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Erotica जोरू का गुलाम उर्फ़ जे के जी


Well-Known Member
In this thread i have shared my inability to post mmv or little red riding hood, because of change eco-system, sterner rules, which i feel are essential for the safety of forum. In case of little red riding hood, if i increase the age to 18+ the entire rationale of story will fall apart. yes I do have yellow roses a pretty romantic story, but it will be finished of in 5-6 posts and then relegated to page number 44. Nowadays threads which go at least 100 + pages have any chance of getting read. (Number of views). And esp. in this forum if the story is not incest driven it starts with a disadvantage as far as views and comments are concerned. converting PDF to word is almost rewriting. With HILMS (yahoo group, admin were discerning readers and editors. But it was an era and now with the current format, it has led to death of short romantic stories in erotic genre. sad but true.
मुंडे मुंडे मति भिन्ना...
आपकी बात ज्यादातर के लिए सही हो सकती है...
लेकिन सबके लिए नहीं....
कुछ लोग अभी भी अलग-अलग genre की full length या short length stories पढ़ने को उत्सुक रहते हैं....
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I too was besotted with such an idea and now i can spill the beans. as one of the sequels of Mohe Rang de i visualized such a scenario. I am not sure if you are able to recall Mohe Rang de story, at the end Guddi a young teenage who has just tasted the joy of body was to left with Kammo for about three weeks. Only they were to be there and that part was to start on the night of Holi.

Idea was to trace the story of kammo back to some archaic places as a priestess of white magic and that branch which uses a body of a young girl (not virgin) with a lot of rituals to please goddess rati. i read a good number of books for understanding the background of white magic. However, two things broke the spell.

First is a poor reception of Mohe Rang De, sustaining a relationship of husband and wife with pure romance and eroticism without putting any twists and turns was a challenge.

Second was the reaction of some of the moderators who refuse to understand reference and context. In one post of Razisexy on Basant i wrote a few posts about Kamdev, five arrows, flowers associated with him, and posted a picture of Kamdev. ASAP it was removed, as it was treated, ' religious. I don't blame him considering the way we take objections and jump without realizing the background.

Even in this story average viewership per post is less than 10,000. But i am committed to take this story to logical conclusion hence i am just plodding along.
वाह.. एक नया अछूता विषय...
"मोहे रंग दे" is second in viewership in erotica section (First is JKG).
There is always a way to circumvent by posting with some reference without hurting any one.
One such is that I have given in asking for "प्रत्युषा" without referring to any festival and giving the reference of some news paper.


Well-Known Member
As per my per observation mohe rang de didn't work because it was soft erotica,readers here want incest stories where boy should have lust for his mother and they have sex that's the only thing they want they don't care for other things.
Another reason was that mohe rang de and jkg was running simultaneously,on surface both have similar story line and character and story narration through komal but if you read carefully you will notice the difference but who have time to read story in details,that's the reason it didn't generate enough views so as jkg.
Many visitors may have a preference towards a particular type of stories.
But those who liked Erotica stories, Komal Rani Stories occupied top two slots in "replies" and two out of three in "viewership" (MRD and JKG)
So comparing Apple with Apple and oranges with oranges, I still think that the two stories are huge hit in comparison with others (with above parameter).


Well-Known Member
I can remember kammo's plan too,but I didn't expected the story to goes this way considering the premise of the story.
हाँ... अंत कुछ अधूरा सा लगा... इतना बिल्ड-अप करने के बाद अचानक...
लेकिन शायद सीक्वेल में कुछ....


Well-Known Member
What a great imagination.And I think you can use this plotline in new fantasy cum erotica story because if you use it in sequel of MHR I don't think it will generate great views because mhr didn't recieved response it was expected and people hardly read prequel to understand sequel.
It is such unique concept and deserve seprate thread and I don't remember anyone wrote story on this concept and if you write this it will generate huge success.
Yes... its a worthy idea to be penned down....


Well-Known Member
Yes I can understand short romantic non erotic stories will not generate good views and writing of little red story is not possible in this forum considering rules.
Do not always seek about views and replies.. just about quality of comments of your readers.


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सारे इत्रों की खुशबु
आज मंद पड़ गयी.....!

मिट्टी में बारिश की बुंदें

जो चंद पड़ गईं...!!

शुभ संध्या 😘😘

इस सफेद मिट्टी को रजामंद कर गई....
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