to choose my battles carefully, and today wasn't the day to push the boundaries. One day, I hoped, Raj would see beyond the traditional attire and appreciate the woman I truly was—both in a maroon western dress and a yellow salwar suit. Until then, I would keep the peace, silently nurturing my dreams and waiting for a time when I could fully embrace my true self.

To Be Continued...


Kinky Simran
Well well another gem of an update showing depth of expressions and thiughts in women's mind, which continuously grow with events like that and makes her fight for her freedom
Thank You 💕💕
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Kinky Simran
# Desires Awekening #

Four months had passed since our wedding, and our intimate life had remained the same. Raj's performance in bed, which had been mediocre from the start, was now explicitly dissatisfying. Our intimate moments were brief, consisting of a few kisses, undressing, and a few minutes of intercourse. There was no excitement, no passion.

It was a warm summer night. The room was dimly lit by the soft glow of the bedside lamp, casting gentle shadows on the walls. The air conditioner hummed softly, providing a cool respite from the oppressive heat outside. I sat at the edge of the bed, brushing my hair absentmindedly, my mind wandering as I prepared for another night of going through the motions.

Raj entered the room, his usual pleasant demeanor intact. He smiled at me, and I returned the gesture, though my heart wasn't in it. I wanted to feel something more, to have my heart race with anticipation, but it was as if a barrier had formed between us, preventing any real connection.

"Hey," he said softly, sitting down beside me and placing a hand on my back. "You look beautiful tonight."

"Thank you," I replied, forcing a smile. I set my brush down and turned to face him, trying to muster some enthusiasm. "How was your day?"

"It was fine," he said, leaning in to kiss me. His lips were soft, but the kiss was indifferent, lacking the spark I craved.

Raj - "How about you?"

"The same," I said, keeping my tone light. "Just the usual."

He nodded and kissed me again, this time with a bit more pressure, but it still felt mechanical. I kissed him back, trying to ignore the hollow feeling inside me. We continued like this for a few minutes, exchanging kisses that were more about routine than desire.

Raj began to undress, and I followed,


slipping out of my nightgown and laying it neatly on the chair beside the bed. As we climbed into bed, I tried to remind myself that this was just a phase, that things would improve with time. But deep down, I knew that wasn't true.

He moved on top of me, his weight pressing down in a way that felt more suffocating than intimate. His kisses trailed down my neck and across my collarbone, but there was no urgency, no passion. I closed my eyes, willing myself to feel something, anything, but my mind remained detached, observing the motions without truly participating.

Raj's hands roamed my body, but his touch was mechanical, lacking the fire that should have been there. He entered me with a gentle thrust, and I bit my lip to stifle a sigh.


I didn't want to hurt his feelings, didn't want him to know how truly disconnected I felt in these moments.

Our bodies moved together in a rhythm that was familiar but uninspired. Raj's breath quickened, and I knew it wouldn't be long before he finished. I tried to focus on the sensations, tried to find some spark of pleasure, but it was like trying to ignite a fire with wet matches.

He climaxed with a soft groan, his body tensing before relaxing against mine. He kissed my cheek and whispered, "I love you," before rolling off me and lying on his back.

"I love you too," I replied, my voice barely above a whisper. I turned onto my side, facing away from him, and pulled the covers up to my chin. I felt tears prickling at the corners of my eyes but blinked them away, determined not to let him see my disappointment.

Raj draped an arm over me, snuggling close. "Goodnight, Niddhi," he murmured, his voice drowsy.

"Goodnight, Raj," I said softly, my voice steady despite the turmoil inside. I waited until his breathing slowed, signaling that he had fallen asleep, before allowing myself to fully acknowledge the depth of my dissatisfaction.

I stared at the wall, my mind racing. How had we ended up here? Our wedding had been a beautiful affair, filled with hope and promise. I had believed that our love would grow stronger with time, that our connection would deepen. But instead, it felt like we were drifting further apart with each passing day.

I remembered the conversations we had during our honeymoon, the excitement and anticipation we had felt about building a life together. But now, those dreams seemed distant and unattainable. Our physical intimacy was supposed to be a reflection of our emotional bond, but instead, it felt like a hollow ritual, devoid of the passion and excitement I had hoped for.

I was restless, moved from one side to another with all the intense feelings and thoughts, As I lay there,


I wondered if Raj felt the same way. Did he sense the growing distance between us, or was he content with the current situation? I wanted to talk to him about it, to share my feelings and work together to find a solution, but I was afraid. Afraid of hurting him, afraid of confrontation, afraid of what it might mean for our future.

I turned onto my back, staring up at the ceiling. I could hear the soft hum of the air conditioner, the faint sounds of the city outside, but inside our room, there was only silence. I felt a discomfort of loneliness, sharper and more painful than any physical ache.

I knew I couldn't go on like this indefinitely. Something had to change. But how? I was trapped in a cycle of politeness and avoidance, always acting happy and content, always keeping my true feelings hidden. It was exhausting, and I didn't know how much longer I could keep up the charade.

In the darkness, I made a silent vow to myself. I would find a way to bridge the gap between us, to rekindle the passion and connection that had brought us together in the first place. It wouldn't be easy, and it would require honesty and vulnerability, but it was the only way to save our marriage.

With a deep sigh, I closed my eyes and tried to sleep. Tomorrow was another day, another chance to make things right. I clung to that hope, allowing it to soothe the ache in my heart.

The next day, I couldn't shake off the lingering thoughts from the night before. All day, I was consumed by the growing dissatisfaction and the missing spark. I kept running through scenarios in my head, trying to figure out what I was missing and what I needed. The frustration built up, casting a shadow over my mood. By the time I reached home, I was upset, and even the routine of household chores couldn't distract me.

Raj had already freshened up and was sitting on the sofa when I walked into the living room, my mind still a whirlpool of unresolved emotions.

"Are you okay, Niddhi?" Raj asked, his eyes filled with concern.

"Yes, Raj. Just tired," I replied, forcing a smile to mask the turmoil inside. I didn't want to hurt his feelings, but inside, I craved the sensations I felt during my online chats with Vicky998, an online stranger who could ignite desires in me with just words.

Later, I found myself daydreaming about those conversations, wondering why they made me feel so much more than the real thing. What was it about Vicky998 that could arouse such deep desires in me? His messages were filled with a raw, unfiltered passion that made my heart race and my body tingle.

"Why do I crave more?" I thought, the confusion growing on me. "What is it about Vicky998 that makes me feel this way?"

The memory of Ravi's touch while piercing my navel ring also lingered. His unexpected touch had been thrilling, making me feel things I shouldn't have felt. The contrast between those illicit thrills and the sad reality with Raj was stark and troubling.

One evening, alone in my room, I tried to recreate those feelings. My fingers traced, I touched my self lost in imagination of the path of Ravi's touch on my skin,


My mind filled with the forbidden excitement of that moment. I felt aroused, but guilt quickly followed.

"This is wrong. I shouldn't be thinking about Ravi," I thought, cursing myself. I slapped my cheek lightly, trying to snap out of it, but the craving for passion and excitement was too strong.

Thursday Night, I resolved to give our intimate moments with Raj another try. I greeted him with my best smile, determined to engage more, hoping for a different outcome. As we kissed and undressed, I tried to push aside my doubts and immerse myself in the moment.

Raj began with a few kisses, but they still felt mechanical, empty of any real passion. His touch was gentle but uninspired, and before I could even get into the mood, he climaxed with a soft groan, barely entering me.

"I'm sorry, Niddhi," he panted, rolling off me. "I must be tired. I used to perform so well before."

"It's okay, Raj. No pressure," I lied, forcing a reassuring smile. "I'm glad you're happy, and that's my duty as a beloved wife, honey."

Raj kissed my forehead and held me close, his warmth a small comfort. But deep down, the frustration and yearning only intensified. I lay beside him, feeling a mix of love and dissatisfaction. Why couldn't he ignite the same fire in me that Vicky998 or even Ravi's brief touch had?

The next day, I couldn't shake off the heavy weight of disappointment. My thoughts kept returning to those online chats with Vicky998, the way his words could make me feel alive and desired. It was a stark contrast to the emptiness I felt in my real-life interactions with Raj.

Raj noticed my mood as soon as he walked in the door that evening. "Are you sure everything's okay, Niddhi? You seem distant," he said, his concern evident.

"Yes, Raj," I replied, trying to keep my voice steady. "It's just been a long week."

He kissed my forehead and held me close, his warmth a small comfort. But even as I lay in his arms, my mind wandered back to those conversations with Vicky998, to the illicit thrill of Ravi's touch. Why did those memories make me feel so much more than the real thing?

In an attempt to find some clarity, I decided to focus on my work and household chores. I threw myself into my tasks, trying to ignore the cravings that haunted me. But the confusion and yearning never left. Every day was a struggle between my love for Raj and the unfulfilled desires that bothered my heart.

As I went about my day, I couldn't help but think about what I really wanted. Was it wrong to crave more passion, more excitement? Was I being ungrateful for the love and stability Raj provided? The questions swirled in my mind, leaving me more confused and frustrated.

On Saturday, I was home alone. The loneliness and dissatisfaction overwhelmed me. I reached for my phone, hesitating for a moment before opening the chat with Vicky998. His last message was still there, filled with the same raw, unfiltered passion that had always drawn me in. My fingers hovered over the keyboard, a mix of anticipation and guilt churning in my stomach.

"Why do I crave this so much?" I thought, my mind a whirlwind of conflicting emotions. "Why can't I feel this way with My Husband, Raj?"

The questions remained unanswered as I stared at the screen, torn between my loyalty to Raj and the unfulfilled desires that pierced my heart. My mind wandered, and despite fighting my inner self, I found myself messaging Vicky998.

"Hi, Vicky. How are you?"

Vicky998: "Hey, Niddhi! I'm good. How have you been?"

"I've been... okay. Just feeling a bit lonely today."

Vicky998: "I understand. It's been a while since we talked. What's been going on?"

"Life is pretty much the same. Work, home... and my sex life is so mundane and traditional. There's no excitement."

I didn't hesitate for a second before sharing this with a complete stranger, but Vicky998 was more than a stranger to me. He always made me feel comfortable, and for some reason, I trusted him completely, even forgetting that I am now a married woman and this might be wrong to share. That thought never even crossed my mind.

Vicky998: "I'm sorry to hear that. Why do you think that is?"

"I don't know. It's just... the same routine every time. I remember how I felt that day... with you during our chat. And I've never felt that way since."

Vicky998 understood my difficult situation and played his card.

Vicky998: "Niddhi, you're married, and that's fine. But you should keep exploring yourself. I can help you. You don't have to worry."

"But... I don't want to interrupt my married life."

Vicky998: "I won't interrupt it. I'm just here to help you feel things no one else can. If you want, we can communicate only on Saturdays or when you're alone."

After some thought, I agreed. Our conversations became a normal part of my life, and I made sure to delete all chats and hide the app regularly, as Vicky998 trained me.

"Okay, Vicky. Let's do that. Saturdays or when I'm alone."

Vicky998: "Great. I promise you'll enjoy this. Let's start slow. Tell me about your week."

"It's been busy. Managing the house and work is exhausting. Raj is sweet, but..."

Vicky998: "But what?"

"But our intimacy lacks excitement. It's always the same," I had confessed to him.

Vicky998: "I understand. Let's focus on you. What excites you, Niddhi?"

"I don't know. I think... maybe exploring new things?" I replied, my heart pounding with the thrill of the unknown.

I had already shared what happened with Ravi with Vicky998, and his next question made perfect sense.

Vicky998: "Good. Let's explore together. Do you remember the sensations from that day, with Ravi?"

"Yes, vividly. It felt... different," I admitted, the memory of Ravi's touch sending a shiver down my spine.

Our conversations continued to deepen, and I found myself looking forward to our chats more than anything else. It was as if I had discovered a hidden part of myself, one that yearned for excitement and new experiences.

Vicky998: "How do you feel when you're alone and think about those sensations?"

"I feel aroused but guilty," I confessed, my fingers trembling as I typed.

Vicky998: "Guilt is natural. But remember, exploring your desires is part of knowing yourself."

"I guess you're right. I do want to know more," I replied, feeling a strange mix of liberation and excitement.

Saturdays became our special days. I ensured everything was hidden and deleted our chats as Vicky had taught me. The thrill of secrecy added an extra layer of excitement to our interactions.

Vicky998: "Today, I want you to do something for me. When you're alone, touch yourself like you did before."

"Okay, I'll try," I replied, my heart racing with anticipation.

Vicky998: "Are you alone?"

"Yess Vicky, Why?"

Vicky998: "Great!, Now Imagine my hands instead of yours. Imagine my voice guiding you."

"That sounds... intriguing," I typed, feeling a warmth spread through me.

Vicky998: "Good. Now, close your eyes and take a deep breath."

I followed Vicky's instructions, feeling a mix of excitement and guilt.


"I'm doing it, Vicky. It feels... different," I messaged, my breath coming in shallow gasps.

Vicky998: "Good. Now, focus on the sensations. Don't think about anything else."

"I feel... alive," I typed, my body tingling with newfound sensations.

Vicky998: "That's it. You're discovering yourself."

Our conversations became a lifeline. I felt understood and excited, something I hadn't felt in a long time.

"Vicky, I tried what you said. It was amazing," I messaged, feeling a flush of excitement.

Vicky998: "I'm glad. You're opening up to new experiences."

"But I still feel guilty," I admitted, the weight of my actions pressing down on me.

Vicky998: "It's okay to feel that way. You're not doing anything wrong. You're just exploring."

I made sure the app was hidden and chats were deleted, maintaining my secrecy. But, I even chatted with him when Raj was home. It added a thrill, knowing that Raj was just a room away, completely unaware of my activities.

Balancing my life, I found comfort in our conversations. They were a secret escape, a world where I could be my true self.

"Today was tough. But talking to you makes it better," I messaged Vicky one evening after a particularly exhausting day.

Vicky998: "I'm always here for you. Remember, you're not alone."

His words were a balm to my tired soul. Despite the guilt, I couldn't deny the comfort and excitement I felt when talking to Vicky.

Our conversations became more intimate, helping me understand my desires better. I felt a connection with Vicky that I couldn't explain, and it scared me how much I looked forward to our chats.

Vicky998: "What do you want to try next, Niddhi?"

"I want to feel that excitement again," I confessed, my fingers trembling as I typed.

Vicky998: "We will. Step by step."

His reassurance sent a thrill through me. I was opening up to new experiences, guided by someone who seemed to understand me in a way Raj never could.

Vicky provided emotional support, making me feel cherished in a way I hadn't felt in a long time.

"I sometimes feel guilty about our chats," I messaged one evening, the weight of my secret pressing down on me again.

Vicky998: "Guilt is normal. But you're just exploring your true self. There is no harm in that"

"Thank you for understanding," I replied, feeling a warmth spread through me.

Vicky998: "Always. You deserve to feel desired."

One evening, as Raj and I were watching TV, my phone buzzed with a notification. My heart skipped a beat when I saw it was from Vicky. I discreetly opened the message, glancing at Raj to make sure he didn't notice.

Vicky998: "How are you feeling tonight, Niddhi?"

I quickly typed a reply, my fingers trembling. "I'm okay. Raj is home."

Raj glanced over at me, and I felt a spike of panic. "Who are you texting?" he asked casually.

"Just a friend," I replied, forcing a smile. "Nothing important."

Raj seemed satisfied with my answer and turned back to the TV. I let out a silent breath of relief, my heart still racing. The thrill of almost getting caught only added to the excitement.

The next day, Vicky's message awaited me. "Today, I want you to explore a new sensation. When you're alone, use something different to touch yourself. Maybe a piece of silk or something soft, or gently rub your boobs over your lacy bra"

"Okay, I'll try," I replied, feeling a mix of excitement and apprehension.

Vicky998: "Imagine it's my touch. Imagine my hands guiding you."

I followed his instructions, feeling the softness of the fabric against my skin.


The sensation was different, electrifying. I felt a rush of excitement, my body responding to Vicky's words and the new experience.

"I'm doing it, Vicky. It feels... amazing," I messaged, my breath coming in shallow gasps.

Vicky998: "Good. Focus on the sensations. Let go of any guilt."

"I feel... liberated," I replied, my body tingling with newfound sensations.

For a month, I relished my Saturdays, immersing myself in conversations with Vicky998. Our exchanges were a mix of excitement and intrigue, yet there was an undercurrent of restlessness within me. Something felt incomplete, and I couldn't shake off the nagging feeling.

"Vicky, I enjoy our Saturdays, but I feel like something is still missing."

Vicky998: "What do you think it is, Niddhi?"

"I don't know. Maybe I need to try different things?"

Vicky998: "Absolutely. Let's explore new possibilities."

To my surprise, Vicky998 brought up my office colleague, Vicky.

Vicky998: "Do you still find Vicky attractive?"

"Yes, I do. He's always been nice to me. He was a comfort when I was down."

Vicky998: "Do you want to get close to him?"

"No, I can't do that. I am a married women now"

Vicky998: "I am not saying, act on it but atleast just become good friends."

"But I'm shy. I don't know how."

Vicky998: "Would you mind if he touched you or placed his hand on your shoulder to help you?"

"I should mind but I think I won't, but why would he?"

Vicky998: "What if you compliment him if he looks good in a new shirt or jeans?"

"Maybe I could, but it's still awkward."

Vicky998: "Imagine he has already placed his hands and now you talk to him more often, taking his help. Then, would you?"

"Yes, I think I would."

Vicky998 set a task for me: get to know Vicky better.

Vicky998: "You need to find out about him. Start by taking his help and becoming good friends. Let me know if he's married, if he has kids, how old he is, and what cologne he wears. Also, ask if he talks to strangers online and flirts for fun."

"Okay, I'll try that. I'm excited and a little nervous though."

Vicky998: "It will be thrilling experience for you. Trust me"

Over the next few weeks, I carefully gathered information about Vicky. We became good friends. The following weeks were thrilling as I embarked on this new adventure. It started with small, subtle actions. I would ask Vicky for help with tasks at work, leaning on him for support. Each interaction was a dance of careful words and stolen glances. There was always an underlying tension that added a spark to our conversations.

One afternoon, as I struggled with a particularly tricky report, I called Vicky over for assistance. He stood behind me, leaning in to see the screen. His hand brushed against my shoulder, sending an unexpected shiver down my spine. I stiffened at the contact but quickly relaxed, enjoying the warmth of his touch. He didn't move his hand away, and neither did I.


"You're doing great, Niddhi," he said softly, his voice reassuring.

I turned slightly to look at him, our faces inches apart. "Thank you, Vicky. I appreciate your help," I replied, my voice barely above a whisper.

A few days later, we worked late on a project. As we wrapped up, Vicky and I were deep in conversation, and I followed him outside towards the parking lot. The lot was deserted, the night air cool against my skin. He hesitated for a moment before giving me a gentle hug goodbye.


It was unexpected, but I found myself leaning into it, savoring the warmth of his arms around me. When he pulled away, he smiled warmly, got on his bike, and rode away, leaving me standing there, my heart racing. It felt different, unexpected, but it was warm and comforting. His gesture left me flattered, the memory of his hug flashing in my mind as I walked towards the bus stop.

During the weekend, I shared everything with Vicky998, but I still couldn't uncover anything about his family or if he was married. Despite this, Vicky998 encouraged me after learning about my feelings. I felt shy, reluctant, and guilty for feeling something for a man other than my husband. However, his words and comfort made me realize that I was just exploring and that I deserved it.

The following week, I decided to gather my courage. During a break, when the office was quieter, I found Vicky alone in the break room. My palms were sweaty, and my heart pounded in my chest as I approached him.

"Hey, Vicky," I began nervously, "can I ask you something?"

"Sure, Niddhi. What's up?" He looked up from his phone, his eyes curious.

"Do you ever... I mean, have you ever flirted online just for fun?" The question tumbled out awkwardly.

Vicky's eyes widened in surprise, but then a playful smile spread across his face. "Why do you ask?"

I shrugged, trying to appear casual. "Just curious."

To my astonishment, he stood up and walked over to me, closing the distance between us. He gently took me in his arms, his hands resting on my waist.


The intimacy of the gesture took my breath away. I could feel the warmth of his body against mine, his heartbeat echoing my own rapid pulse.

"You are beautiful, Niddhi," he whispered, his lips brushing against my earlobe.


The sensation sent a jolt of electricity through me. My heart raced as he moved his lips from my earlobe to my neck, trailing soft kisses. Each touch was a spark, igniting a fire deep within me. I felt a shiver run down my spine, my body responding to his every move.

My breaths came faster, and I could feel my resolve melting away, replaced by a growing need.

His kisses moved slowly, deliberately, each one sending waves of pleasure through me. I closed my eyes, savoring the moment, feeling the world around us fade away. His lips traveled up my neck, lingering at the corner of my mouth. We looked in each other eyes, I could feel his warm breath on me. I could feel the anticipation building, my body trembling with desire.


When our lips finally met, it was like a dam breaking. His kiss was deep, passionate, his lips soft yet insistent against mine.

I moaned softly, losing myself in the moment. My hands moved to his shoulders, gripping him tightly as I kissed him back with equal excitement. His hands slid from my waist trailing the curve of my hips, pulling me closer until there was no space left between us.


We moved together, our bodies pressed against each other, the kiss growing more intense with each passing second. I could taste him, feel him, our shared desire enveloping us in a cocoon of passion.

His hands roamed over my back, sending shivers through me, while my fingers tangled in his hair, pulling him even closer. We were lost in each other, the world around us forgotten, until a distant noise broke through our haze of desire. The sound of footsteps approaching brought us back to reality. We reluctantly pulled apart, our breaths coming in ragged gasps, our eyes locked.

He smiled, a warm, knowing smile that made my heart flutter. I couldn't help but smile back, the connection between us undeniable. The footsteps grew louder, and we quickly composed ourselves, the spell broken but the memory of the kiss remained.

The rest of the day went by in a happy blur, the memory of our kiss playing over and over in my mind. I returned home that evening, feeling a mix of great happiness and guilt. As I looked at my husband, the weight of my actions settled heavily on my shoulders.

I couldn't shake the guilt, but I also couldn't deny the happiness I felt. The kiss with Vicky had awakened something in me, something I couldn't ignore. I was torn between the joy of the moment and the loyalty I owed to my husband, the conflict leaving me restless and confused.

The days that followed were filled with a thrilling mix of anticipation and fear. Our interactions at work became more charged, each touch and glance loaded down with unspoken longing. I found myself drawn to Vicky, craving his presence and the thrill of our secret connection.

One evening, we worked late again. As we packed up to leave, Vicky brushed his hand against mine,


sending a spark of excitement through me. "Walk with me," he said softly.

We walked out into the cool night air, the silence between us comfortable yet charged. As we reached his bike, Vicky turned to me, his eyes searching mine. "I've been thinking about you a lot, Niddhi," he confessed, his voice low and sincere.

I felt a rush of warmth at his words. "Me too," I admitted, my voice barely a whisper.

He stepped closer, his hand gently cupping my cheek. "I can't stop thinking about that kiss," he murmured, his eyes dark with desire.

Neither could I. The memory of his lips on mine haunted my thoughts, filling me with a longing I couldn't ignore. "I haven't either," I confessed.

Without another word, he pulled me into his arms, kissing me deeply.


This time, there was no hesitation, only the raw, undeniable pull of our attraction. His hands roamed my back, his touch both gentle and insistent. I felt my body respond, every nerve ending alive with desire. His hands moved in slow, deliberate strokes, sending shivers of pleasure through me. I arched into his touch, my breath hitching as his fingers traced the outline of my spine.

His lips were on mine, soft yet demanding, igniting a response from deep within me. I melted into the kiss, our mouths moving in perfect synchrony, each kiss deeper and more intoxicating than the last. My hands slid up to his shoulders, pulling him closer, as if I could never get enough of him. The taste of him, the feel of his lips, the heat of his body—it was overwhelming.

Every touch, every kiss was a promise, a declaration of the desire that had been building between us. I could feel his heartbeat against my chest, mirroring the distracted rhythm of my own.


Our breaths mingled, heavy and uneven, as we lost ourselves in the moment. But we were in the open, and the rational part of my mind struggled to regain control. With a reluctant sigh, I broke the kiss, our lips parting with a soft, lingering moan. "I'll see you tomorrow," I whispered, my voice breathless and tinged with longing.

He nodded, his eyes dark with unspoken promises, and I forced myself to step back, feeling the loss of his warmth immediately. He waved goodbye, a small, knowing smile on his lips, and I turned away, heading towards the bus stop. My heart was still racing, my body still humming with the afterglow of our kiss.

As I walked, the memory of his touch and the taste of his lips lingered, a bittersweet reminder of the passion we'd shared. We went our separate ways, but the connection between us was undeniable, a pull that I knew would draw us back together again. The rest of the day was a blur of emotions, the exhilaration of our kiss mingling with the ever-present guilt that shadowed my happiness.

When I returned home that evening, I couldn't shake the memory of the kiss, nor could I deny the happiness it had brought me. The conflict between my loyalty to my husband and the undeniable pull I felt towards Vicky left me restless and confused, my heart caught in a turbulent storm of emotions.

Our secret meetings became more frequent, each one more intense than the last. One afternoon, we found ourselves alone in a conference room. The air was thick with anticipation, our gazes locked.

"Are you sure about this?" he asked, his voice husky with desire.

"Yes," I whispered, my body trembling with anticipation.

He stepped closer, his fingers tracing a line down my arm. The sensation sent shivers through me, igniting a fire deep within. His touch was both tender and demanding, awakening desires I had long suppressed.

As he kissed me, I felt myself surrendering to the moment.


His lips were insistent, his hands exploring my body with a familiarity that both thrilled and frightened me. Every touch, every kiss, was a revelation, a journey into a world of pleasure and passion.

A few days later, during another quiet moment at work, Vicky pulled me aside. "We need to talk," he said, his expression serious.

My heart skipped a beat. "About what?" I asked, trying to keep my voice steady.

He led me to a secluded corner of the office, away from prying eyes. "I have a confession to make," he began, his voice low. "I'm the same Vicky you've been chatting with online."

His words hit me like a bolt of lightning. I stared at him, my mind racing. "What? How?" I stammered, struggling to process the revelation.

"I didn't plan it this way," he explained. "But as we got closer online, I realized how much I cared about you. I didn't want to lie to you, but I also didn't want to lose the connection we had."

I felt a mixture of shock, confusion, and something else—relief. Despite the deception, I was glad to know the truth. "I don't know what to say," I admitted, my voice trembling.

He took my hands in his, his touch warm and reassuring. "You don't have to say anything right now. Just know that my feelings for you are real, both online and offline."

The words hung between us, heavy with meaning. I looked into his eyes, searching for any sign of insincerity, but all I saw was genuine affection and concern. My mind was a whirlwind of thoughts and emotions. The Vicky I had confided in, the one who had listened to my fears and dreams, was standing right in front of me.

A part of me wanted to be angry, to feel betrayed by his deception. But another part, a stronger part, felt an overwhelming sense of relief. The connection I had felt online had always been real, and now it had a face, a presence. The man I had kissed, the one who had made my heart race, was the same one who had comforted me through my situations in life.

"I... I think I need some time to process this," I said, my voice barely above a whisper.

He nodded, his grip on my hands tightening slightly before he let go. "Take all the time you need. I just couldn't keep it from you any longer."

As the day went on, I found myself replaying our conversation over and over in my mind. The shock of the revelation was slowly giving way to acceptance. The truth, as startling as it was, brought a sense of clarity. I had felt a genuine connection with Vicky, both online and in person. The deception was a hurdle, but it wasn't impossible.

That evening, as I returned home, the familiar guilt hit me once more. Seeing my husband, the man I had promised to be faithful to, was a stark reminder of the conflict I was facing. But there was also a new understanding, a realization that the feelings I had developed for Vicky were real and significant.

The journey ahead was uncertain, filled with difficult choices and potential heartbreak. But for now, I was content with knowing the truth, with understanding that the connection I had felt was genuine. As I looked at my husband, I knew that the path forward wouldn't be easy, but it was one I had to navigate with honesty and courage.

Over the next few days, I found myself reflecting on Vicky's revelation. The shock had worn off, replaced by a sense of understanding and acceptance. I realized that the connection we shared, both online and offline, was genuine and profound.

One evening, as we worked late again, I found myself alone with Vicky in the office. The air was thick with unspoken words and lingering tension. He approached me, his eyes filled with a mix of hope and apprehension.

"Niddhi," he began softly, "I know this is a lot to take in. But I want you to know that my feelings for you are real. I care about you deeply."

I looked into his eyes, seeing the sincerity in his gaze. "I believe you," I replied, my voice steady. "And I care about you too, Vicky. This connection we have... it's special."

He stepped closer, his hand gently cupping my cheek. "Then let's not waste any more time," he murmured, his lips brushing against mine.

As he kissed me, the world around us seemed to melt away.


Vicky's lips were warm and insistent, his kiss deep and passionate. My heart pounded in my chest as he pulled me closer, our bodies pressed together. There was a charged energy between us, an unspoken promise of something more.

"Let's go somewhere more private," he whispered against my lips, his voice husky with desire.

I nodded, unable to speak, my mind clouded with anticipation. He took my hand and led me to the office terrace, a secluded place that was usually deserted after office hours. The night was cool, the sky dotted with stars, creating a perfect backdrop for our secret rendezvous.

As soon as we stepped onto the terrace, he pulled me into his arms again, his lips finding mine in a feverish kiss.


I melted against him, my hands gripping his shirt as if to steady myself. The cool night air contrasted sharply with the heat between us, heightening every sensation.

Vicky's hands roamed my back, sending shivers of pleasure through me. He pressed me against the wall,


his body aligning perfectly with mine. It was then that I felt it—his erection, hard and insistent against my pelvis. A gasp escaped my lips at the unexpected sensation.

The size of it startled me. It felt different, bigger than what I ever experienced or was it just my imagination but it felt so good. An image of my ex-boyfriend, Sohail, and my husband, Raj, flashed through my mind. Neither of them had ever felt like this. The thought of something bigger and better added to my arousal, making me more passionate in his arms.

He took me in his arms, and with each step backward, he led us to a secluded corner where a cement plank offered a bit of privacy. He sat down, pulling me onto his lap. Our eyes locked, and in that instant, the world outside ceased to exist. I moved my hips against him, feeling the hardness and length of him beneath me. A wave of pleasure shot through me, making me moan softly against his lips. The sound seemed to ignite something in him, his grip tightening on my waist as he pulled me closer.

I was lost in the moment, in the feel of him, in the forbidden thrill of our encounter. My hands found their way to his shoulders, clutching him as if I might never let go. His lips moved from mine to trail kisses along my jawline, each touch sending shivers down my spine.


My body reacted instinctively, pressing closer to him, grinding against his erection. The friction against my sensitive core was exquisite, sending sparks of pleasure through me. I was completely wet, my arousal soaking through my panties. I had never felt this way before, never experienced such intense pleasure just from grinding against someone.

Vicky's hands slid down to my hips, guiding my movements, encouraging me.


His kisses became more urgent, more demanding. I matched his intensity, losing myself in the heat of the moment. The feel of him, the size of him, was driving me wild with desire.

I felt the pressure building inside me, an orgasm unlike any I had ever experienced before. My body tensed, my breath coming in short gasps as the pleasure mounted. And then, with a final, desperate grind against him, I came.


The orgasm ripped through me, intense and all-consuming, leaving me breathless and trembling in his arms. We broke the kiss, both of us panting, our foreheads pressed together. I was almost dripping, my panties soaked with my arousal. I could feel the wetness between my thighs, the evidence of my intense orgasm.

It was a moment of pure, raw pleasure, unlike anything I had ever known.

"I need to check something," I whispered, my voice shaky with the aftershocks of my orgasm.

Vicky nodded, his eyes dark with desire and concern. I slipped away from him and made my way to the washroom. Inside, I locked the door and quickly checked my condition. My panties were soaked, and I could feel the stickiness of my arousal on my thighs. I touched myself gently, feeling the wetness, the aftermath of my intense orgasm.


For the first time, I didn't want to wash away the evidence. It felt like a badge of my newfound desire, a reminder of the intense pleasure I had just experienced. I decided to leave it as it was, a secret only I would know.

I remembered Vicky might be waiting for me and hurried out of the washroom. As I made my way to the bus stand, I saw him waiting for me on his bike. It was already 8 PM, and I appreciated his thoughtfulness.

The night air cool against my heated skin. We stood close together, maintaining a appearance of decency in the open. When the bus finally arrived, we said our goodbyes, a wave of our hands the only sign of our earlier intimacy. Our fingers brushed briefly, a secret touch that sent a jolt of electricity through me.

As I boarded the bus, I looked back at Vicky. He was watching me, a small smile playing on his lips. I smiled back, my heart racing with the excitement of our shared secret.

When I reached home, it was 9 PM. Raj was already there, his eyes questioning as he looked at me. I felt a pang of guilt but quickly fabricated a believable lie about the workload and staying late to finish a project. He seemed to accept my explanation, but I could see a flicker of doubt in his eyes.

As I prepared for bed, my mind kept drifting back to Vicky and our encounter on the terrace. The memory of his touch, the feel of his erection against me, the intense pleasure of my orgasm—it all played on a loop in my mind. All this while preparing dinner for Raj, I knew I came home late and Raj must have been hungry. It felt bad that Raj had to wait for dinner, so I diverted my mind and started preparing the meal. Finally, we sat down to eat.

As I was eating, the intimate moments with Vicky kept flashing in my mind, and I felt myself getting wet again. I was unable to complete my dinner, worried that Raj might notice my distraction and ask questions. I was in no mood to answer and feared I might slip up a lie. So, I excused myself, saying I wasn't feeling well and was really tired. I went to the bedroom and changed into my satin nightgown, hoping to find some peace in sleep. But my mind was restless, replaying the events of the day.

I closed my eyes, trying to sleep, but then Raj came into the bedroom. I was facing away from him when he came from behind and cuddled me. I could feel his naked body against my satin nightgown and his erection pressing against me. It was nothing like what I had experienced earlier today on the office terrace under the starlit sky. I got aroused at the memory of Vicky and felt myself getting wet and flowing.

It took only a minute for Raj to turn me around. He simply pulled my gown up until my pelvis was exposed, pulled down my panties, and inserted himself inside me. As he moved, laying on top of me, he kept moaning, "I love you, I love you," and I was in a trance of imagination, surprisingly enjoying Raj's touch today.


Maybe the imagination had an effect, and the thrusts felt like bliss, reminding me of our honeymoon times. I kissed Raj passionately.

All this happened in a matter of minutes, and with only 4-5 thrusts, Raj had already cum. Panting and taking short gasps, he lay beside me, drifting off to sleep. I turned away, not depressed or sad about the moment with Raj today. Instead, I was still thinking of Vicky, smiling and remembering him. I drifted off to sleep, knowing that tomorrow we would meet again, filled with anticipation and excitement. I slept peacefully.

To Be Continued...


Active Member
Superb build up of slow corruption. The feeling of leftout and finding shoulder to cry on and the same shoulder become shoulder to put your legs on its amazing how smoothly vicky corrupted nidhi without her knowledge however it would be interesting to see if this corruption is limited to only vicky 😉
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# Desires Awekening #

Four months had passed since our wedding, and our intimate life had remained the same. Raj's performance in bed, which had been mediocre from the start, was now explicitly dissatisfying. Our intimate moments were brief, consisting of a few kisses, undressing, and a few minutes of intercourse. There was no excitement, no passion.

It was a warm summer night. The room was dimly lit by the soft glow of the bedside lamp, casting gentle shadows on the walls. The air conditioner hummed softly, providing a cool respite from the oppressive heat outside. I sat at the edge of the bed, brushing my hair absentmindedly, my mind wandering as I prepared for another night of going through the motions.

Raj entered the room, his usual pleasant demeanor intact. He smiled at me, and I returned the gesture, though my heart wasn't in it. I wanted to feel something more, to have my heart race with anticipation, but it was as if a barrier had formed between us, preventing any real connection.

"Hey," he said softly, sitting down beside me and placing a hand on my back. "You look beautiful tonight."

"Thank you," I replied, forcing a smile. I set my brush down and turned to face him, trying to muster some enthusiasm. "How was your day?"

"It was fine," he said, leaning in to kiss me. His lips were soft, but the kiss was indifferent, lacking the spark I craved.

Raj - "How about you?"

"The same," I said, keeping my tone light. "Just the usual."

He nodded and kissed me again, this time with a bit more pressure, but it still felt mechanical. I kissed him back, trying to ignore the hollow feeling inside me. We continued like this for a few minutes, exchanging kisses that were more about routine than desire.

Raj began to undress, and I followed,


slipping out of my nightgown and laying it neatly on the chair beside the bed. As we climbed into bed, I tried to remind myself that this was just a phase, that things would improve with time. But deep down, I knew that wasn't true.

He moved on top of me, his weight pressing down in a way that felt more suffocating than intimate. His kisses trailed down my neck and across my collarbone, but there was no urgency, no passion. I closed my eyes, willing myself to feel something, anything, but my mind remained detached, observing the motions without truly participating.

Raj's hands roamed my body, but his touch was mechanical, lacking the fire that should have been there. He entered me with a gentle thrust, and I bit my lip to stifle a sigh.


I didn't want to hurt his feelings, didn't want him to know how truly disconnected I felt in these moments.

Our bodies moved together in a rhythm that was familiar but uninspired. Raj's breath quickened, and I knew it wouldn't be long before he finished. I tried to focus on the sensations, tried to find some spark of pleasure, but it was like trying to ignite a fire with wet matches.

He climaxed with a soft groan, his body tensing before relaxing against mine. He kissed my cheek and whispered, "I love you," before rolling off me and lying on his back.

"I love you too," I replied, my voice barely above a whisper. I turned onto my side, facing away from him, and pulled the covers up to my chin. I felt tears prickling at the corners of my eyes but blinked them away, determined not to let him see my disappointment.

Raj draped an arm over me, snuggling close. "Goodnight, Niddhi," he murmured, his voice drowsy.

"Goodnight, Raj," I said softly, my voice steady despite the turmoil inside. I waited until his breathing slowed, signaling that he had fallen asleep, before allowing myself to fully acknowledge the depth of my dissatisfaction.

I stared at the wall, my mind racing. How had we ended up here? Our wedding had been a beautiful affair, filled with hope and promise. I had believed that our love would grow stronger with time, that our connection would deepen. But instead, it felt like we were drifting further apart with each passing day.

I remembered the conversations we had during our honeymoon, the excitement and anticipation we had felt about building a life together. But now, those dreams seemed distant and unattainable. Our physical intimacy was supposed to be a reflection of our emotional bond, but instead, it felt like a hollow ritual, devoid of the passion and excitement I had hoped for.

I was restless, moved from one side to another with all the intense feelings and thoughts, As I lay there,


I wondered if Raj felt the same way. Did he sense the growing distance between us, or was he content with the current situation? I wanted to talk to him about it, to share my feelings and work together to find a solution, but I was afraid. Afraid of hurting him, afraid of confrontation, afraid of what it might mean for our future.

I turned onto my back, staring up at the ceiling. I could hear the soft hum of the air conditioner, the faint sounds of the city outside, but inside our room, there was only silence. I felt a discomfort of loneliness, sharper and more painful than any physical ache.

I knew I couldn't go on like this indefinitely. Something had to change. But how? I was trapped in a cycle of politeness and avoidance, always acting happy and content, always keeping my true feelings hidden. It was exhausting, and I didn't know how much longer I could keep up the charade.

In the darkness, I made a silent vow to myself. I would find a way to bridge the gap between us, to rekindle the passion and connection that had brought us together in the first place. It wouldn't be easy, and it would require honesty and vulnerability, but it was the only way to save our marriage.

With a deep sigh, I closed my eyes and tried to sleep. Tomorrow was another day, another chance to make things right. I clung to that hope, allowing it to soothe the ache in my heart.

The next day, I couldn't shake off the lingering thoughts from the night before. All day, I was consumed by the growing dissatisfaction and the missing spark. I kept running through scenarios in my head, trying to figure out what I was missing and what I needed. The frustration built up, casting a shadow over my mood. By the time I reached home, I was upset, and even the routine of household chores couldn't distract me.

Raj had already freshened up and was sitting on the sofa when I walked into the living room, my mind still a whirlpool of unresolved emotions.

"Are you okay, Niddhi?" Raj asked, his eyes filled with concern.

"Yes, Raj. Just tired," I replied, forcing a smile to mask the turmoil inside. I didn't want to hurt his feelings, but inside, I craved the sensations I felt during my online chats with Vicky998, an online stranger who could ignite desires in me with just words.

Later, I found myself daydreaming about those conversations, wondering why they made me feel so much more than the real thing. What was it about Vicky998 that could arouse such deep desires in me? His messages were filled with a raw, unfiltered passion that made my heart race and my body tingle.

"Why do I crave more?" I thought, the confusion growing on me. "What is it about Vicky998 that makes me feel this way?"

The memory of Ravi's touch while piercing my navel ring also lingered. His unexpected touch had been thrilling, making me feel things I shouldn't have felt. The contrast between those illicit thrills and the sad reality with Raj was stark and troubling.

One evening, alone in my room, I tried to recreate those feelings. My fingers traced, I touched my self lost in imagination of the path of Ravi's touch on my skin,


My mind filled with the forbidden excitement of that moment. I felt aroused, but guilt quickly followed.

"This is wrong. I shouldn't be thinking about Ravi," I thought, cursing myself. I slapped my cheek lightly, trying to snap out of it, but the craving for passion and excitement was too strong.

Thursday Night, I resolved to give our intimate moments with Raj another try. I greeted him with my best smile, determined to engage more, hoping for a different outcome. As we kissed and undressed, I tried to push aside my doubts and immerse myself in the moment.

Raj began with a few kisses, but they still felt mechanical, empty of any real passion. His touch was gentle but uninspired, and before I could even get into the mood, he climaxed with a soft groan, barely entering me.

"I'm sorry, Niddhi," he panted, rolling off me. "I must be tired. I used to perform so well before."

"It's okay, Raj. No pressure," I lied, forcing a reassuring smile. "I'm glad you're happy, and that's my duty as a beloved wife, honey."

Raj kissed my forehead and held me close, his warmth a small comfort. But deep down, the frustration and yearning only intensified. I lay beside him, feeling a mix of love and dissatisfaction. Why couldn't he ignite the same fire in me that Vicky998 or even Ravi's brief touch had?

The next day, I couldn't shake off the heavy weight of disappointment. My thoughts kept returning to those online chats with Vicky998, the way his words could make me feel alive and desired. It was a stark contrast to the emptiness I felt in my real-life interactions with Raj.

Raj noticed my mood as soon as he walked in the door that evening. "Are you sure everything's okay, Niddhi? You seem distant," he said, his concern evident.

"Yes, Raj," I replied, trying to keep my voice steady. "It's just been a long week."

He kissed my forehead and held me close, his warmth a small comfort. But even as I lay in his arms, my mind wandered back to those conversations with Vicky998, to the illicit thrill of Ravi's touch. Why did those memories make me feel so much more than the real thing?

In an attempt to find some clarity, I decided to focus on my work and household chores. I threw myself into my tasks, trying to ignore the cravings that haunted me. But the confusion and yearning never left. Every day was a struggle between my love for Raj and the unfulfilled desires that bothered my heart.

As I went about my day, I couldn't help but think about what I really wanted. Was it wrong to crave more passion, more excitement? Was I being ungrateful for the love and stability Raj provided? The questions swirled in my mind, leaving me more confused and frustrated.

On Saturday, I was home alone. The loneliness and dissatisfaction overwhelmed me. I reached for my phone, hesitating for a moment before opening the chat with Vicky998. His last message was still there, filled with the same raw, unfiltered passion that had always drawn me in. My fingers hovered over the keyboard, a mix of anticipation and guilt churning in my stomach.

"Why do I crave this so much?" I thought, my mind a whirlwind of conflicting emotions. "Why can't I feel this way with My Husband, Raj?"

The questions remained unanswered as I stared at the screen, torn between my loyalty to Raj and the unfulfilled desires that pierced my heart. My mind wandered, and despite fighting my inner self, I found myself messaging Vicky998.

"Hi, Vicky. How are you?"

Vicky998: "Hey, Niddhi! I'm good. How have you been?"

"I've been... okay. Just feeling a bit lonely today."

Vicky998: "I understand. It's been a while since we talked. What's been going on?"

"Life is pretty much the same. Work, home... and my sex life is so mundane and traditional. There's no excitement."

I didn't hesitate for a second before sharing this with a complete stranger, but Vicky998 was more than a stranger to me. He always made me feel comfortable, and for some reason, I trusted him completely, even forgetting that I am now a married woman and this might be wrong to share. That thought never even crossed my mind.

Vicky998: "I'm sorry to hear that. Why do you think that is?"

"I don't know. It's just... the same routine every time. I remember how I felt that day... with you during our chat. And I've never felt that way since."

Vicky998 understood my difficult situation and played his card.

Vicky998: "Niddhi, you're married, and that's fine. But you should keep exploring yourself. I can help you. You don't have to worry."

"But... I don't want to interrupt my married life."

Vicky998: "I won't interrupt it. I'm just here to help you feel things no one else can. If you want, we can communicate only on Saturdays or when you're alone."

After some thought, I agreed. Our conversations became a normal part of my life, and I made sure to delete all chats and hide the app regularly, as Vicky998 trained me.

"Okay, Vicky. Let's do that. Saturdays or when I'm alone."

Vicky998: "Great. I promise you'll enjoy this. Let's start slow. Tell me about your week."

"It's been busy. Managing the house and work is exhausting. Raj is sweet, but..."

Vicky998: "But what?"

"But our intimacy lacks excitement. It's always the same," I had confessed to him.

Vicky998: "I understand. Let's focus on you. What excites you, Niddhi?"

"I don't know. I think... maybe exploring new things?" I replied, my heart pounding with the thrill of the unknown.

I had already shared what happened with Ravi with Vicky998, and his next question made perfect sense.

Vicky998: "Good. Let's explore together. Do you remember the sensations from that day, with Ravi?"

"Yes, vividly. It felt... different," I admitted, the memory of Ravi's touch sending a shiver down my spine.

Our conversations continued to deepen, and I found myself looking forward to our chats more than anything else. It was as if I had discovered a hidden part of myself, one that yearned for excitement and new experiences.

Vicky998: "How do you feel when you're alone and think about those sensations?"

"I feel aroused but guilty," I confessed, my fingers trembling as I typed.

Vicky998: "Guilt is natural. But remember, exploring your desires is part of knowing yourself."

"I guess you're right. I do want to know more," I replied, feeling a strange mix of liberation and excitement.

Saturdays became our special days. I ensured everything was hidden and deleted our chats as Vicky had taught me. The thrill of secrecy added an extra layer of excitement to our interactions.

Vicky998: "Today, I want you to do something for me. When you're alone, touch yourself like you did before."

"Okay, I'll try," I replied, my heart racing with anticipation.

Vicky998: "Are you alone?"

"Yess Vicky, Why?"

Vicky998: "Great!, Now Imagine my hands instead of yours. Imagine my voice guiding you."

"That sounds... intriguing," I typed, feeling a warmth spread through me.

Vicky998: "Good. Now, close your eyes and take a deep breath."

I followed Vicky's instructions, feeling a mix of excitement and guilt.


"I'm doing it, Vicky. It feels... different," I messaged, my breath coming in shallow gasps.

Vicky998: "Good. Now, focus on the sensations. Don't think about anything else."

"I feel... alive," I typed, my body tingling with newfound sensations.

Vicky998: "That's it. You're discovering yourself."

Our conversations became a lifeline. I felt understood and excited, something I hadn't felt in a long time.

"Vicky, I tried what you said. It was amazing," I messaged, feeling a flush of excitement.

Vicky998: "I'm glad. You're opening up to new experiences."

"But I still feel guilty," I admitted, the weight of my actions pressing down on me.

Vicky998: "It's okay to feel that way. You're not doing anything wrong. You're just exploring."

I made sure the app was hidden and chats were deleted, maintaining my secrecy. But, I even chatted with him when Raj was home. It added a thrill, knowing that Raj was just a room away, completely unaware of my activities.

Balancing my life, I found comfort in our conversations. They were a secret escape, a world where I could be my true self.

"Today was tough. But talking to you makes it better," I messaged Vicky one evening after a particularly exhausting day.

Vicky998: "I'm always here for you. Remember, you're not alone."

His words were a balm to my tired soul. Despite the guilt, I couldn't deny the comfort and excitement I felt when talking to Vicky.

Our conversations became more intimate, helping me understand my desires better. I felt a connection with Vicky that I couldn't explain, and it scared me how much I looked forward to our chats.

Vicky998: "What do you want to try next, Niddhi?"

"I want to feel that excitement again," I confessed, my fingers trembling as I typed.

Vicky998: "We will. Step by step."

His reassurance sent a thrill through me. I was opening up to new experiences, guided by someone who seemed to understand me in a way Raj never could.

Vicky provided emotional support, making me feel cherished in a way I hadn't felt in a long time.

"I sometimes feel guilty about our chats," I messaged one evening, the weight of my secret pressing down on me again.

Vicky998: "Guilt is normal. But you're just exploring your true self. There is no harm in that"

"Thank you for understanding," I replied, feeling a warmth spread through me.

Vicky998: "Always. You deserve to feel desired."

One evening, as Raj and I were watching TV, my phone buzzed with a notification. My heart skipped a beat when I saw it was from Vicky. I discreetly opened the message, glancing at Raj to make sure he didn't notice.

Vicky998: "How are you feeling tonight, Niddhi?"

I quickly typed a reply, my fingers trembling. "I'm okay. Raj is home."

Raj glanced over at me, and I felt a spike of panic. "Who are you texting?" he asked casually.

"Just a friend," I replied, forcing a smile. "Nothing important."

Raj seemed satisfied with my answer and turned back to the TV. I let out a silent breath of relief, my heart still racing. The thrill of almost getting caught only added to the excitement.

The next day, Vicky's message awaited me. "Today, I want you to explore a new sensation. When you're alone, use something different to touch yourself. Maybe a piece of silk or something soft, or gently rub your boobs over your lacy bra"

"Okay, I'll try," I replied, feeling a mix of excitement and apprehension.

Vicky998: "Imagine it's my touch. Imagine my hands guiding you."

I followed his instructions, feeling the softness of the fabric against my skin.


The sensation was different, electrifying. I felt a rush of excitement, my body responding to Vicky's words and the new experience.

"I'm doing it, Vicky. It feels... amazing," I messaged, my breath coming in shallow gasps.

Vicky998: "Good. Focus on the sensations. Let go of any guilt."

"I feel... liberated," I replied, my body tingling with newfound sensations.

For a month, I relished my Saturdays, immersing myself in conversations with Vicky998. Our exchanges were a mix of excitement and intrigue, yet there was an undercurrent of restlessness within me. Something felt incomplete, and I couldn't shake off the nagging feeling.

"Vicky, I enjoy our Saturdays, but I feel like something is still missing."

Vicky998: "What do you think it is, Niddhi?"

"I don't know. Maybe I need to try different things?"

Vicky998: "Absolutely. Let's explore new possibilities."

To my surprise, Vicky998 brought up my office colleague, Vicky.

Vicky998: "Do you still find Vicky attractive?"

"Yes, I do. He's always been nice to me. He was a comfort when I was down."

Vicky998: "Do you want to get close to him?"

"No, I can't do that. I am a married women now"

Vicky998: "I am not saying, act on it but atleast just become good friends."

"But I'm shy. I don't know how."

Vicky998: "Would you mind if he touched you or placed his hand on your shoulder to help you?"

"I should mind but I think I won't, but why would he?"

Vicky998: "What if you compliment him if he looks good in a new shirt or jeans?"

"Maybe I could, but it's still awkward."

Vicky998: "Imagine he has already placed his hands and now you talk to him more often, taking his help. Then, would you?"

"Yes, I think I would."

Vicky998 set a task for me: get to know Vicky better.

Vicky998: "You need to find out about him. Start by taking his help and becoming good friends. Let me know if he's married, if he has kids, how old he is, and what cologne he wears. Also, ask if he talks to strangers online and flirts for fun."

"Okay, I'll try that. I'm excited and a little nervous though."

Vicky998: "It will be thrilling experience for you. Trust me"

Over the next few weeks, I carefully gathered information about Vicky. We became good friends. The following weeks were thrilling as I embarked on this new adventure. It started with small, subtle actions. I would ask Vicky for help with tasks at work, leaning on him for support. Each interaction was a dance of careful words and stolen glances. There was always an underlying tension that added a spark to our conversations.

One afternoon, as I struggled with a particularly tricky report, I called Vicky over for assistance. He stood behind me, leaning in to see the screen. His hand brushed against my shoulder, sending an unexpected shiver down my spine. I stiffened at the contact but quickly relaxed, enjoying the warmth of his touch. He didn't move his hand away, and neither did I.


"You're doing great, Niddhi," he said softly, his voice reassuring.

I turned slightly to look at him, our faces inches apart. "Thank you, Vicky. I appreciate your help," I replied, my voice barely above a whisper.

A few days later, we worked late on a project. As we wrapped up, Vicky and I were deep in conversation, and I followed him outside towards the parking lot. The lot was deserted, the night air cool against my skin. He hesitated for a moment before giving me a gentle hug goodbye.


It was unexpected, but I found myself leaning into it, savoring the warmth of his arms around me. When he pulled away, he smiled warmly, got on his bike, and rode away, leaving me standing there, my heart racing. It felt different, unexpected, but it was warm and comforting. His gesture left me flattered, the memory of his hug flashing in my mind as I walked towards the bus stop.

During the weekend, I shared everything with Vicky998, but I still couldn't uncover anything about his family or if he was married. Despite this, Vicky998 encouraged me after learning about my feelings. I felt shy, reluctant, and guilty for feeling something for a man other than my husband. However, his words and comfort made me realize that I was just exploring and that I deserved it.

The following week, I decided to gather my courage. During a break, when the office was quieter, I found Vicky alone in the break room. My palms were sweaty, and my heart pounded in my chest as I approached him.

"Hey, Vicky," I began nervously, "can I ask you something?"

"Sure, Niddhi. What's up?" He looked up from his phone, his eyes curious.

"Do you ever... I mean, have you ever flirted online just for fun?" The question tumbled out awkwardly.

Vicky's eyes widened in surprise, but then a playful smile spread across his face. "Why do you ask?"

I shrugged, trying to appear casual. "Just curious."

To my astonishment, he stood up and walked over to me, closing the distance between us. He gently took me in his arms, his hands resting on my waist.


The intimacy of the gesture took my breath away. I could feel the warmth of his body against mine, his heartbeat echoing my own rapid pulse.

"You are beautiful, Niddhi," he whispered, his lips brushing against my earlobe.


The sensation sent a jolt of electricity through me. My heart raced as he moved his lips from my earlobe to my neck, trailing soft kisses. Each touch was a spark, igniting a fire deep within me. I felt a shiver run down my spine, my body responding to his every move.

My breaths came faster, and I could feel my resolve melting away, replaced by a growing need.

His kisses moved slowly, deliberately, each one sending waves of pleasure through me. I closed my eyes, savoring the moment, feeling the world around us fade away. His lips traveled up my neck, lingering at the corner of my mouth. We looked in each other eyes, I could feel his warm breath on me. I could feel the anticipation building, my body trembling with desire.


When our lips finally met, it was like a dam breaking. His kiss was deep, passionate, his lips soft yet insistent against mine.

I moaned softly, losing myself in the moment. My hands moved to his shoulders, gripping him tightly as I kissed him back with equal excitement. His hands slid from my waist trailing the curve of my hips, pulling me closer until there was no space left between us.


We moved together, our bodies pressed against each other, the kiss growing more intense with each passing second. I could taste him, feel him, our shared desire enveloping us in a cocoon of passion.

His hands roamed over my back, sending shivers through me, while my fingers tangled in his hair, pulling him even closer. We were lost in each other, the world around us forgotten, until a distant noise broke through our haze of desire. The sound of footsteps approaching brought us back to reality. We reluctantly pulled apart, our breaths coming in ragged gasps, our eyes locked.

He smiled, a warm, knowing smile that made my heart flutter. I couldn't help but smile back, the connection between us undeniable. The footsteps grew louder, and we quickly composed ourselves, the spell broken but the memory of the kiss remained.

The rest of the day went by in a happy blur, the memory of our kiss playing over and over in my mind. I returned home that evening, feeling a mix of great happiness and guilt. As I looked at my husband, the weight of my actions settled heavily on my shoulders.

I couldn't shake the guilt, but I also couldn't deny the happiness I felt. The kiss with Vicky had awakened something in me, something I couldn't ignore. I was torn between the joy of the moment and the loyalty I owed to my husband, the conflict leaving me restless and confused.

The days that followed were filled with a thrilling mix of anticipation and fear. Our interactions at work became more charged, each touch and glance loaded down with unspoken longing. I found myself drawn to Vicky, craving his presence and the thrill of our secret connection.

One evening, we worked late again. As we packed up to leave, Vicky brushed his hand against mine,


sending a spark of excitement through me. "Walk with me," he said softly.

We walked out into the cool night air, the silence between us comfortable yet charged. As we reached his bike, Vicky turned to me, his eyes searching mine. "I've been thinking about you a lot, Niddhi," he confessed, his voice low and sincere.

I felt a rush of warmth at his words. "Me too," I admitted, my voice barely a whisper.

He stepped closer, his hand gently cupping my cheek. "I can't stop thinking about that kiss," he murmured, his eyes dark with desire.

Neither could I. The memory of his lips on mine haunted my thoughts, filling me with a longing I couldn't ignore. "I haven't either," I confessed.

Without another word, he pulled me into his arms, kissing me deeply.


This time, there was no hesitation, only the raw, undeniable pull of our attraction. His hands roamed my back, his touch both gentle and insistent. I felt my body respond, every nerve ending alive with desire. His hands moved in slow, deliberate strokes, sending shivers of pleasure through me. I arched into his touch, my breath hitching as his fingers traced the outline of my spine.

His lips were on mine, soft yet demanding, igniting a response from deep within me. I melted into the kiss, our mouths moving in perfect synchrony, each kiss deeper and more intoxicating than the last. My hands slid up to his shoulders, pulling him closer, as if I could never get enough of him. The taste of him, the feel of his lips, the heat of his body—it was overwhelming.

Every touch, every kiss was a promise, a declaration of the desire that had been building between us. I could feel his heartbeat against my chest, mirroring the distracted rhythm of my own.


Our breaths mingled, heavy and uneven, as we lost ourselves in the moment. But we were in the open, and the rational part of my mind struggled to regain control. With a reluctant sigh, I broke the kiss, our lips parting with a soft, lingering moan. "I'll see you tomorrow," I whispered, my voice breathless and tinged with longing.

He nodded, his eyes dark with unspoken promises, and I forced myself to step back, feeling the loss of his warmth immediately. He waved goodbye, a small, knowing smile on his lips, and I turned away, heading towards the bus stop. My heart was still racing, my body still humming with the afterglow of our kiss.

As I walked, the memory of his touch and the taste of his lips lingered, a bittersweet reminder of the passion we'd shared. We went our separate ways, but the connection between us was undeniable, a pull that I knew would draw us back together again. The rest of the day was a blur of emotions, the exhilaration of our kiss mingling with the ever-present guilt that shadowed my happiness.

When I returned home that evening, I couldn't shake the memory of the kiss, nor could I deny the happiness it had brought me. The conflict between my loyalty to my husband and the undeniable pull I felt towards Vicky left me restless and confused, my heart caught in a turbulent storm of emotions.

Our secret meetings became more frequent, each one more intense than the last. One afternoon, we found ourselves alone in a conference room. The air was thick with anticipation, our gazes locked.

"Are you sure about this?" he asked, his voice husky with desire.

"Yes," I whispered, my body trembling with anticipation.

He stepped closer, his fingers tracing a line down my arm. The sensation sent shivers through me, igniting a fire deep within. His touch was both tender and demanding, awakening desires I had long suppressed.

As he kissed me, I felt myself surrendering to the moment.


His lips were insistent, his hands exploring my body with a familiarity that both thrilled and frightened me. Every touch, every kiss, was a revelation, a journey into a world of pleasure and passion.

A few days later, during another quiet moment at work, Vicky pulled me aside. "We need to talk," he said, his expression serious.

My heart skipped a beat. "About what?" I asked, trying to keep my voice steady.

He led me to a secluded corner of the office, away from prying eyes. "I have a confession to make," he began, his voice low. "I'm the same Vicky you've been chatting with online."

His words hit me like a bolt of lightning. I stared at him, my mind racing. "What? How?" I stammered, struggling to process the revelation.

"I didn't plan it this way," he explained. "But as we got closer online, I realized how much I cared about you. I didn't want to lie to you, but I also didn't want to lose the connection we had."

I felt a mixture of shock, confusion, and something else—relief. Despite the deception, I was glad to know the truth. "I don't know what to say," I admitted, my voice trembling.

He took my hands in his, his touch warm and reassuring. "You don't have to say anything right now. Just know that my feelings for you are real, both online and offline."

The words hung between us, heavy with meaning. I looked into his eyes, searching for any sign of insincerity, but all I saw was genuine affection and concern. My mind was a whirlwind of thoughts and emotions. The Vicky I had confided in, the one who had listened to my fears and dreams, was standing right in front of me.

A part of me wanted to be angry, to feel betrayed by his deception. But another part, a stronger part, felt an overwhelming sense of relief. The connection I had felt online had always been real, and now it had a face, a presence. The man I had kissed, the one who had made my heart race, was the same one who had comforted me through my situations in life.

"I... I think I need some time to process this," I said, my voice barely above a whisper.

He nodded, his grip on my hands tightening slightly before he let go. "Take all the time you need. I just couldn't keep it from you any longer."

As the day went on, I found myself replaying our conversation over and over in my mind. The shock of the revelation was slowly giving way to acceptance. The truth, as startling as it was, brought a sense of clarity. I had felt a genuine connection with Vicky, both online and in person. The deception was a hurdle, but it wasn't impossible.

That evening, as I returned home, the familiar guilt hit me once more. Seeing my husband, the man I had promised to be faithful to, was a stark reminder of the conflict I was facing. But there was also a new understanding, a realization that the feelings I had developed for Vicky were real and significant.

The journey ahead was uncertain, filled with difficult choices and potential heartbreak. But for now, I was content with knowing the truth, with understanding that the connection I had felt was genuine. As I looked at my husband, I knew that the path forward wouldn't be easy, but it was one I had to navigate with honesty and courage.

Over the next few days, I found myself reflecting on Vicky's revelation. The shock had worn off, replaced by a sense of understanding and acceptance. I realized that the connection we shared, both online and offline, was genuine and profound.

One evening, as we worked late again, I found myself alone with Vicky in the office. The air was thick with unspoken words and lingering tension. He approached me, his eyes filled with a mix of hope and apprehension.

"Niddhi," he began softly, "I know this is a lot to take in. But I want you to know that my feelings for you are real. I care about you deeply."

I looked into his eyes, seeing the sincerity in his gaze. "I believe you," I replied, my voice steady. "And I care about you too, Vicky. This connection we have... it's special."

He stepped closer, his hand gently cupping my cheek. "Then let's not waste any more time," he murmured, his lips brushing against mine.

As he kissed me, the world around us seemed to melt away.


Vicky's lips were warm and insistent, his kiss deep and passionate. My heart pounded in my chest as he pulled me closer, our bodies pressed together. There was a charged energy between us, an unspoken promise of something more.

"Let's go somewhere more private," he whispered against my lips, his voice husky with desire.

I nodded, unable to speak, my mind clouded with anticipation. He took my hand and led me to the office terrace, a secluded place that was usually deserted after office hours. The night was cool, the sky dotted with stars, creating a perfect backdrop for our secret rendezvous.

As soon as we stepped onto the terrace, he pulled me into his arms again, his lips finding mine in a feverish kiss.


I melted against him, my hands gripping his shirt as if to steady myself. The cool night air contrasted sharply with the heat between us, heightening every sensation.

Vicky's hands roamed my back, sending shivers of pleasure through me. He pressed me against the wall,


his body aligning perfectly with mine. It was then that I felt it—his erection, hard and insistent against my pelvis. A gasp escaped my lips at the unexpected sensation.

The size of it startled me. It felt different, bigger than what I ever experienced or was it just my imagination but it felt so good. An image of my ex-boyfriend, Sohail, and my husband, Raj, flashed through my mind. Neither of them had ever felt like this. The thought of something bigger and better added to my arousal, making me more passionate in his arms.

He took me in his arms, and with each step backward, he led us to a secluded corner where a cement plank offered a bit of privacy. He sat down, pulling me onto his lap. Our eyes locked, and in that instant, the world outside ceased to exist. I moved my hips against him, feeling the hardness and length of him beneath me. A wave of pleasure shot through me, making me moan softly against his lips. The sound seemed to ignite something in him, his grip tightening on my waist as he pulled me closer.

I was lost in the moment, in the feel of him, in the forbidden thrill of our encounter. My hands found their way to his shoulders, clutching him as if I might never let go. His lips moved from mine to trail kisses along my jawline, each touch sending shivers down my spine.


My body reacted instinctively, pressing closer to him, grinding against his erection. The friction against my sensitive core was exquisite, sending sparks of pleasure through me. I was completely wet, my arousal soaking through my panties. I had never felt this way before, never experienced such intense pleasure just from grinding against someone.

Vicky's hands slid down to my hips, guiding my movements, encouraging me.


His kisses became more urgent, more demanding. I matched his intensity, losing myself in the heat of the moment. The feel of him, the size of him, was driving me wild with desire.

I felt the pressure building inside me, an orgasm unlike any I had ever experienced before. My body tensed, my breath coming in short gasps as the pleasure mounted. And then, with a final, desperate grind against him, I came.


The orgasm ripped through me, intense and all-consuming, leaving me breathless and trembling in his arms. We broke the kiss, both of us panting, our foreheads pressed together. I was almost dripping, my panties soaked with my arousal. I could feel the wetness between my thighs, the evidence of my intense orgasm.

It was a moment of pure, raw pleasure, unlike anything I had ever known.

"I need to check something," I whispered, my voice shaky with the aftershocks of my orgasm.

Vicky nodded, his eyes dark with desire and concern. I slipped away from him and made my way to the washroom. Inside, I locked the door and quickly checked my condition. My panties were soaked, and I could feel the stickiness of my arousal on my thighs. I touched myself gently, feeling the wetness, the aftermath of my intense orgasm.


For the first time, I didn't want to wash away the evidence. It felt like a badge of my newfound desire, a reminder of the intense pleasure I had just experienced. I decided to leave it as it was, a secret only I would know.

I remembered Vicky might be waiting for me and hurried out of the washroom. As I made my way to the bus stand, I saw him waiting for me on his bike. It was already 8 PM, and I appreciated his thoughtfulness.

The night air cool against my heated skin. We stood close together, maintaining a appearance of decency in the open. When the bus finally arrived, we said our goodbyes, a wave of our hands the only sign of our earlier intimacy. Our fingers brushed briefly, a secret touch that sent a jolt of electricity through me.

As I boarded the bus, I looked back at Vicky. He was watching me, a small smile playing on his lips. I smiled back, my heart racing with the excitement of our shared secret.

When I reached home, it was 9 PM. Raj was already there, his eyes questioning as he looked at me. I felt a pang of guilt but quickly fabricated a believable lie about the workload and staying late to finish a project. He seemed to accept my explanation, but I could see a flicker of doubt in his eyes.

As I prepared for bed, my mind kept drifting back to Vicky and our encounter on the terrace. The memory of his touch, the feel of his erection against me, the intense pleasure of my orgasm—it all played on a loop in my mind. All this while preparing dinner for Raj, I knew I came home late and Raj must have been hungry. It felt bad that Raj had to wait for dinner, so I diverted my mind and started preparing the meal. Finally, we sat down to eat.

As I was eating, the intimate moments with Vicky kept flashing in my mind, and I felt myself getting wet again. I was unable to complete my dinner, worried that Raj might notice my distraction and ask questions. I was in no mood to answer and feared I might slip up a lie. So, I excused myself, saying I wasn't feeling well and was really tired. I went to the bedroom and changed into my satin nightgown, hoping to find some peace in sleep. But my mind was restless, replaying the events of the day.

I closed my eyes, trying to sleep, but then Raj came into the bedroom. I was facing away from him when he came from behind and cuddled me. I could feel his naked body against my satin nightgown and his erection pressing against me. It was nothing like what I had experienced earlier today on the office terrace under the starlit sky. I got aroused at the memory of Vicky and felt myself getting wet and flowing.

It took only a minute for Raj to turn me around. He simply pulled my gown up until my pelvis was exposed, pulled down my panties, and inserted himself inside me. As he moved, laying on top of me, he kept moaning, "I love you, I love you," and I was in a trance of imagination, surprisingly enjoying Raj's touch today.


Maybe the imagination had an effect, and the thrusts felt like bliss, reminding me of our honeymoon times. I kissed Raj passionately.

All this happened in a matter of minutes, and with only 4-5 thrusts, Raj had already cum. Panting and taking short gasps, he lay beside me, drifting off to sleep. I turned away, not depressed or sad about the moment with Raj today. Instead, I was still thinking of Vicky, smiling and remembering him. I drifted off to sleep, knowing that tomorrow we would meet again, filled with anticipation and excitement. I slept peacefully.

To Be Continued...
The gradual evolution of Nidhi's character through her friendship with Vicky is truly captivating. The way Vicky subtly influences Nidhi's growth and development is both heartwarming and thought-provoking. It raises the question of whether other relationships in Nidhi's life will also play a role in her transformation. Will she continue to find sources of strength and support in unexpected places, or will Vicky remain the primary catalyst for her personal growth? Only time will tell, but the potential for further exploration of Nidhi's journey is incredibly exciting.
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U are great simran ...i really like your writings skills .....you hve amazing imaginations...another story with letter concept to show love emotions and dor apologies as well.....
Nidhi is going well with Vicky..day by day with more intimacy....also give some little chance to ravi also ....his short scene with nidhi was also highly erotic ..will appreciate if you write some more scenes with ravi also...
Again one more nice work from you
Keep it up
Love you 😘 😘


New Member
# Desires Awekening #

Four months had passed since our wedding, and our intimate life had remained the same. Raj's performance in bed, which had been mediocre from the start, was now explicitly dissatisfying. Our intimate moments were brief, consisting of a few kisses, undressing, and a few minutes of intercourse. There was no excitement, no passion.

It was a warm summer night. The room was dimly lit by the soft glow of the bedside lamp, casting gentle shadows on the walls. The air conditioner hummed softly, providing a cool respite from the oppressive heat outside. I sat at the edge of the bed, brushing my hair absentmindedly, my mind wandering as I prepared for another night of going through the motions.

Raj entered the room, his usual pleasant demeanor intact. He smiled at me, and I returned the gesture, though my heart wasn't in it. I wanted to feel something more, to have my heart race with anticipation, but it was as if a barrier had formed between us, preventing any real connection.

"Hey," he said softly, sitting down beside me and placing a hand on my back. "You look beautiful tonight."

"Thank you," I replied, forcing a smile. I set my brush down and turned to face him, trying to muster some enthusiasm. "How was your day?"

"It was fine," he said, leaning in to kiss me. His lips were soft, but the kiss was indifferent, lacking the spark I craved.

Raj - "How about you?"

"The same," I said, keeping my tone light. "Just the usual."

He nodded and kissed me again, this time with a bit more pressure, but it still felt mechanical. I kissed him back, trying to ignore the hollow feeling inside me. We continued like this for a few minutes, exchanging kisses that were more about routine than desire.

Raj began to undress, and I followed,


slipping out of my nightgown and laying it neatly on the chair beside the bed. As we climbed into bed, I tried to remind myself that this was just a phase, that things would improve with time. But deep down, I knew that wasn't true.

He moved on top of me, his weight pressing down in a way that felt more suffocating than intimate. His kisses trailed down my neck and across my collarbone, but there was no urgency, no passion. I closed my eyes, willing myself to feel something, anything, but my mind remained detached, observing the motions without truly participating.

Raj's hands roamed my body, but his touch was mechanical, lacking the fire that should have been there. He entered me with a gentle thrust, and I bit my lip to stifle a sigh.


I didn't want to hurt his feelings, didn't want him to know how truly disconnected I felt in these moments.

Our bodies moved together in a rhythm that was familiar but uninspired. Raj's breath quickened, and I knew it wouldn't be long before he finished. I tried to focus on the sensations, tried to find some spark of pleasure, but it was like trying to ignite a fire with wet matches.

He climaxed with a soft groan, his body tensing before relaxing against mine. He kissed my cheek and whispered, "I love you," before rolling off me and lying on his back.

"I love you too," I replied, my voice barely above a whisper. I turned onto my side, facing away from him, and pulled the covers up to my chin. I felt tears prickling at the corners of my eyes but blinked them away, determined not to let him see my disappointment.

Raj draped an arm over me, snuggling close. "Goodnight, Niddhi," he murmured, his voice drowsy.

"Goodnight, Raj," I said softly, my voice steady despite the turmoil inside. I waited until his breathing slowed, signaling that he had fallen asleep, before allowing myself to fully acknowledge the depth of my dissatisfaction.

I stared at the wall, my mind racing. How had we ended up here? Our wedding had been a beautiful affair, filled with hope and promise. I had believed that our love would grow stronger with time, that our connection would deepen. But instead, it felt like we were drifting further apart with each passing day.

I remembered the conversations we had during our honeymoon, the excitement and anticipation we had felt about building a life together. But now, those dreams seemed distant and unattainable. Our physical intimacy was supposed to be a reflection of our emotional bond, but instead, it felt like a hollow ritual, devoid of the passion and excitement I had hoped for.

I was restless, moved from one side to another with all the intense feelings and thoughts, As I lay there,


I wondered if Raj felt the same way. Did he sense the growing distance between us, or was he content with the current situation? I wanted to talk to him about it, to share my feelings and work together to find a solution, but I was afraid. Afraid of hurting him, afraid of confrontation, afraid of what it might mean for our future.

I turned onto my back, staring up at the ceiling. I could hear the soft hum of the air conditioner, the faint sounds of the city outside, but inside our room, there was only silence. I felt a discomfort of loneliness, sharper and more painful than any physical ache.

I knew I couldn't go on like this indefinitely. Something had to change. But how? I was trapped in a cycle of politeness and avoidance, always acting happy and content, always keeping my true feelings hidden. It was exhausting, and I didn't know how much longer I could keep up the charade.

In the darkness, I made a silent vow to myself. I would find a way to bridge the gap between us, to rekindle the passion and connection that had brought us together in the first place. It wouldn't be easy, and it would require honesty and vulnerability, but it was the only way to save our marriage.

With a deep sigh, I closed my eyes and tried to sleep. Tomorrow was another day, another chance to make things right. I clung to that hope, allowing it to soothe the ache in my heart.

The next day, I couldn't shake off the lingering thoughts from the night before. All day, I was consumed by the growing dissatisfaction and the missing spark. I kept running through scenarios in my head, trying to figure out what I was missing and what I needed. The frustration built up, casting a shadow over my mood. By the time I reached home, I was upset, and even the routine of household chores couldn't distract me.

Raj had already freshened up and was sitting on the sofa when I walked into the living room, my mind still a whirlpool of unresolved emotions.

"Are you okay, Niddhi?" Raj asked, his eyes filled with concern.

"Yes, Raj. Just tired," I replied, forcing a smile to mask the turmoil inside. I didn't want to hurt his feelings, but inside, I craved the sensations I felt during my online chats with Vicky998, an online stranger who could ignite desires in me with just words.

Later, I found myself daydreaming about those conversations, wondering why they made me feel so much more than the real thing. What was it about Vicky998 that could arouse such deep desires in me? His messages were filled with a raw, unfiltered passion that made my heart race and my body tingle.

"Why do I crave more?" I thought, the confusion growing on me. "What is it about Vicky998 that makes me feel this way?"

The memory of Ravi's touch while piercing my navel ring also lingered. His unexpected touch had been thrilling, making me feel things I shouldn't have felt. The contrast between those illicit thrills and the sad reality with Raj was stark and troubling.

One evening, alone in my room, I tried to recreate those feelings. My fingers traced, I touched my self lost in imagination of the path of Ravi's touch on my skin,


My mind filled with the forbidden excitement of that moment. I felt aroused, but guilt quickly followed.

"This is wrong. I shouldn't be thinking about Ravi," I thought, cursing myself. I slapped my cheek lightly, trying to snap out of it, but the craving for passion and excitement was too strong.

Thursday Night, I resolved to give our intimate moments with Raj another try. I greeted him with my best smile, determined to engage more, hoping for a different outcome. As we kissed and undressed, I tried to push aside my doubts and immerse myself in the moment.

Raj began with a few kisses, but they still felt mechanical, empty of any real passion. His touch was gentle but uninspired, and before I could even get into the mood, he climaxed with a soft groan, barely entering me.

"I'm sorry, Niddhi," he panted, rolling off me. "I must be tired. I used to perform so well before."

"It's okay, Raj. No pressure," I lied, forcing a reassuring smile. "I'm glad you're happy, and that's my duty as a beloved wife, honey."

Raj kissed my forehead and held me close, his warmth a small comfort. But deep down, the frustration and yearning only intensified. I lay beside him, feeling a mix of love and dissatisfaction. Why couldn't he ignite the same fire in me that Vicky998 or even Ravi's brief touch had?

The next day, I couldn't shake off the heavy weight of disappointment. My thoughts kept returning to those online chats with Vicky998, the way his words could make me feel alive and desired. It was a stark contrast to the emptiness I felt in my real-life interactions with Raj.

Raj noticed my mood as soon as he walked in the door that evening. "Are you sure everything's okay, Niddhi? You seem distant," he said, his concern evident.

"Yes, Raj," I replied, trying to keep my voice steady. "It's just been a long week."

He kissed my forehead and held me close, his warmth a small comfort. But even as I lay in his arms, my mind wandered back to those conversations with Vicky998, to the illicit thrill of Ravi's touch. Why did those memories make me feel so much more than the real thing?

In an attempt to find some clarity, I decided to focus on my work and household chores. I threw myself into my tasks, trying to ignore the cravings that haunted me. But the confusion and yearning never left. Every day was a struggle between my love for Raj and the unfulfilled desires that bothered my heart.

As I went about my day, I couldn't help but think about what I really wanted. Was it wrong to crave more passion, more excitement? Was I being ungrateful for the love and stability Raj provided? The questions swirled in my mind, leaving me more confused and frustrated.

On Saturday, I was home alone. The loneliness and dissatisfaction overwhelmed me. I reached for my phone, hesitating for a moment before opening the chat with Vicky998. His last message was still there, filled with the same raw, unfiltered passion that had always drawn me in. My fingers hovered over the keyboard, a mix of anticipation and guilt churning in my stomach.

"Why do I crave this so much?" I thought, my mind a whirlwind of conflicting emotions. "Why can't I feel this way with My Husband, Raj?"

The questions remained unanswered as I stared at the screen, torn between my loyalty to Raj and the unfulfilled desires that pierced my heart. My mind wandered, and despite fighting my inner self, I found myself messaging Vicky998.

"Hi, Vicky. How are you?"

Vicky998: "Hey, Niddhi! I'm good. How have you been?"

"I've been... okay. Just feeling a bit lonely today."

Vicky998: "I understand. It's been a while since we talked. What's been going on?"

"Life is pretty much the same. Work, home... and my sex life is so mundane and traditional. There's no excitement."

I didn't hesitate for a second before sharing this with a complete stranger, but Vicky998 was more than a stranger to me. He always made me feel comfortable, and for some reason, I trusted him completely, even forgetting that I am now a married woman and this might be wrong to share. That thought never even crossed my mind.

Vicky998: "I'm sorry to hear that. Why do you think that is?"

"I don't know. It's just... the same routine every time. I remember how I felt that day... with you during our chat. And I've never felt that way since."

Vicky998 understood my difficult situation and played his card.

Vicky998: "Niddhi, you're married, and that's fine. But you should keep exploring yourself. I can help you. You don't have to worry."

"But... I don't want to interrupt my married life."

Vicky998: "I won't interrupt it. I'm just here to help you feel things no one else can. If you want, we can communicate only on Saturdays or when you're alone."

After some thought, I agreed. Our conversations became a normal part of my life, and I made sure to delete all chats and hide the app regularly, as Vicky998 trained me.

"Okay, Vicky. Let's do that. Saturdays or when I'm alone."

Vicky998: "Great. I promise you'll enjoy this. Let's start slow. Tell me about your week."

"It's been busy. Managing the house and work is exhausting. Raj is sweet, but..."

Vicky998: "But what?"

"But our intimacy lacks excitement. It's always the same," I had confessed to him.

Vicky998: "I understand. Let's focus on you. What excites you, Niddhi?"

"I don't know. I think... maybe exploring new things?" I replied, my heart pounding with the thrill of the unknown.

I had already shared what happened with Ravi with Vicky998, and his next question made perfect sense.

Vicky998: "Good. Let's explore together. Do you remember the sensations from that day, with Ravi?"

"Yes, vividly. It felt... different," I admitted, the memory of Ravi's touch sending a shiver down my spine.

Our conversations continued to deepen, and I found myself looking forward to our chats more than anything else. It was as if I had discovered a hidden part of myself, one that yearned for excitement and new experiences.

Vicky998: "How do you feel when you're alone and think about those sensations?"

"I feel aroused but guilty," I confessed, my fingers trembling as I typed.

Vicky998: "Guilt is natural. But remember, exploring your desires is part of knowing yourself."

"I guess you're right. I do want to know more," I replied, feeling a strange mix of liberation and excitement.

Saturdays became our special days. I ensured everything was hidden and deleted our chats as Vicky had taught me. The thrill of secrecy added an extra layer of excitement to our interactions.

Vicky998: "Today, I want you to do something for me. When you're alone, touch yourself like you did before."

"Okay, I'll try," I replied, my heart racing with anticipation.

Vicky998: "Are you alone?"

"Yess Vicky, Why?"

Vicky998: "Great!, Now Imagine my hands instead of yours. Imagine my voice guiding you."

"That sounds... intriguing," I typed, feeling a warmth spread through me.

Vicky998: "Good. Now, close your eyes and take a deep breath."

I followed Vicky's instructions, feeling a mix of excitement and guilt.


"I'm doing it, Vicky. It feels... different," I messaged, my breath coming in shallow gasps.

Vicky998: "Good. Now, focus on the sensations. Don't think about anything else."

"I feel... alive," I typed, my body tingling with newfound sensations.

Vicky998: "That's it. You're discovering yourself."

Our conversations became a lifeline. I felt understood and excited, something I hadn't felt in a long time.

"Vicky, I tried what you said. It was amazing," I messaged, feeling a flush of excitement.

Vicky998: "I'm glad. You're opening up to new experiences."

"But I still feel guilty," I admitted, the weight of my actions pressing down on me.

Vicky998: "It's okay to feel that way. You're not doing anything wrong. You're just exploring."

I made sure the app was hidden and chats were deleted, maintaining my secrecy. But, I even chatted with him when Raj was home. It added a thrill, knowing that Raj was just a room away, completely unaware of my activities.

Balancing my life, I found comfort in our conversations. They were a secret escape, a world where I could be my true self.

"Today was tough. But talking to you makes it better," I messaged Vicky one evening after a particularly exhausting day.

Vicky998: "I'm always here for you. Remember, you're not alone."

His words were a balm to my tired soul. Despite the guilt, I couldn't deny the comfort and excitement I felt when talking to Vicky.

Our conversations became more intimate, helping me understand my desires better. I felt a connection with Vicky that I couldn't explain, and it scared me how much I looked forward to our chats.

Vicky998: "What do you want to try next, Niddhi?"

"I want to feel that excitement again," I confessed, my fingers trembling as I typed.

Vicky998: "We will. Step by step."

His reassurance sent a thrill through me. I was opening up to new experiences, guided by someone who seemed to understand me in a way Raj never could.

Vicky provided emotional support, making me feel cherished in a way I hadn't felt in a long time.

"I sometimes feel guilty about our chats," I messaged one evening, the weight of my secret pressing down on me again.

Vicky998: "Guilt is normal. But you're just exploring your true self. There is no harm in that"

"Thank you for understanding," I replied, feeling a warmth spread through me.

Vicky998: "Always. You deserve to feel desired."

One evening, as Raj and I were watching TV, my phone buzzed with a notification. My heart skipped a beat when I saw it was from Vicky. I discreetly opened the message, glancing at Raj to make sure he didn't notice.

Vicky998: "How are you feeling tonight, Niddhi?"

I quickly typed a reply, my fingers trembling. "I'm okay. Raj is home."

Raj glanced over at me, and I felt a spike of panic. "Who are you texting?" he asked casually.

"Just a friend," I replied, forcing a smile. "Nothing important."

Raj seemed satisfied with my answer and turned back to the TV. I let out a silent breath of relief, my heart still racing. The thrill of almost getting caught only added to the excitement.

The next day, Vicky's message awaited me. "Today, I want you to explore a new sensation. When you're alone, use something different to touch yourself. Maybe a piece of silk or something soft, or gently rub your boobs over your lacy bra"

"Okay, I'll try," I replied, feeling a mix of excitement and apprehension.

Vicky998: "Imagine it's my touch. Imagine my hands guiding you."

I followed his instructions, feeling the softness of the fabric against my skin.


The sensation was different, electrifying. I felt a rush of excitement, my body responding to Vicky's words and the new experience.

"I'm doing it, Vicky. It feels... amazing," I messaged, my breath coming in shallow gasps.

Vicky998: "Good. Focus on the sensations. Let go of any guilt."

"I feel... liberated," I replied, my body tingling with newfound sensations.

For a month, I relished my Saturdays, immersing myself in conversations with Vicky998. Our exchanges were a mix of excitement and intrigue, yet there was an undercurrent of restlessness within me. Something felt incomplete, and I couldn't shake off the nagging feeling.

"Vicky, I enjoy our Saturdays, but I feel like something is still missing."

Vicky998: "What do you think it is, Niddhi?"

"I don't know. Maybe I need to try different things?"

Vicky998: "Absolutely. Let's explore new possibilities."

To my surprise, Vicky998 brought up my office colleague, Vicky.

Vicky998: "Do you still find Vicky attractive?"

"Yes, I do. He's always been nice to me. He was a comfort when I was down."

Vicky998: "Do you want to get close to him?"

"No, I can't do that. I am a married women now"

Vicky998: "I am not saying, act on it but atleast just become good friends."

"But I'm shy. I don't know how."

Vicky998: "Would you mind if he touched you or placed his hand on your shoulder to help you?"

"I should mind but I think I won't, but why would he?"

Vicky998: "What if you compliment him if he looks good in a new shirt or jeans?"

"Maybe I could, but it's still awkward."

Vicky998: "Imagine he has already placed his hands and now you talk to him more often, taking his help. Then, would you?"

"Yes, I think I would."

Vicky998 set a task for me: get to know Vicky better.

Vicky998: "You need to find out about him. Start by taking his help and becoming good friends. Let me know if he's married, if he has kids, how old he is, and what cologne he wears. Also, ask if he talks to strangers online and flirts for fun."

"Okay, I'll try that. I'm excited and a little nervous though."

Vicky998: "It will be thrilling experience for you. Trust me"

Over the next few weeks, I carefully gathered information about Vicky. We became good friends. The following weeks were thrilling as I embarked on this new adventure. It started with small, subtle actions. I would ask Vicky for help with tasks at work, leaning on him for support. Each interaction was a dance of careful words and stolen glances. There was always an underlying tension that added a spark to our conversations.

One afternoon, as I struggled with a particularly tricky report, I called Vicky over for assistance. He stood behind me, leaning in to see the screen. His hand brushed against my shoulder, sending an unexpected shiver down my spine. I stiffened at the contact but quickly relaxed, enjoying the warmth of his touch. He didn't move his hand away, and neither did I.


"You're doing great, Niddhi," he said softly, his voice reassuring.

I turned slightly to look at him, our faces inches apart. "Thank you, Vicky. I appreciate your help," I replied, my voice barely above a whisper.

A few days later, we worked late on a project. As we wrapped up, Vicky and I were deep in conversation, and I followed him outside towards the parking lot. The lot was deserted, the night air cool against my skin. He hesitated for a moment before giving me a gentle hug goodbye.


It was unexpected, but I found myself leaning into it, savoring the warmth of his arms around me. When he pulled away, he smiled warmly, got on his bike, and rode away, leaving me standing there, my heart racing. It felt different, unexpected, but it was warm and comforting. His gesture left me flattered, the memory of his hug flashing in my mind as I walked towards the bus stop.

During the weekend, I shared everything with Vicky998, but I still couldn't uncover anything about his family or if he was married. Despite this, Vicky998 encouraged me after learning about my feelings. I felt shy, reluctant, and guilty for feeling something for a man other than my husband. However, his words and comfort made me realize that I was just exploring and that I deserved it.

The following week, I decided to gather my courage. During a break, when the office was quieter, I found Vicky alone in the break room. My palms were sweaty, and my heart pounded in my chest as I approached him.

"Hey, Vicky," I began nervously, "can I ask you something?"

"Sure, Niddhi. What's up?" He looked up from his phone, his eyes curious.

"Do you ever... I mean, have you ever flirted online just for fun?" The question tumbled out awkwardly.

Vicky's eyes widened in surprise, but then a playful smile spread across his face. "Why do you ask?"

I shrugged, trying to appear casual. "Just curious."

To my astonishment, he stood up and walked over to me, closing the distance between us. He gently took me in his arms, his hands resting on my waist.


The intimacy of the gesture took my breath away. I could feel the warmth of his body against mine, his heartbeat echoing my own rapid pulse.

"You are beautiful, Niddhi," he whispered, his lips brushing against my earlobe.


The sensation sent a jolt of electricity through me. My heart raced as he moved his lips from my earlobe to my neck, trailing soft kisses. Each touch was a spark, igniting a fire deep within me. I felt a shiver run down my spine, my body responding to his every move.

My breaths came faster, and I could feel my resolve melting away, replaced by a growing need.

His kisses moved slowly, deliberately, each one sending waves of pleasure through me. I closed my eyes, savoring the moment, feeling the world around us fade away. His lips traveled up my neck, lingering at the corner of my mouth. We looked in each other eyes, I could feel his warm breath on me. I could feel the anticipation building, my body trembling with desire.


When our lips finally met, it was like a dam breaking. His kiss was deep, passionate, his lips soft yet insistent against mine.

I moaned softly, losing myself in the moment. My hands moved to his shoulders, gripping him tightly as I kissed him back with equal excitement. His hands slid from my waist trailing the curve of my hips, pulling me closer until there was no space left between us.


We moved together, our bodies pressed against each other, the kiss growing more intense with each passing second. I could taste him, feel him, our shared desire enveloping us in a cocoon of passion.

His hands roamed over my back, sending shivers through me, while my fingers tangled in his hair, pulling him even closer. We were lost in each other, the world around us forgotten, until a distant noise broke through our haze of desire. The sound of footsteps approaching brought us back to reality. We reluctantly pulled apart, our breaths coming in ragged gasps, our eyes locked.

He smiled, a warm, knowing smile that made my heart flutter. I couldn't help but smile back, the connection between us undeniable. The footsteps grew louder, and we quickly composed ourselves, the spell broken but the memory of the kiss remained.

The rest of the day went by in a happy blur, the memory of our kiss playing over and over in my mind. I returned home that evening, feeling a mix of great happiness and guilt. As I looked at my husband, the weight of my actions settled heavily on my shoulders.

I couldn't shake the guilt, but I also couldn't deny the happiness I felt. The kiss with Vicky had awakened something in me, something I couldn't ignore. I was torn between the joy of the moment and the loyalty I owed to my husband, the conflict leaving me restless and confused.

The days that followed were filled with a thrilling mix of anticipation and fear. Our interactions at work became more charged, each touch and glance loaded down with unspoken longing. I found myself drawn to Vicky, craving his presence and the thrill of our secret connection.

One evening, we worked late again. As we packed up to leave, Vicky brushed his hand against mine,


sending a spark of excitement through me. "Walk with me," he said softly.

We walked out into the cool night air, the silence between us comfortable yet charged. As we reached his bike, Vicky turned to me, his eyes searching mine. "I've been thinking about you a lot, Niddhi," he confessed, his voice low and sincere.

I felt a rush of warmth at his words. "Me too," I admitted, my voice barely a whisper.

He stepped closer, his hand gently cupping my cheek. "I can't stop thinking about that kiss," he murmured, his eyes dark with desire.

Neither could I. The memory of his lips on mine haunted my thoughts, filling me with a longing I couldn't ignore. "I haven't either," I confessed.

Without another word, he pulled me into his arms, kissing me deeply.


This time, there was no hesitation, only the raw, undeniable pull of our attraction. His hands roamed my back, his touch both gentle and insistent. I felt my body respond, every nerve ending alive with desire. His hands moved in slow, deliberate strokes, sending shivers of pleasure through me. I arched into his touch, my breath hitching as his fingers traced the outline of my spine.

His lips were on mine, soft yet demanding, igniting a response from deep within me. I melted into the kiss, our mouths moving in perfect synchrony, each kiss deeper and more intoxicating than the last. My hands slid up to his shoulders, pulling him closer, as if I could never get enough of him. The taste of him, the feel of his lips, the heat of his body—it was overwhelming.

Every touch, every kiss was a promise, a declaration of the desire that had been building between us. I could feel his heartbeat against my chest, mirroring the distracted rhythm of my own.


Our breaths mingled, heavy and uneven, as we lost ourselves in the moment. But we were in the open, and the rational part of my mind struggled to regain control. With a reluctant sigh, I broke the kiss, our lips parting with a soft, lingering moan. "I'll see you tomorrow," I whispered, my voice breathless and tinged with longing.

He nodded, his eyes dark with unspoken promises, and I forced myself to step back, feeling the loss of his warmth immediately. He waved goodbye, a small, knowing smile on his lips, and I turned away, heading towards the bus stop. My heart was still racing, my body still humming with the afterglow of our kiss.

As I walked, the memory of his touch and the taste of his lips lingered, a bittersweet reminder of the passion we'd shared. We went our separate ways, but the connection between us was undeniable, a pull that I knew would draw us back together again. The rest of the day was a blur of emotions, the exhilaration of our kiss mingling with the ever-present guilt that shadowed my happiness.

When I returned home that evening, I couldn't shake the memory of the kiss, nor could I deny the happiness it had brought me. The conflict between my loyalty to my husband and the undeniable pull I felt towards Vicky left me restless and confused, my heart caught in a turbulent storm of emotions.

Our secret meetings became more frequent, each one more intense than the last. One afternoon, we found ourselves alone in a conference room. The air was thick with anticipation, our gazes locked.

"Are you sure about this?" he asked, his voice husky with desire.

"Yes," I whispered, my body trembling with anticipation.

He stepped closer, his fingers tracing a line down my arm. The sensation sent shivers through me, igniting a fire deep within. His touch was both tender and demanding, awakening desires I had long suppressed.

As he kissed me, I felt myself surrendering to the moment.


His lips were insistent, his hands exploring my body with a familiarity that both thrilled and frightened me. Every touch, every kiss, was a revelation, a journey into a world of pleasure and passion.

A few days later, during another quiet moment at work, Vicky pulled me aside. "We need to talk," he said, his expression serious.

My heart skipped a beat. "About what?" I asked, trying to keep my voice steady.

He led me to a secluded corner of the office, away from prying eyes. "I have a confession to make," he began, his voice low. "I'm the same Vicky you've been chatting with online."

His words hit me like a bolt of lightning. I stared at him, my mind racing. "What? How?" I stammered, struggling to process the revelation.

"I didn't plan it this way," he explained. "But as we got closer online, I realized how much I cared about you. I didn't want to lie to you, but I also didn't want to lose the connection we had."

I felt a mixture of shock, confusion, and something else—relief. Despite the deception, I was glad to know the truth. "I don't know what to say," I admitted, my voice trembling.

He took my hands in his, his touch warm and reassuring. "You don't have to say anything right now. Just know that my feelings for you are real, both online and offline."

The words hung between us, heavy with meaning. I looked into his eyes, searching for any sign of insincerity, but all I saw was genuine affection and concern. My mind was a whirlwind of thoughts and emotions. The Vicky I had confided in, the one who had listened to my fears and dreams, was standing right in front of me.

A part of me wanted to be angry, to feel betrayed by his deception. But another part, a stronger part, felt an overwhelming sense of relief. The connection I had felt online had always been real, and now it had a face, a presence. The man I had kissed, the one who had made my heart race, was the same one who had comforted me through my situations in life.

"I... I think I need some time to process this," I said, my voice barely above a whisper.

He nodded, his grip on my hands tightening slightly before he let go. "Take all the time you need. I just couldn't keep it from you any longer."

As the day went on, I found myself replaying our conversation over and over in my mind. The shock of the revelation was slowly giving way to acceptance. The truth, as startling as it was, brought a sense of clarity. I had felt a genuine connection with Vicky, both online and in person. The deception was a hurdle, but it wasn't impossible.

That evening, as I returned home, the familiar guilt hit me once more. Seeing my husband, the man I had promised to be faithful to, was a stark reminder of the conflict I was facing. But there was also a new understanding, a realization that the feelings I had developed for Vicky were real and significant.

The journey ahead was uncertain, filled with difficult choices and potential heartbreak. But for now, I was content with knowing the truth, with understanding that the connection I had felt was genuine. As I looked at my husband, I knew that the path forward wouldn't be easy, but it was one I had to navigate with honesty and courage.

Over the next few days, I found myself reflecting on Vicky's revelation. The shock had worn off, replaced by a sense of understanding and acceptance. I realized that the connection we shared, both online and offline, was genuine and profound.

One evening, as we worked late again, I found myself alone with Vicky in the office. The air was thick with unspoken words and lingering tension. He approached me, his eyes filled with a mix of hope and apprehension.

"Niddhi," he began softly, "I know this is a lot to take in. But I want you to know that my feelings for you are real. I care about you deeply."

I looked into his eyes, seeing the sincerity in his gaze. "I believe you," I replied, my voice steady. "And I care about you too, Vicky. This connection we have... it's special."

He stepped closer, his hand gently cupping my cheek. "Then let's not waste any more time," he murmured, his lips brushing against mine.

As he kissed me, the world around us seemed to melt away.


Vicky's lips were warm and insistent, his kiss deep and passionate. My heart pounded in my chest as he pulled me closer, our bodies pressed together. There was a charged energy between us, an unspoken promise of something more.

"Let's go somewhere more private," he whispered against my lips, his voice husky with desire.

I nodded, unable to speak, my mind clouded with anticipation. He took my hand and led me to the office terrace, a secluded place that was usually deserted after office hours. The night was cool, the sky dotted with stars, creating a perfect backdrop for our secret rendezvous.

As soon as we stepped onto the terrace, he pulled me into his arms again, his lips finding mine in a feverish kiss.


I melted against him, my hands gripping his shirt as if to steady myself. The cool night air contrasted sharply with the heat between us, heightening every sensation.

Vicky's hands roamed my back, sending shivers of pleasure through me. He pressed me against the wall,


his body aligning perfectly with mine. It was then that I felt it—his erection, hard and insistent against my pelvis. A gasp escaped my lips at the unexpected sensation.

The size of it startled me. It felt different, bigger than what I ever experienced or was it just my imagination but it felt so good. An image of my ex-boyfriend, Sohail, and my husband, Raj, flashed through my mind. Neither of them had ever felt like this. The thought of something bigger and better added to my arousal, making me more passionate in his arms.

He took me in his arms, and with each step backward, he led us to a secluded corner where a cement plank offered a bit of privacy. He sat down, pulling me onto his lap. Our eyes locked, and in that instant, the world outside ceased to exist. I moved my hips against him, feeling the hardness and length of him beneath me. A wave of pleasure shot through me, making me moan softly against his lips. The sound seemed to ignite something in him, his grip tightening on my waist as he pulled me closer.

I was lost in the moment, in the feel of him, in the forbidden thrill of our encounter. My hands found their way to his shoulders, clutching him as if I might never let go. His lips moved from mine to trail kisses along my jawline, each touch sending shivers down my spine.


My body reacted instinctively, pressing closer to him, grinding against his erection. The friction against my sensitive core was exquisite, sending sparks of pleasure through me. I was completely wet, my arousal soaking through my panties. I had never felt this way before, never experienced such intense pleasure just from grinding against someone.

Vicky's hands slid down to my hips, guiding my movements, encouraging me.


His kisses became more urgent, more demanding. I matched his intensity, losing myself in the heat of the moment. The feel of him, the size of him, was driving me wild with desire.

I felt the pressure building inside me, an orgasm unlike any I had ever experienced before. My body tensed, my breath coming in short gasps as the pleasure mounted. And then, with a final, desperate grind against him, I came.


The orgasm ripped through me, intense and all-consuming, leaving me breathless and trembling in his arms. We broke the kiss, both of us panting, our foreheads pressed together. I was almost dripping, my panties soaked with my arousal. I could feel the wetness between my thighs, the evidence of my intense orgasm.

It was a moment of pure, raw pleasure, unlike anything I had ever known.

"I need to check something," I whispered, my voice shaky with the aftershocks of my orgasm.

Vicky nodded, his eyes dark with desire and concern. I slipped away from him and made my way to the washroom. Inside, I locked the door and quickly checked my condition. My panties were soaked, and I could feel the stickiness of my arousal on my thighs. I touched myself gently, feeling the wetness, the aftermath of my intense orgasm.


For the first time, I didn't want to wash away the evidence. It felt like a badge of my newfound desire, a reminder of the intense pleasure I had just experienced. I decided to leave it as it was, a secret only I would know.

I remembered Vicky might be waiting for me and hurried out of the washroom. As I made my way to the bus stand, I saw him waiting for me on his bike. It was already 8 PM, and I appreciated his thoughtfulness.

The night air cool against my heated skin. We stood close together, maintaining a appearance of decency in the open. When the bus finally arrived, we said our goodbyes, a wave of our hands the only sign of our earlier intimacy. Our fingers brushed briefly, a secret touch that sent a jolt of electricity through me.

As I boarded the bus, I looked back at Vicky. He was watching me, a small smile playing on his lips. I smiled back, my heart racing with the excitement of our shared secret.

When I reached home, it was 9 PM. Raj was already there, his eyes questioning as he looked at me. I felt a pang of guilt but quickly fabricated a believable lie about the workload and staying late to finish a project. He seemed to accept my explanation, but I could see a flicker of doubt in his eyes.

As I prepared for bed, my mind kept drifting back to Vicky and our encounter on the terrace. The memory of his touch, the feel of his erection against me, the intense pleasure of my orgasm—it all played on a loop in my mind. All this while preparing dinner for Raj, I knew I came home late and Raj must have been hungry. It felt bad that Raj had to wait for dinner, so I diverted my mind and started preparing the meal. Finally, we sat down to eat.

As I was eating, the intimate moments with Vicky kept flashing in my mind, and I felt myself getting wet again. I was unable to complete my dinner, worried that Raj might notice my distraction and ask questions. I was in no mood to answer and feared I might slip up a lie. So, I excused myself, saying I wasn't feeling well and was really tired. I went to the bedroom and changed into my satin nightgown, hoping to find some peace in sleep. But my mind was restless, replaying the events of the day.

I closed my eyes, trying to sleep, but then Raj came into the bedroom. I was facing away from him when he came from behind and cuddled me. I could feel his naked body against my satin nightgown and his erection pressing against me. It was nothing like what I had experienced earlier today on the office terrace under the starlit sky. I got aroused at the memory of Vicky and felt myself getting wet and flowing.

It took only a minute for Raj to turn me around. He simply pulled my gown up until my pelvis was exposed, pulled down my panties, and inserted himself inside me. As he moved, laying on top of me, he kept moaning, "I love you, I love you," and I was in a trance of imagination, surprisingly enjoying Raj's touch today.


Maybe the imagination had an effect, and the thrusts felt like bliss, reminding me of our honeymoon times. I kissed Raj passionately.

All this happened in a matter of minutes, and with only 4-5 thrusts, Raj had already cum. Panting and taking short gasps, he lay beside me, drifting off to sleep. I turned away, not depressed or sad about the moment with Raj today. Instead, I was still thinking of Vicky, smiling and remembering him. I drifted off to sleep, knowing that tomorrow we would meet again, filled with anticipation and excitement. I slept peacefully.

To Be Continued...