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★☆★ Xforum | Ultimate Story Contest 2019 ~ Entry Thread ★☆★

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Well-Known Member
सातवां टोना..
ट्रेन अभी ठीक से रुकी भी नहीं थी कि मुझे बाहर से किसी ने आवाज लगाई ।
" साहब ये किताब ले लो साहब ,सिर्फ 10 रुपए की ही तो है साहब ।"
मैंने एक बार किताब बेचने वाले की तरफ देखा कोई 36 या फिर 37 साल का अधेड़ युवा, जिसकी दाढ़ी भी अब धीरे धीरे सफेद सी होने लगी थी।
मैंने विनम्र हो कर कहा..
"दोस्त मुझे इस तरह की किताब पढ़ने में कोई रुचि नहीं है,तुम मुझ पर अपना समय व्यर्थ ना करो !"
" साब सातवां टोना है इसमें, एक बार पढ़के तो देखिए मैं शर्त लगा के कह सकता हूं कि आप मुझ से 8 वें टोने के बारे में पूछने जरूर आओगे ।"
मैंने एक ठंडी सांस ली और कहा ।
"देखो दोस्त वैसे मुझे जरूरत नहीं है , लेकिन तुम्हारी कोशिश के आगे दस रुपए का कोई मूल्य नहीं है ,में इस किताब का मुखपृष्ठ पढूंगा , और में थोड़ा सा भी प्रभावित हुआ तो तुमसे में ये किताब ले लूंगा ।"
मेरी बात सुन कर उसके चेहरे पर सूरज कि तरह चमक आ गई , उसने सहर्ष अपनी मुंडी हिला दी ।
मैंने अब पहला पन्ना पढ़ना शुरू कर दिया।

"आप सभी ने अक्सर टोने टोटके का जिक्र सुना होगा।
टोटका कभी भी दुख या बाधा का प्रतीक नहीं रहा है,टोटका हमेशा लाभ अर्जित करने या परिवार को सुरक्षित रखने की आस्था का प्रतिरूप है, या कुछ इस तरह से कहे की ये एक कवच का भी काम करता है,खेर हम टोटके रूपी बहस को ज्यादा महत्व ना ही दे तो ये ज्यादा अच्छा है।

अभी मेंने इतना ही पढ़ा था कि ट्रेन का कान फाड़ू हॉर्न बज उठा,मैने उस लड़के की तरफ देखा जो हॉर्न की आवाज सुनकर घबरा सा गया था,शायद उसे लगा होगा कि अब मैं ये किताब उस से नहीं लूंगा लेकिन किसी का दिल तोड़ना मेरे उसूलों के खिलाफ है, इसलिए फुर्ती दिखाते हुए मैंने जेब से 20 का नोट निकाला और उसे दे दिया उस लड़के ने मुझे बचे हुए पैसे वापस देने चाहे लेकिन मैंने लेने से मना कर दिया..,ट्रेन अब चल पड़ी थी और भीड़ की रेलमपेल में वो व्यक्ति मेरी आंखो से ओझल हो गया।
गंतव्य तक पहुंचने में मुझे अभी और तीन घंटे लगने वाले थे इसलिए एक लम्बी सांस लेकर मैने वो किताब पढ़नी शुरू करी ।

"" दुश्मन से अगर पीछा छुड़ाना हो तो उबले हुए चावल की पांच पिंडी , मुर्गे के ताज़ा खून मैं डूबा कर दुश्मन के घर में फेंक दो ,दुश्मन का सर्वनाश हो जाएगा।""
ये पढ़ते ही अचानक मेरे मुंह से निकल गया
"" कटवा लिया खुद का चुतिआ और करो भलाई ।""
खुद को कोसते हुए मैने वो किताब अपनी बगल में लुढ़का दी और बाहर के नज़ारे देखने लगा।
पिछले 8 घंटे से में सफर कर रहा था , और बोरियत मुझ पे इतनी हावी हो चुकी थी कि सामने बैठे हुए बुजुर्ग का मर्डर कैसे किया जाए में उसका प्लान बनाने से भी नहीं चुका ,में अपना माथा झटक के खड़ा हुआ और ट्रेन में बने शौचालय कि तरफ बढ़ गया ,और वहां से निवृत हो कर फिर से में अपनी सीट पे जा बैठा ,और फिर से वह किताब उठा के पढ़ने लगा ।

"" रूठी मेहबूबा या रूठे मेहबूब को मानने के लिए तिल्ली के तेल में मछली फ्राई करके खिलाओ वो हमेशा के लिए आपकी/आपका हो जाएगा..""
मेंने अब अपना सिर पीट लिया....क्या बकवास किताब थी ये एक बार तो मन किया की इसको खिड़की से बाहर फेंक दूं लेकिन अभी काफी लंबा सफर था इसलिए मैंने अपने सीने पे पत्थर रखते हुए उसे फिर से पढ़ना शुरू किया...अगला पन्ना पलटते ही मुझे कुछ अलग लिखा हुआ नजर आया जो कि एक कहानी की तरह लिखा गया था..मैने उसे पढ़ना शुरू किया।
""अगर ऐसे ही इस घर में चलता रहा तो में जरूर पागल हो जाऊंगा,तुम में से कोई भी घर में शांति से नहीं रह सकता क्या,हर समय बस चीख चिलाहट,अम्मा कुछ तो लिहाज करो अपनी उम्र का इस उम्र में इतना झगड़ा करोगी तो स्वर्ग के दरवाजे भी नहीं खुलेंगे तुम्हारे लिए और एक ये तेरा पोता सारा दिन रोता रहता है ...कभी कभी तो ऐसा लगता है कि खुद को खत्म कर दू या तुम सब को।""
बरामदे के कोने में सहमी सी खड़ी कविता अपने पति गुस्सा देख थर थर कांपे जा रही थी, और इसी कंपकपाहट मैं पानी से भरा स्टील का ग्लास उसके हाथ से फिसल जाता है।
"टनन्न टनन टन न न न"
ग्लास के गिरने की आवाज़ सुन के राहुल और बुरी तरह भन्ना जाता है ,और अपने परिवार को कोसते हुए घर से बाहर बढ़ जाता है ।
पनवाड़ी की दुकान से सिगरेट अभी राहुल जला ही पाया था कि उसके कानों में एक आवाज पड़ी।
" रमेश तुझे पता है अपने नदी वाले श्मशान में एक पहुंचे हुए तांत्रिक आए हुए है , लेकिन उन से मिलने में बस एक समस्या है ...उन से मिलने के लिए आप के साथ एक स्त्री का होना आवश्यक है।
मेरे कान ये बात सुनकर खड़े हो गए , में तुरंत वहां से निकला और घर पहुंच कर कविता को बताया और अपने साथ ले कर सीधा श्मशान का रुख कर लिया ।
हमारा नंबर आते आते रात के 8 बज चुके थे और अब हम आखिरी दुखियारे ही थे, जो उस तांत्रिक के सम्मुख विराजमान थे ।
"" बाबा में परेशान हो चुका हूं अपने परिवार से , हर समय बस चीख चिल्लाहटे ही घर में रहती है , कृपा करके कोई समाधान करें ।""
बाबा ने एक भरपूर नजर हम दोनों मिया बीवी पे डाली और अपने सामने रखे पात्र से कुछ उठा के हम दोनों को खाने के लिए दिया ।
बिना सोचे समझे कविता और मैने वो बाबा का प्रशाद समझ के खा लिया,और थोड़ी ही देर बाद मुझे एक तेज़ झटका लगा ।
कविता अपनी जगह से खड़ी हो कर अपने कपड़े उतारना शुरू कर चुकी थी, और ना जाने में भी कब खड़ा हुआ और पूरी तरह निर्वस्त्र हो गया ।
"" मुझे तुम दोनों का काम रस इस पात्र में एक साथ चाहिए, इसलिए समय व्यर्थ ना करो और काम क्रीड़ा शुरू करो ।""
हम दोनों एक दूसरे से आलिंगन बद्घ हो कर जुड़ गए और फिर उसे अपने घुटनों के बल बिठा के पीछे से धक्के लगाने लगा तकरीबन पंद्रह मिनट तक धक्के लगाने के बाद मैंने अपना सिर उठाया और तभी मैने देखा बाबा अपनी जगह से उठे और अपनी धोती निकाल कर कविता के मुख के सामने खड़े हो गए , उनके भीषण विशाल लिंग को देखते ही मैं थरथराने लगा और जोर जोर से सांस लेते हुए झडने लगा , कविता अभी भी झड़ी नहीं थी इसलिए उसने अपनी योनि बाबा को समर्पित कर दी , लगभग 35 मिनट बाबा और कविता की काम क्रीड़ा देखते रहने के बाद मैंने बाबा के मुंह से एक हुंकार सुनी और कविता भी अपने चरम पे पहुंच के थरथराने लगी...

किताब में कहानी पढ़ते पढ़ते मैंने अपने बुरी तरह से कसमसाते हुए लिंग को एडजस्ट किया और आगे पढ़ने लगा...
बाबा ने एक पात्र कविता की योनि के नीचे रख दिया जिस से टपकता हुआ काम रस उस पात्र में एकत्रित होने लगा , जल्दी ही पात्र में काफी ज्यादा मात्रा में काम रस इकट्ठा हो चुका था , बाबा ने दो चार चीज़ें उस पात्र में और मिलाई और अपने समीप शांति से बैठे मुर्गे की गरदन एक झटके में उड़ा दी , अब बाबा उस मुर्गे का खून भी उस पात्र में भरने लगे और पूरी तरह पात्र भरने के बाद उसे अपने सामने जल रहे हवन कुंड की लकड़ियों के उपर रख सब्जी की तरह चलाने लगे.....
सेक्स सीन जल्दी खत्म होने का मुझे जरा भी अंदाजा नहीं था...अभी मेंने सोचा ही था कि शौचालय में जाकर लिंग की अकड़ निकली जाए लेकिन यहां तो सेक्स सीन ही ख़तम हो गया...इसलिए मैंने नाराजगी में अपनी मुंडी हिलाते हुए आगे पढ़ना शुरू किया...
तकरीबन दस मिनट बाद चिमटे की मदद से बाबा ने वो पात्र आग से बाहर निकाला और उसमे बने गाढ़े द्रव्य को एक बोतल में भर दिया....

बाबा ने मुझ बोतल देते हुए कहा
""ये सातवां टोना है , इसे अपने घर के कोने मै रखना और अब तुम लोग अपने वस्त्र पहन के घर जा सकतें हो ..कोई परेशानी हो तो सुबह यही चले आना ""
हम लोग खुशी खुशी बाबा से आज्ञा लेकर घर की तरफ बढ़ गए और वह बोतल घर के एक कोने में रख शांति से नींद के आगोश में खो गए...
सुबह मुझे अहसास हुआ कि कोई मुझे जोर जोर से हिला रहा है मैंने आंखे खोल के देखा तो सामने कविता अपने मुंह से ना जाने क्या कहने का प्रयास कर रही थी , मुझे कुछ भी सुनाई नहीं दे रहा था..पूरे घर में शांति फेली हुई थी ना मुझे अम्मा की चिक चिक सुनाई दे रही थी और ना ही मुन्ने का रोना....मुझे कुछ भी समझ नहीं आया कि आखिर ये हो क्या रहा है....मै कुछ बोलने की कोशिश भी करता तो मुझे मेरी खुद की आवाज सुनाई नहीं दे रही थी...
मेरा सिर भन्नाने लगा था अब...कविता के आंसू थमने का नाम नहीं ले रहे थे मैंने अम्मा की तरफ देखा तो वो भी कुछ कह रही थी लेकिन मुझे सुनाई कुछ नहीं दे रहा था....मैंने अपनी आंखे बंद कर ली और कल की सभी बातें मुझे एक एक करके याद आने लगी...
""नहीं नहीं ये मैंने क्या कर डाला""
मन मै सोचते हुए मैंने शमशान की तरफ दौड़ लगा दी जहां वह बाबा अभी भी विराजित थे
मुझे देखते ही बाबा मुस्कुरा उठे...और यहां आनें का कारण पूछने लगे...
आश्चर्य की बात थी ये क्योंकि इस वक़्त बाबा ने जो कहा मुझे सुनाई दे गया...
मेंने रोते रोते बाबा को अपना हाल सुनाया और मेरी बात सुन कर बाबा बोले...
"" ये सातवा टोना है इसे वापस नहीं लिया जा सकता लेकिन एक रास्ता और भी है , तुम्हे एक कहानी लिखनी होगी जिसमें कल से आज तक का सारा वृत्तांत हो...और उस किताब को तुम्हे किसी ऐसे व्यक्ति को बेचना होगा जो तुम्हारी किताब देखकर तुमसे वह खरीद ले... बेचने से मिली रकम तुम्हे अपनी प्रिय चीज या खाने पीने की कोई भी चीज में खर्चनी होगी....तुम्हारे ऊपर से टोना उतर जाएगा.. लेकिन किताब के आखिर में तुम्हे कुछ और भी लिखना होगा जिसे पढ़ने पर खरीदने वाले के उपर ये टोना हावी हो जाए""
मैंने झट से बाबा से पूछा
" क्या बाबा ?"
और उन्होंने कहा
"" किया कराया अब सब मुझ पर ""

तभी एक झटके से ट्रेन रुकी...मेरा ध्यान अब किताब से बाहर था लेकिन मुझे कुछ भी सुनाई नहीं दे रहा था...मेरे सामने बैठे हुए बुजुर्ग मुझे बड़ी अजीब नज़रों से देख रहे थे...में चिल्लाने की कोशिश करने लगा लेकिन तब भी मुझे कुछ सुनाई नहीं पड़ रहा था....मुझे जोर जोर से चिल्लाता देख उस बुजुर्ग व्यक्ति ने इसका कारण जानने के लिए मेरा हाथ पकड़ा और अपने होंठ हिलाने लगे ....मुझे अब कुछ भी सुनाई नहीं दे रहा था...मुझे घबराया देख उस बुजुर्ग ने मुझे पीने के लिए पानी दिया...मैंने वो सारा पानी अपनी एक सांस मै ही खाली कर दिया जैसे मैं जन्मों से प्यासा हूं...शायद मेरे चीखने की आवाजे सुनकर हर कोई वाहा पहुंच गया था....
मैंने अपनी हाथ में पकड़ी उस किताब को देखा और फुट फुट के रोने लगा....लेकिन जल्दी ही खुद को संभालते हुए मैंने वो किताब फिर से खोली और उसका आखिरी पन्ना फिर से पढ़ने लगा...

"" ये सातवा टोना है इसे वापस नहीं लिया जा सकता लेकिन एक रास्ता और भी है , तुम्हे एक कहानी लिखनी होगी जिसमें कल से आज तक का सारा वृत्तांत हो...और उस किताब को तुम्हे किसी ऐसे व्यक्ति को बेचना होगा जो तुम्हारी किताब देखकर तुमसे वह खरीद ले... बेचने से मिली रकम तुम्हे अपनी प्रिय चीज या खाने पीने की कोई भी चीज में खर्चनी होगी....तुम्हारे ऊपर से टोना उतर जाएगा.. लेकिन किताब के आखिर में तुम्हे कुछ और भी लिखना होगा जिसे पढ़ने पर खरीदने वाले के उपर ये टोना हावी हो जाए"
" क्या बाबा ?"
और उन्होंने कहा
"" किया कराया अब सब मुझ पर """

ये सब पढ़ने के बाद मुझे समझ आ चुका था कि सातवां टोना मुझ पे चढ़ाया जा चुका है...तभी तो वो आदमी जिसने मुझे ये किताब बेची उसने कहा था कि आठवां टोना जानने आप मुझे ढूंढ़ते हुए आओगे...शायद आठवां टोना ही सातवें टोने की काट है...मैंने ट्रेन के डिब्बे में एक दो लोगो को वो किताब हवा में लहराकर दिखाई लेकिन शायद उन लोगो को मेरे हाथ में वो किताब दिख ही नहीं रहीं थीं...में बुरी तरह से अब इस मुसीबत में फस चुका था...मैंने अपने दिमाग के घोड़े हर तरफ दौड़ाने शुरू किए और जल्दी ही मुझे समझ आ गया कि आठवां टोना क्या है....कैसे अब मुझे इस मुसीबत से बाहर निकलना है अब में ये भी समझ चुका था...
मैंने अपना लैपटॉप उठाया और आज पूरे दिन से जो भी मेरे साथ हुआ उसको एक कहानी का रूप दे दिया...और कहानी के आखिर में ये लिखना बिल्कुल भी नहीं भुला...

"" किया कराया अब सब मुझ पर ""
मैंने पूरी कहानी पीडीएफ मै उतारी और कहानी के टाइटल पे 50 रुपए का टैग लगा कर एक ऑनलाइन बुक साइट पे बिकने के लिए छोड़ दी...
तकरीबन एक घंटे तक वेबसाइट में सिर खपाते रहने के बाद भी मेरी बुक अभी तक नहीं बिकी थी इसलिए मैंने उस साइट पे 500 रुपए की एक बुक के लिए 450 रुपए एडवांस ट्रांसफर किए और जैसे ही मेरे वॉलेट में 50 रुपए और आएंगे 500 रूप्ए वाली बुक मेरी हो जाएगी...
यही सब करते करते मेरी आंख लग गई और जब जागा तो अपने सामने मौजूद वृद व्यक्ति को मुस्कुराते देखा...मै उनसे कुछ कहने ही वाला था कि उनकी आवाज मेरे कानो में पड़ी...
"" अब तबीयत कैसी है तुम्हारी....मेरे हिसाब से अब तुम ठीक लग रहे हो...""
मेंने मुस्कुरा कर उनको धन्यवाद कहा और लैपटॉप ओपन कर के उस वेबसाइट को खोल के देखने लगा....
700 लोग सातवां टोना खरीद चुके थे लेकिन मैंने उस पर ज्यादा ध्यान नहीं दिया क्योंकि मेरी पसंद की बुक का पीडीएफ मेरी मेल आईडी पे पहुंच चुका था...

घर पहुंच चुका था में अब और न्यूज चैनल जैसे ही मैंने चलाया मेरे पैरों के नीचे से धरती खिसक चुकी थी...

"" दुनिया पे आज एक बहुत बड़ा आतंकी हमला हुआ है ... दुनिया की आधी से ज्यादा आबादी ना जाने कैसे बहरी हो गई....किस तरह के हथियार का उपयोग हुआ है , और ये हमला किसने करवाया इसका अभी तक कोई जवाब नहीं मिल पाया है , जिन लोगो के साथ ये दुखद घटना हुई है उन लोगों में से कुछ ने हमें बताया कि ये सब कुछ किसी सातवां टोना नामक किताब की वजह से उनके साथ हुआ है....जब हमारी तकनीकी टीम ने इस बारे में जानकारी निकालनी चाही तो सातवां टोना नामक पुस्तक हर भाषा में उपलब्ध है....एक पेनी से लेकर एक रुपए तक इसकी कीमत बताई जा रही है हर बुक वेबसाइट पर...ये बुक सब से पहले किसने पोस्ट करी इसके बारे में अभी तक कोई जानकारी नहीं है....""

"" किया कराया अब सब मुझ पर ""

**दुनिया में फ़ैल रहा ध्वनि प्रदूषण भी किसी सातवें टोने से कम नहीं है**
विजय शर्मा
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Pallavi lele

New Member

TITLE - The Importance Of Family

After 21 years of marriage, my wife wanted me to take another woman out to dinner and a movie. She said, “I love you, but I know this other woman loves you and would love to spend some time with you.”
The other woman that my wife wanted me to visit was my MOTHER, who has been a widow for 19 years, but the demands of my work and my three children had made it possible to visit her only occasionally. That night I called to invite her to go out for dinner and a movie. “What’s wrong, are you well?” she asked.
My mother is the type of woman who suspects that a late night call or a surprise invitation is a sign of bad news. “I thought that it would be pleasant to spend some time with you,” I responded. “Just the two of us.” She thought about it for a moment, and then said, “I would like that very much.”
That Friday after work, as I drove over to pick her up I was a bit nervous. When I arrived at her house, I noticed that she, too, seemed to be nervous about our date. She waited in the door with her coat on. She had curled her hair and was wearing the dress that she had worn to celebrate her last wedding anniversary. She smiled from a face that was as radiant as an angel’s. “I told my friends that I was going to go out with my son, and they were impressed, “she said, as she got into the car. “They can’t wait to hear about our meeting.”
We went to a restaurant that, although not elegant, was very nice and cozy. My mother took my arm as if she were the First Lady. After we sat down, I had to read the menu. Her eyes could only read large print. Half way through the entries, I lifted my eyes and saw Mom sitting there staring at me. A nostalgic smile was on her lips. “It was I who used to have to read the menu when you were small,” she said. “Then it’s time that you relax and let me return the favor,” I responded. During the dinner, we had an agreeable conversation – nothing extraordinary but catching up on recent events of each other’s life. We talked so much that we missed the movie. As we arrived at her house later, she said, “I’ll go out with you again, but only if you let me invite you.” I agreed.
“How was your dinner date?” asked my wife when I got home. “Very nice. Much more so than I could have imagined,” I answered.
A few days later, my mother died of a massive heart attack. It happened so suddenly that I didn’t have a chance to do anything for her. Some time later, I received an envelope with a copy of a restaurant receipt from the same place mother and I had dined. An attached note said: “I paid this bill in advance. I wasn’t sure that I could be there; but nevertheless, I paid for two plates – one for you and the other for your wife. You will never know what that night meant for me. I love you, son.”
At that moment, I understood the importance of saying in time: “I LOVE YOU” and to give our loved ones the time that they deserve. Nothing in life is more important than your family. Give them the time they deserve, because these things cannot be put off till “some other time.”

Lucky lerka

Active Member
TITLE Wah Kiya Pyar He

Ak lerka jo subah Collage jata tha phir collage ke bad ak hotal Main Waiter ka kam bhi kerta tha qk lerka akela tha aur bhot gareeb bhu tha hotal bhot bari thi jha larke lerkiya dono waiter ka kam kerte the

Lerka Dil ka bhot acha tha her kisi se pyar se bat karta tha baro aur choto ki izzat kerta tha is wajah see hotal ma is lerke ki buot izzat thi

Wahi ak lerki bhi kam kertu thi jo bhot Khubsurat thi per lerke ki tarah hy gareeb thi

Phir ak din dono ma dosti bhi ho gay aur dono ak sath milker kam kerte the

Lerki...... Wase tum collage bhi jate ho na

Main...... Han qk main per ker khud ak achi job kerna chata hun

Lerki...... Han ma bhi collage per rahi hun per serkari collage he

Lerka..... To kiya howa dil se study karo kamiyabi khudi mile gi

Lerki..... Hmmmm

Lerka...... Ma yha kam bhi ker rha hun per apni manzil bhi dund rha hun jis ke liya ma bna hun jis see mara featur ban jay

Lerki...... Han sab thik ho jay ab kam per diyan do werna maneger gosa ho jay ga

Lerka..... Han wo to he chalo

Phir ase hy din guzerte gay dono ak dosre ke aur qreeb a gay dono ma pyar ho gya

Lerka..... Wah yar dekho kasa dosti pyar ma badal gay mujha se kabi door mat jana mana ma gareeb hun per jo ho saka wo karo ga ji apke liya

Lerki...... Mujhe bas apka pyar chaye jiii aur kuch nhi

Lerka...... Wo to mila ga

Phir ase hy din guzer te gay dono ma pyar bhi berta gya dono ak sath gomne jate the suba collage doper kam per rat ko dono kuch time sath rah ker phir ghar chale jate the

Ase hy ak din lerka jaldi hotal a gya aur lerki ka wait kerne laga tabi wo lerki a gay

Lerka..... Yar kitna let ho tum

Larki..... Sorry jan wo mujhe bus nhi mili is liya

Larka..... Maneger ne bola tha na jaldi ana he aj meeting bhi he hum sab empoly ki

Lerki..... Han mujhe pata he ab chalo jaldi

Lerka..... Han chalo jaldi

Phir wo dono under gay kapre change kiya abi meeting ma kuch time tha lerki chali gay bahir lerka tyar ho ker jasa bahir aya to use lerki ka bag mila jo khula howa tha lerka na bag utha ya

Tabi bag ma ak dairy nazer ai jise usne nikal li aur khol ker dekhne laga to us ma kuch likha howa tha wo use parne laga

Dairy... Larki ki zubani

Mari zindagi bachban seee bhot takleef dukh aur dard se bari howi he bachpan ma maa baap ka sath choota us ke bad ma chacha chachi ke sath rahne lagi

Per wo bhi do saal pla sath chor gay ma akeli ho gay per ma khud ki life age laker chali collage ke sath kam bhi kerne lagi ase hy din guzerte gay phir mujhe ak lerke see pyar howa jo mujhse bhot pyar kerta he main bhi us se bhot ptar kerti hun

Meri zindagi us lerke ka sath achi hone lagi hum dono gareeb the per khush the apni life ma per ak din achnak mujhe khoon ki ultiya ane lagi nak see khoon kan see khoon nikal ne laga maine kisi nhi bata ya aur doctor se pata kiya to mujhe blood cainser ho gya he

Ma doctor ki bat sun ker mujhe kiya hone laga ma ghar aker rone lagi qk meri abi life bani he phir ma khud mara pyar ka sath chor ker chali jao gi doctor ne bola mera pass kitna waqt he ye kisi ko nhi pata kabi bhi kuch bhi ho sakta ma gareeb hun kuch nhi ker sakta ab mera pass jitna bhi waqt he ma apne pyar ke sath rahna chati hun

Jab lerka ne dairy per to ki ankhon ma ansoo a gay aur wahi beth ker rone laga bagir meeting shuro ho gay thi lerka jasa tasa khud ko thik ker ke meeting attand ki phir jab meeting over howi to jaker lerki ke gale lag gya aur rone laga

Lerki..... Kiya howa yar tum ro q rahe ho hm

Lerka...... Tumne mujhe se chupaya

Lerki..... Maine kiya chupa ya

Lerka..... Ke tume blood cainser he

Larki ne jab ye suna to wo bhi rone lagi

Larki ..... Ma aur kiya kertu ma tume khona nhi chati main ye soch ker nhi bata ya ke ager tume pata lag gya to tum sath na chor do mera is liya nhi bata ya

Lerka..... Ma q sath shoro ga tera ab ma her samay tera sath raho ga main tera elaj to nhi ketwa sakta qk main bhi qreeb hun per tere dil ma itna pyar berdunga ke kabi ro gi nhi bakhi jo hoga dekha jay ga

Dono gale lag ker rone lage phir ase hy din guzerte gay lerka hamesha lerki ke sath rahne laga do mahine guzer gay larka lerki ke sath rah ker to use bhi bhi blood cainser ho gya per kabi lerki ka sath nhi chora

Phir ak din lerki ka samay a gya lerki mer gay aur dosre din hy lerka bhi mer gya kiya pyar tha kiya zindagi thi dono ki bale gareeb the per bho khush the

Dono main pyar bhi bhot tha per dono apni life age nhi bara sake choti umer ma dono ko cainser ho gya per dono ne ak dosre ka sath nhi chora

Wah kiya pyar tha per aj to hawas hy sab ka pyar ameer log ro rahe he paise hone ke bawajood bhi larkio ki izzat kharab ho rahi he rape ho rahe he kiya hoga age uper wala jane

Zindagi bhot haseen he dosto khushi khushi nikal lo werna dukh aur dard ke elwa kuch nhi mila ga

I hope story achi lagi ho to enjoy kerna ager achi na ho to maaf kerna

Read my story

Zindagi ke ankhon rand
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The Immortal

Live Life In Process.
Staff member
Sr. Moderator
Prefix - Romance
Writer - The Immortal


Year 2040
At collage

"Yaar is Saal annual function par Kuch special karte hai" ek collage ke canteen Mai baithe 2 ladke aur 1 ladki ke group Mai se ek ladke ne Kaha.

"Aur ye special kya Hoga Aryan? " group ki ladki ne pucha .

"Anni is Baar hum play karte hai love theme par" Aryan ne jawab diya.

" Yaar love theme par toh bohat si movies, serials, web shows, aur of course play bhi hue hai, toh is mai special kya hai?". Is baar Group ke dusre ladke ne pucha.

"Kyuki Ronny is baar jis love story Ka play hum karenge wo sach bhi hai aur kalpana bhi hai"

" Hmm, chal suna hum bhi toh sune kya special hai is love story mai" Anni ne pucha.

"Kal Sunday hai, toh kal mere Ghar par milo breakfast par". Itna bol Kar Aryan Chala Gaya canteen se aur chhod gaya Anni aur Ronny ke liye ek sawal ki aisi kon si story hai Jo sach bhi hai aur kalpana bhi.

Next day (Sunday)
At Aryan's home
After breakfast

Ek three seater sofe par Aryan Uske dad and mom baithe the aur unki dono taraf Anni aur Ronny single seater sofo par baithe the.

"Aryan ab suna bhi de story, kal se yahi Soch Raha Hu ki aisi kya hai is story mai Jo sach bhi hai kalpana bhi". Ronny ne utsukta jatayi apni.

Aryan ne Apne Dad ki taraf muskura Kar Dekha bas .

"Mai sunata Hu ye kahani bachho". Aryan ke Dad ne muskurate hue Kaha.

27 march 2016

Sydney ke opera house mai Romeo and juliet ka last play dekh ke ek ladki play ki brilliant performance mai khoi hui parking ki taraf ja rahi thi, theek uske bagal mai se ek ladka bhi parking ki taraf ja raha tha. Housefull tha show, ek to opera house duniyabhar mai famous aur uske sath romeo and juliet ka play usse bhi jyada famous , rush to honi hi thi .

dono apni hi dhun mai aage badh rahe the , in dono ko itna bhi pata nahi chala ki kab saamne se aa rahe 2 ladke inse takraa gaye . takrane se chaaro wahin gir gaye aur sath hi ladki or ladka apne khayalo se bahar aa gaye .

pehle to kisi ko kuch samajh nahi aaya , aur jab samajh aaya ki wo kaise gire tab apne aap ko sambhalte hue charo khade hue .
"hey watch out dude " dusari taraf se ek ladke ne kaha .
" hey sorry bro it was our mistake " ladki ko thoda nervous hote dekh use apne piche karte hue ladke ne kaha.
" Are you guys Indian ?" dusari taraf se dusre ladke ne puchha.
"we love India & Indian culture, we traveled all over there " usi ladke ne apni baat jari rakhi.
" by the way this is our card , we have coffee shop here near by , if you like to hang out some time you are most welcome, " ek card aage badhate hue usi ladke ne apni baat khatam ki.
"sure & thanks " is taraf se ladke ne jwaab diya or card le liya.
"By the way we are sorry too it was our mistake as well, see you some time " itna bolne ke baad wo dono ladke bahar nikal gaye.
" thanks " ladke ko aage jaate hue dekh ladki ne kaha.
"are isme thanks ki koi baat nahi hai, wese bhi wo bure log nahi the " ladke ne ruk kar jawab.
"fir bhi help to help hoti hai , unki jagah bure log bhi ho sakte the" ladki ladke ki taraf jaate hue boli.
" its ok".
"tum indian ho?" ladki ne puchha.
"Nahi bhutan se tadipaar kiya hai mujhe, of course yaar Indian hu, mere pehnaave or language se nahi lag raha kya" ladke ne apne pehnaave ko dikhate hue jwaab diya.
itni der mai ladki ne pehli baar ladke ko gaur se dekha, ladka white kurte paijame mai kafi handsome lag raha tha, aur ladke ne bhi notice Kiya ladki ko, dhudh ki tarah gori thi wo aur white suit mai bohat khubsurt lag rahi thi, lekin sabse khas thi uski aankhe, ladka Jaise uski aankho Mai dhubne sa laga tha, Suraj ki kirno se jyada chamak mehsus ki ladke ne uski aankho mai.
"India mai kaha se ho? " ladki ne pucha.
"delhi " ladke ne Apne khyalo se bahar aate hue jwaab diya.
"kamaal hai mai bhi delhi se hu" ladki ne kaha aur dono saath chalne lage.
"Hi, i am Kalpana " ladki ne hath aage badhate hue kaha.
"Amar" ladke ne hand shake karte hue kaha.
"tum collage mai padhati ho" Amar ne puchha
"Padhati thi lekin kuch time pehle mera accident ho gaya tha, doctor ne bataya ki accident ki wajah se mujhe VASCULAR COGNITIVE IMPAIRMENT hua hai" Kalpana ne abhi itna hi bola tha.
"Aur is case mai insaan ke brain ke major blood vessels block ho jate hai aur memory chali jati hai " Amar ne Kalpana ki baat puri ki.
"Apko kaise pata? " Kalpana ne shock hote hue puchh.
"Bohat ajeeb itefaak hai, lekin same mere sath bhi hua hai" Amar ne jwaab diya.
"Bura lagta hoga na ki past ka kuch yaad nahi hai" Kalpana ne udasi bhare lehze mai ye baat kahi.
"Bura lagne ki baat to hai, lekin ye socho ki ek new life jee rahe hai hum" Amar ne Kalpana ko samjhaya.
"I think Hume dubara milna chahiye" Kalpana ne kaha. Amar se aati positive vibes se wo kafi impress hui.
"mujhe bhi aisa lagta hai "
"kal coffee pe chalte hai, in dono ke coffee shop par" Kalpana ne Amar ke hath mai Jo card tha uski taraf isaara karte hue kaha.
"Sure "
"Ek selfie ho Jaye Apke sath?" Kalpana ne bohat pyar se puchha.
"Jaan na pehachan selfie mai mehman"
" Are ek selfie hi to hai"
"Theek hai"
Kalpana ne Apne phone se selfie li. Kalpana ki aadat thi baat baat par selfie Lena.
Dono ne number exchange kiya aur next day milne ka plan bana ke chal diye apne-2 destination par, dono India se Sydney apne-2 relative ke yahan aaye the specially romeo & juliet ka play dekhane liye, jiski ticket inke parents ne di thi.

Raat bhar dono ek dusre ke khayal mai khoye rahe, Jahan Kalpana ko Amar ki positive vibes apne taraf attract kar rahi thi wahin Amar ko Kalpana ki selfie wali chulbuli harkat Pasand aa gayi thi. khair dono next day mile coffee par, dono ek dusre ke sath kafi acha mehsoos kar rahe the .
uske baad to inki mulakate badhti gayi dono mai achi dosti hui aur dosti kab pyar mai badli dono ko pata hi nahi chala.
pyar ka izhaar hua dono ne ek dusre ko accept kiya, aur sath hi apne relation ke baare mai apne parents ko bhi bata diya, dono ke parents ache business family se belong karte the aur barabari mai rista ho raha tha to unhe bhi koi objection nahi tha. dono ke parents ne inke wapas aane ke baad inki engagement fix kar Di thi.
sab kuch in dono ke liye kisi romantic sapne ki tarah chal raha tha .

Engagement day

Engagement ek bohat bade banquet Mai rakha Gaya tha, Dono family bohat khus the, relative & friends aate gift dete dono ko aur chale jaate. Aur phir aayi wo, Jo inki liye ek sawal chhod dene wali thi.

"Congratulations Kalpana" ek guldasta dete hue ek ladki ne congratulate Kiya, ye thi Kalpana ki best friend Nisha. Dono bachapn ke friend the, Nisha school ke baad Delhi se London chali gayi thi apni study complete Karne ke liye.

"Thanks" Nisha se gale milte hue Kalpana ne Kaha.

"ye wahi hai kya tera handsome boyfriend" Nisha ne maze Lete hue Kaha .

Ye Amar aur Kalpana ke liye ek dhamaka tha, kyuki inke ghar walo ke siwa aur koi Nahi janta tha ke ye dono ek dusre ko pehle se jante hai.
"Tujhe Kaise pata?" Shock bhare lafaz the Kalpana ke.
"Are tune hi toh bataya tha phone par ki aaj tujhe ek ladke ne purpose Kiya aur tune accept bhi Kar liya, Tu bohat khus lag rhi thi yaar" Kalpana ko shock hote Dekh Nisha ne bhi hairani se jawab diya.
"Tere accident se Kuch ghante pehle hi " . accident ke samay wo Kalpana se Milne aayi thi, uske baad se Nisha wapas chali gayi thi or Uske muskil se 1-2 baar hi baat hui thi inki wo bas Kalpana ki health ko leke.

Dheere dheere engagement ceremony khatam hui, aur chhod gayi inke liye ek sawal ki kon tha Kalpana Ka boyfriend?, Aisa kya hua un Kuch ghanto Mai Jo wo dubara milne Nahi aaya, ya fir aaya tha but Kalpana use pehchan Nahi payi, lekin agar wo samne aaya hota toh Kalpana ko jarur pata chalta wo jarur batata ki wo Kalpana Ka boyfriend hai. Toh kya hua jo wo wapas Nahi aaya ya isme koi saajis ho us ladke ki ,kya pata usne hi Kalpana Ka accident Kiya ho, ya koi majboori ho uski wapas na aane ki aur kya hoga agar wo future Mai wapas aa Gaya toh? Sawal sirf ek, ki Kalpana Ka ek boyfriend tha Aur us-se Judi thi itni saari theories. Pehla pyar Kabhi bhule nahi bhulte log but Sayad Aisa pehli Baar hua Hoga jab koi apna pehla pyar bhul Gaya Hoga .

Next day
Morning 11:00 AM

Raat ko hi dono ne Milne Ka plan banaya, aur is waqt dono MOMENTS mall ki parking Mai Amar ki car Mai kafi Der se baithe hue the lekin baat Kahan se suru kare ye dono ko hi samjh Nahi aa raha tha.

"Kya kare ab?" Baat Amar ne suru ki.
"Mujhe toh Kuch samjh hi Nahi aa Raha".
"Mujhe lagta hai hume tumhare boyfriend ko dhundhna chahiye"
"Hmmm" Kalpana bas itna hi bol payi .
Jo Aankhe Kabhi Suraj ki kirno se jyada jyada chamkti thi aaj wo dead si hone lagi thi . Kehte hai ki dead eyes mai dil ki saari bhavnaye dikhti hai, jyadatar dead eyes ladko ki hi hoti hai isiliye ladkiya ladko ki saari bhavnayo ko unki aankho Mai Dekh Kar hi padh leti hain. But aaj ulta ho Raha tha Kalpana ki aankhe dead si ho rahi thi aur Amar wo saari Bhavnaye Dekh pa raha tha jisme gussa bhara tha ki koi kaise Kuch ghanto Mai itna badal sakta hai ki wapas milne bhi nahi aaya wo bhi us samay jab Uske sath Aisa hadsa hua tha, Dard tha is baat Ka ki kya Galti hui hogi usse Jo wo wapas hi nahi aaya, Nafart thi khud ke liye ki Kaise wo bhul gayi us chehre ko jo uska pehla pyar tha.
Dard toh Amar ko bhi ho raha tha, jis ladki se wo itna pyar karta tha wo aaj aise haalat se gujar rahi thi, Aur sath hi darr tha is baat Ka ki kya hoga inke relation ka jab wo milega .

Sayad hi Itihas mai Aisa hua hoga ki kisi couple ke saamne aisi situation aayi hogi, Na koi dusman ,na koi jati-dharam ki problem, aur na hi koi amiri-gareebi ka problem phir bhi aise haalat se gujar rahe the ye dono, wo bhi Kisi aise saksh ki wajah se jiska koi naam pata hi nahi tha.

" Kaha dhundhenge use, mujhe toh Kuch yaad bhi nahi". Muskil se bol fute rahe the Kalpana ke. "Meri best friend ko hi Nahi pata ki wo kon hai toh kisi aur ko kya pata hoga".
Sahi Kaha tha usne Jo baat uski best ko nahi pata wo kisi aur ko kya pata hogi. Kya karta Amar, ye use bhi samjh nahi aa raha tha, Kaha se suru kare. Kaise lata uski chanchalta wapis, wo baat baat par selfie lena, Miss kar raha tha Amar.
"Ek selfie ho Jaye?" Kalpana ke chehre par smile lane ke liye aisa Amar ne kaha.
"Nahi , Mood Nahi hai abhi" Apne phone par ungliyo ko kaste hue Kalpana ne inkaar Kar Diya.
"Apna phone dena jara" Kuch sochte hue Amar ne uska phone manga.
"Kya karoge?". Apna phone dete hue Kalpana ne Kaha.
"Tumhe selfie lene ki aadat hai, Toh ho Sakta hai ye aadat accident se pehle bhi rahi ho" Kalpana ke phone ki gallery Mai pics check karte hue Amar ne samjhaya ki wo kya kar raha hai.
"Isme toh accident se pehle ke pics hai hi nahi". Last pic ki detail check karte hue Amar ne Kaha.
"Wo sayad mere dusre phone Mai ho sakte hai, jab accident hua tha toh wo phone tut gaya tha".
"Toh phir chalo tumhare Ghar chalte hai".
Sirf ek Raat Mai hi Kalpana Ka chehra kafi murjha gaya tha, aur Amar jald se jald is problem ko khatm Karna Chahta tha, chahe future Mai Kuch bhi but filhal wo Uske chehre par muskurahat lana Chahta tha, un aankho mai wapas wahi chamak lana Chahta tha jise dekh Kar wo kho Jaya karta tha.

Jitni fast ho sakta tha utni fast dono Kalpana ke ghar pohanche ,car parking Mai lagayi aur ghar ke andar enter hue.

"Mom mera pehle wala phone Kaha hai?" Apne mom ko dhundhte hue Kalpana kitchen mai pohanchi jahan uski maa lunch ki taiyyari Kar rahi thi.

"Wo toh mere bedroom ke almari Mai rakha hua hai, abhi Kuch din pehle hi tumhare Papa se bol ke banwaya hai, tumhari engagement Mai itni busy ho gayi ki tumhe batana bhul gayi", Kalpana ki maa ne jawab diya.

Dono bedroom Mai gaye almari check ki aur unhe wahan ek iPhone 6s mila. Kismat se Kalpana ki mom ne phone charge kar rakha tha. Phone lock tha but lock kholne mai koi dikkat nahi hui kyuki lock fingerprint tha aur Kalpana ke fingerprint se match karta tha.

Phone ki gallery open ki aur Bingo, Kalpana ki selfie lene ki aadat pehle bhi thi. Jald ji unhone Puri gallery chhan Mari but usme sirf Kalpana aur uski friends ke hi pics the.

"Ab kya kare?" Tute hue sabd ek baar phir Kalpana ke muh se nikle.
Jo ek ummid najar aayi thi use wo jati si dikh rahi thi but Amar abhi bhi pics ko badi gaur se dekh raha tha.
"Yaad hai kal Nisha ne kya Kaha tha, usne bataya tha ki accident se Kuch ghante pehle hi tumhe ek ladke ne purpose Kiya tha , Right".
"Aur tumhare phone ke ye last pics sayad tumhare accident ke hone se pehle ke hai jo ki MOMENTS mall ke andar ke hain jahan se hum abhi Aaye hai, toh jarur usne tumhe usi mall Mai purpose Kiya Hoga".
"Hmmm Right"
"Right nahi, chalo jaldi dekhte hai wahan ke CCTV footage mai, pakka un footage mai wo ladka jarur aaya Hoga tumhare sath".
Dono jitni speed se mall se ghar aaye the utni hi speed se mall wapas ja rahe the but pics ke piche ye log itna kho gaye ki call details check hi nahi ki aur na hi pics ki details check ki. Aksar hum log excitement, gum, Khushi, gusse mai Kuch jaruri baate bhul jaate hai aur yahi iss waqt inke saath hua.

Mall pohanch ne baad Amar ne ek waiter se wahan ke manager ko bulane ki request ki.
Manager se thodi der request Karne ke baad wo maan gaya footage dikhane ke liye.
"Sir date batayenge kis din ki footage dekhani hai apko" Apne office Mai pohanch ne ke baad manager ne unse puchha.
"September 15th 2015 " Kalpana ne jawab diya, usne ye date apne medical report Mai dekhi thi.
Hairan hote hue Amar ne Kalpana ki taraf dekha. But Kalpana toh baichen thi Apne pehle pyar ko dekhne ke liye isliye usne Amar ki taraf dhyan nahi diya.
Manager ne September ki recording disc apne PC mai lagaya or 15th September ki recording chalu Kar di.
Jaise Jaise recoding chal rahi thi waise waise Kalpana ke expression bhi change ho rahe the. Gussa ,dard,nafrat ek ke baad ek Uske face par dikh rahe the.

3:05 PM

Finally Kalpana mall ke entry gate se aati hue dikhi aur Uske piche Jo saksh enter hua use dekhne ke baad wo stabhad si reh gayi , use apni aankho par vishwas Nahi ho raha tha. Kabhi wo recoding dekhti toh Kabhi Amar ko kyuki Jo saksh Uske piche se enter hua wo aur koi nahi Amar hi tha.

Dono food court Mai gaye aur ek table par aamne saamne baithe gaye. Kuch der dono baate karte rahe phir ek waiter ek cake le ke aaya jis par likha tha 'I Love You Kalpana' Jise dekh Kar recoding mai Kalpana thodi shock hui aur idhar real mai Kalpana ki aankhe khuli ki khuli reh gayi. Recording mai dekhne se yahi lag raha tha ki Kalpana bohat khus hai. Uske baad Amar ne use ek red rose diya Jo usne sharmate hue accept kiya. Thodi der Normal baat chit hui Uske baad Amar phone Mai Kuch Karne laga , zoom Karne par pata Chala ki wo opera House ki tickets book kar raha tha. Is waqt Amar ke paas wo phone nahi tha jo recording Mai show ho raha tha.

Ab jaake dono ko samjh aaya ki Kiya hua tha us din, kyu Kalpana Ka boyfriend matlab Amar usse milne nahi aaya. Us din dono mall se ghar ke liye ek sath nikale the jo ki recording mai bhi saaf dikh raha tha, Aur ghar jaate hue inki car ka accident hua hoga, aur wahan ke logo ne inhe hospital mai admit karwaya hoga.

Manager ke office mai toh in dono ne kisi tarah apne emotions ko toh control kar liya but jab ye wapas parking mai aa kar apne car Mai bade aaram se baithe, Dono ne ek baar ek dusre ko dekha aur chillate hue ek dusre ke gale lag gaye, Aisa lag raha tha jaise ek dusre ke jism se paar hi ho jayenge, sirf ek din mai hi inhone ek janam jee liya tha apni pichali Zindagi ke Kuch pal dekh Kar hi.

"Ek minute" Amar ko khud se alag karte hue Kalpana Apne pehle phone ke call details dekhne lagi jisme last call Nisha ko Kiya gaya tha aur 2nd last call Amar ka hi tha jo saved tha Amar name se.
Dono ek baar phir gale mile aur ek dusre ko chumne lage paglo ki tarah.

"Mai abhi aaya tum yahi ruko" 10 minutes tak pagalo ki tarah ek dusre ko chumne ke baad Amar ne Kalpana ko roka aur car se utar kar mall Mai wapas chala gaya.

"Kaha gaye the" takriban 15 minutes baad jab Amar wapis aaya toh Kalpana ne pucha.

"Ye dekho apni recording, yahi lene gaya tha". Apne phone Mai recording dikhate hue Amar ne kaha jo wo mall ke manager se le aaya tha.

Uske baad ye dono Apne ghar ko nikal gaye. Lekin ek sawal abhi bhi reh gaya tha ki in dono ke paas ke paas opera House ki tickets Kaise pohanchi.

Apne mom dad se puchne par pata chala ki Kalpana ki ticket uske purse Mai thi aur Amar ki ticket usi car mai thi jiska accident hua tha. Toh iska inhone sirf anuman lagaya ki mall se nikalne ke baad inhone kisi cyber cafe se apni tickets nikali hogi aur apni apni tickets Apne paas rakhi hogi aur phir ghar ke liye honge ek sath Amar ki car mai aur bich mai hi inka accident ho gaya hoga aur Amar Ka phone us accident mai kahin kho gaya hoga.

Dono khus the Apne pehle pyar ko pa kar, dono ki Shaadi hui ek bacha hua, aur dono apna jeevan khusi khusi gujaarne lage.

Apni yaad-daast khone ke baad bhi dono ka dil dhadka bhi toh ek dusre ke liye, sayad yahi hai 'DEPTH OF LOVE'.

Year 2040
At Aryan's house

"Toh bacho kaisi lagi ye love story" Aryan ke dad ne Ronny aur Anni se pucha.

"Dimak ke saare fuse ud gaye uncle" Apna sir khujate hue Ronny ne jawab diya.
"But is story Ka title kya hai uncle" ye sawal Anni ki taraf se aaya tha .
"Depth of love" Aryan ki mom ne title bataya aur Apne pati ki taraf dekhne lagi.

"Kya lagta hai ye story sach hai ya Kalpana?". Anni aur Ronny jab ghar se bahar aaye toh Anni ne sawal kiya.
"Sach ho ya Kalpana hume kya , hume toh ek dumdaar love story mil gayi hai, ab to pure college Mai charche honge humare group ke" Ronny ne excitement Mai Kaha aur dono Nikal Gaye Apne Apne ghar ko.

Inside Aryan's house

"Dad kya lagta hai inhe yakin hoga is par?" Aryan ne Apne Dad se pucha.
"Kuch sach kalpnao se bhi ajeeb hote, hamari family ko in 23 saalo mai yakin Nahi hua toh in bachho ko kya hoga" Aryan ke Dad ne muskurate hue jawab diya or saamne pade laptop par wo recording Chala di jisme Amar ne Kalpana ko purpose Kiya tha Aur kho gaye apni usi Yaad Mai Jo ek maatr saboot tha inki bhuli hui Zindagi ka.

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king cobra

Well-Known Member

Winner Of The Competition
Mimi had just won the first prize for the winner in the World Beauty Competition for cats. The news spread around the world quickly. On the next day, there were many reporters and photographers representing various magazines, newspapers and television channels from all over the world, including BBC, CNN, Aljazeera, National Geographic, lining up in front of Mimi’s house. They took photographs of Mimi and her owner. Suddenly Mimi became famous and her young master Rajeev became well-known too. When people saw Mimi and Rajeev walking on the street they would stop and ask for autographs. Most of the time Mimi would gladly “sign” and whenever she was in a good mood, she would even give a big hug to her fans.

The news also spread around the feline world. Mimi’s neighbour, Minou, a big black fluffy cat, came over to see Mimi, “Oh Mimi you have become extremely famous,” Minou said enviously. “You have won a prize of one million rupees. See! how rich you are now; you should not behave like a kitty anymore. You should dress up elegantly and should buy some clothes with brand-names.

Mimi thought it was a great idea to dress up stylishly. She did not lose more time as she ran upstairs in the bedroom and took a pearl necklace that belonged to Rajeev’s mother and put it on. She stood proudly in front of the mirror wondering and admiring herself. She believed that she was the most beautiful cat in the world. Rajeev’s mother was very angry because Mimi made a mess in her bedroom. Rajeev’s sister Anita, was also not pleased, as Mimi was wearing her most beautiful dress and shoes. Both Rajeev’s mom and sister told Mimi to stop dressing up like a human being. Mimi was so engrossed in her own world that she would simply ignore them and walk away.

A few days later, Mimi went to visit her best friend, Billy, who lived nearby. She was very proud of Mimi and gave her some advice: “If you want to be special and like human beings,” Billy said, “you have to learn how to be courteous.” Mimi took Billy’s advice and decided to sit on a chair at the dinner table, just like a person. Everyone in the family was annoyed and unhappy. Mimi would help herself to food without even asking. She would mess up the table, spilling lentil soup and food all over the place. She would put her foot in the chutney bowl and would leave her tiny footprints everywhere. Everyone told Mimi not to do that again. However, she did the same thing over and over again. Even though the family set rules Mimi ignored them altogether. Everyone was upset and disappointed with Mimi.

As the days passed by, Mimi became a real nuisance. She would sit at the table for lunch and dinner every day and would mess it up. One day Mimi knocked a whole pot fish pickle, it formed a pool of yellow sauce on the table and a few drops of the sauce landed on Rajeev’s dad. He was furious because it spoiled his brand-new shirt. This time Rajeev’s dad really got fed up and called a family meeting. Every family member with the exception of Mimi attended the meeting in which Rajeev’s father announced that he was to sell Mimi.

“No…. no … Please don’t do that papa,” Rajeev shouted loudly.

“She is a cat, why does she dress up and behave like a person?” Papa asked. “She is useless in the house and she does not even catch mice any more.”

“It does not matter whether she catches mice or not,” mama Added. “But, what I dislike the most is that she is always messing up the bedrooms and the kitchen.”

“But papa she is so cute, I do not agree with your selling her. I know she has become very arrogant after winning the first prize in the World Beauty Competition for Cats and she ignores our orders,” Anita protested while Rajeev tried to find an excuse for Mimi, but it was in vain.

“I think this is the best time to sell Mimi,” Papa continued. “She is very popular and lots of people would be interested in buying her. We can make lots of money.”

Suddenly Rajeev came up with an idea, “I will train her, I will train her and make sure that she behaves.” Rajeev exclaimed. “Okay here is the deal if I cannot change her behaviour within seven days then we will decide Mimi’s future.” Rajeev suggested with the hope that everyone would agree with him.

“This will be a real challenge, my son,” Papa said and patted Rajeev on the shoulder.

Eventually, everyone agreed with Rajeev’s suggestion and decided to give Mimi a second chance.

From that day, Rajeev kept teaching Mimi how to behave like a normal cat. However, Mimi did not obey Rajeev’s orders. Four days went by and Mimi was still dressing up and making a mess in the kitchen. So, Rajeev decided not to give any food and drink to Mimi until she stopped her bad habits. Mimi was angry and upset. On the fifth day, she was so mad that she scratched Rajeev’s arm with her paws. Even though Rajeev was bleeding he did not give up on Mimi. He loved Mimi very much and explained kindly to her that she was wrong. He desperately tried to stop the blood oozing from his arm.

This incident revived Mimi’s memories. She had experienced a similar mishap when she was three years old when a huge dog had beaten her and she had been bleeding just like Rajeev. Anita had used a piece of cloth to wrap her wound, and Rajeev had taken good care of her and carried her around while his mom gave Mimi warm milk and was very affectionate towards her. She also realised that Rajeev’s dad had built a cosy little house for her. Mimi suddenly thought that the family had always treated her well. It was not fair for her to upset them and to give them a hard time just because she had become a celebrity.

Next morning Mimi decided to stop her bad behaviour. She stopped dressing up and sitting at the dinner table. She behaved well just the way she had done before becoming famous. The whole family noticed the change and appreciated Mimi’s extraordinary effort. From that day, the only thing that Mimi was interested in was to give her love to a family who really cared for her. She realised that arrogance, fame, and money could not buy love and happiness. Rajeev and his family loved Mimi for what she was and not for her good fortune. Being loved, and not riches is what makes Mimi one of the richest cats in the world.

Moral for humans: Money and fame never can buy love and affection.

The End.
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New Member



“aj khana tum banao gi”

Jis ne aj tak apni puri zindagi me Pani KA glass khud utha ker Nahi piya tha iss ko meri maa ne hukam diya ke wo aj khana banaye gi

Meri biwi uthi us ko bohat dar lag raha tha lekin us ko jaisa ata tha waisa banati rahi 3,4 ghante lag gaye khana banane me lag gye jis me us ka haath bhi jala lekin khana ban gaya

Lekin phir bhi khane me namak mirch kuch bhi sahi nahi tha iss LIYE kisi ne khana nahi khaya Aur meri biwi ko dantne lage tane dene lag gye

“Apni maa ke Ghar se kuch banana Nahi sikha”

“ye kesi baho hamare gale per gayi hai”

“iss se to Acha me hamare bete ki shadi he nahi karwati”

Meri biwi sab ki baate sun ker bhi khamoosh thi lekin us ke andar ka dard wohi samjh rahi thi wo Andar se toot gayi thi

Main 8 ghante ki duty ke baad ghar aya abhi main ne bag bhi nahi rakha tha ke meri maa mere paas ayi aur boli

Maa: beta hum subha se bhooke baithe hai jao bazar se Kuch LA do tumhari biwi ne to muh ka taste kharab kar diya hai

Main ne ek nazar apni biwi ko daikha to wo darte huwe mujhe daikh rahi thi us ke haath per jale ke nishan the main sab samjh gaya aur main chup ker ke bazar se khana lene chala gaya

Khana la ker aya khana dining table per laga aur sab khane lag gye sab maze se kha rahe the main ne apni biwi ka haath pakra Aur kitchen me le gya

Jo ansoo ab tak ruke huwe the wo behne lag gye us ke haath pair dar se kampne lag gye

Us ko dar tha ke main us per haath uthao ga us ko bura bhala kahu ga

Main: muskara ker) kya pakaya hai?

Meri baat sun ker us ne ek nazar mujhe daikha aur apne ansoo saaf ker ke muskara ker boli

Biwi: ap bazar ka khana nahi khao gye?

Main: nahi mujhe to apni better half ke haath KA khana khana hai

Biwi: sach me?

Main: g bilkul sachi

Wo khush ho gayi aur kitchen me khana lagane lagi main ne khana khaya to itna bhi bura nahi tha ke khaya na ja sake

Biwi: darte huwe) kaisa bana hai?

Main: muskara ker) bohat Acha bana hai

Biwi: nam Ankho se) jhoot mat boliye mujhe pata hai iss me Namak mirch kuch bhi sahi nahi hai khana bekar bana hai

Main: kis ne kaha khana Namak mirch se tasty banta hai khana to banane wale ke pyar se tasty banta hai jo tum ne iss me banate huwe bilkul barabar dala hai

Phir main ne us ko apne paas bithaya aur us ke haath per dawa lagane laga jo main bazar se laya tha wo pyar bhari nighao se mujhe daikhne lagi

Galti meri biwi ki bhi nahi thi iss ki maa mar gayi thi ye master ker rahi thi parhai ne use khana banana sikhne ka waqt he nahi diya

Aur galti meri maa Ki bhi nahi thi jis ne puri zindagi apne bacho ko Acha khana bana ker khilaya aur ek house wife ban ker rahi wo apni baho ka tasteless khana kesay kha sakti thi

Us din me ne apni maa Ki baat bhi man li aur apni biwi ke haath KA khana bhi kha liya

Phir main apni biwi ko bahir le ker aya Aur maa ke paas baith gaya aur bola

Main: maa ek kaam tha ap se

Maa: pyar se) bolo beta

Main: maa kya ap meri biwi aur apni baho ko khana banana sikha sakti hai mujhe iss ke khano me Ap ka taste chahiye mujhe pata hai waqt lage ga bohat kuch galat bhi ho ga lekin kya ap ek baar iss ko baho ki jagha beti ki tarha sikha sakti ho

Meri maa ne jaldi se meri biwi ko gale laga liya un kon apni galti ka Ahsaas ho gya tha

Mere papa ne mere kandhe per haath rakha jaise keh rahe ho ke mujhe tum per fakhar hai muje khusi hai ke main tum jaise bete ka baap hu

Main ne ne apne papa ke haath per haath rakh liya

Mere ek kaam ne mujhe meri biwi ki nazro me uncha ker diya aur us ek kaam ki wajha se aj meri biwi puri duniya ki dishes banana janti hai

Agar us din me apni maa Ki baat na manta to meri maa khafa ho jati Agar maa Ki baat sun ker biwi ko dant deta to meri biwi AJ wo na hoti jo wo hai

Iss LIYE rishto main balance zaroori hai aur itna moka zaroor de ke dusra insaan adjust hona Sikh le ek bar bahoo ko baho ki nazar se nahi beti ki nazar se daikho daihna zindagi kitni haseen ho jaye gi

Mohabat ka jazba kabhi khatam na hone de kiu ke husband wife ek dusre ka libas(cloth) hote hai

Kapre per kichar bhi gir jaye to us ko bich bazar me utara nahi jata bal ke us ko saaf kia jata hai

Aise he rishto me lage dag bhi saaf karo Rishte khatam mat karo

Rishte khane ki tarha hote hai kabhi tikhe kabhi mithe kabhi khatte to kabhi rasele bus zarorat hai to bus pyar ki jo bus thora sa nazariya badalne se khud bat khud mil jaye ga

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A professional writer is amateur who didn't quit

Language - Hinglish
Mera naam Ridhi Singh...aaj me aap logo ko jo mere saat bit rha hai sabkuch shuru se btati hu...me baiscally Chandigarh se belong karti hu...aur abhi Mumbai me job karti thi...

Chaliye aap logo ko shuru se sab btati hu...


Meri train station par ruki...brake ke jhatke se meri aankh khul gyi...side wali seat ki ek aunty se pucha to mumbai aa gya tha...mene jhat-pat apna saman sameta aur train se utr gyi...platform par hazaro ki sankhya me log the...sab ek dusre ke uper chade ja rhe the...me bhi un logo ki bheed ko cheerti hui bhar exit ki aur badh gyi...exit ki aur jane wale ek bridge se jaise me jugar rhi thi ki meri ek ladke se takar ho gyi aur mera handbag gir gya us ladke ne use jhukkar utha diya

Sorry...kya aap theek hai

Mene us ladke ki aur dekha jo mera handbag hath me liye mera haal-chaal puch rha tha...wo ek lamba tagda ladka tha jiski ankhe halki neeli thi aur unme ek ajeeb sa akarshan tha...jaise wo mujhe apni aur keech rhi ho...mene bhi uski aur muskura diya...

Yea I am fine...thank you

Us ladke ne muskurate hue mere handbag mujhe wapas kiya aur aage badh gya...me bhi handbag lekar aage chal di...me ye smajne ki koshis karne lgi ki akhir kyu me uski ankho ki traf itna attract ho gyi thi...par kuch smaj na aaya...

mene waise hi peeche mud kar ek bar aur us ladke ko dekhna chaha to wo ladka wha mojood nhi tha... mujhe ye baat at-pti si lgi kyoki me sirf 5-7 kadam hi aage badhi thi aur itni jaldi wo ladka khi ja bhi nhi sakta tha kyuki us bridge par kafi dur tak koi exit point nhi tha... par fir mene uspar jada dhyan nhi diya aur socha shayad wo ladka teji se aage badh gya ho aur waise bhi bridge par kafi bheed thi... bherhal me jaise-taise station se bhar aa gyi...

Mene apna phone nikala aur whatsapp par aaya hua ek location dekha jo meri company ne mujhe bheja tha... wo mere apartment ka address tha...mene us location ke liye ek UBER book ki... thodi der baad me uber cab me bethi aur apne naye ghar ki aur chal di...cab ki khidki se me mumbai ka nzara le rhi thi...uchi-uchi buildings...tez raftar zindagi... thodi der bad meri aankh lag gyi... aur cab ke driver ki awaz se khuli...

Mam apki destination aa gyi hai...

Mene apni aankhe kholkar uski aur dekha to wo apni bati si dekhakar muskura rha tha...

Oh...acha kitne paise hue

Mam 178...

Mene apne handbag se use 200 ka note diya...aur usne difference mujhe wapas kiya...paise dete hue wo bola...

Shukriya mam...waise aap mumbai me nyi lagti hai...

Ha me aaj hi yha aai hu...

Acha agr kabhi cab ki jarurat ho to mujhe yaad jarur kijiye ga...ye he mera number...

Pehle to mene socha wo kuch jaza friendly ho rha hai...to mene use ignore karne ki sochi...par fir kuch soch kar uska number le liya... aur me cab se utarkar ek society ke main gate ke samne khadi ho gyi...gate se ander jate hue mujhe ek guard ne rok liya...

Ha ji kise milna hai?

Asal me me yha new hu aur mujhe meri company ne ye address diya tha mere rented apartment ka...

Mene use wo address dikhaya...us guard ne address dhyan se dekha...

Oh to aap apartment no. 35 me rehne aai hai...

Mujhe koi idea nhi tha konsa apartment no.hai to mene bhi bas "ha" khe diya aur us guard ne mujhe ander aane diya aur saat hi ek key bhi de di jo ki shayad apartment ki thi... society ke compound ko par karte hue jab me lift ki aur badh rhi thi...to thodi duri par ek bacha muh me lolipop diya jhula jhul rha tha...mene uski aur jada dhyan na diya aur lift ki aur badh gyi... guard se pta chala mere apartment 5th floor par tha... mene lift ke ander aai aur 5th floor ka button push kiya... lift ne uper jana shuru kiya me uske button jo har floor par blink kar rhe the dekh rhi...1st...2nd... 3rd...aur achanak meri aankh lag gyi aur tab khuli jab lift 5th floor par ruk kar darwaze khul gaye...me hadbadat me use bahar nikli...aur soche lgi aaj mujhe kuch jada neend aa rhi hai...shayad safar ki thakan ho...

Me lift se aage badhkar left mudi to samne hi mera apartment tha...mene jakar doorbell bajai to ek ladki ne door khola...


Hi I am Ridhi Singh my company has...

Me aage kuch bolti use pehli hi wo ladki bol pdi...

Oh hi Ridhi...I know...I know mujhe tumhare aane ka phele hi malum tha...please come inside

Me bhi muskurati hui ander aa gyi...aur wo ladki kitchen me pani lene chali gyi...mene pani lete hue use bola...

Are iski kya jarurat thi tumne kha-ma-kha pareshani ki.

Are isme pareshani ki kya baat hai...hum dono ko yha saat hi to rehna hai to just chilax...

Uski baat sunkar me muskura di...

Ok...waise tumne apna naam nhi bataya...

Mera naam Sneha hai aur me mumbai me ek ad agency ke liye kaam karti hu...

Is trah mere aur Sneha me bat-chit hoti rhi...mujhe aese lga hi nhi me Sneha se pehli bar mil rhi hu... tabhi Sneha nhane ka bolkar ander apne room me chali gyi... aur darwaje ki ghanti baji... mene uthkar gate khola to samne ek 45-50 saal ki aurat khadi thi...aur usne aate hi mujhe mere naam se pukara...

Oh Ridhi tum aa gai chalo acha hai... mujhe lga hi tha mujhe der ho jayegi... isliye mene guard ko chabi pehle hi de di thi...waise safar me koi pareshani to nhi hui?

Ji nhi safar acha rha...waise mene apko pehchana nhi?

Oh maaf karna mene apna introduction to tumhe diya hi nhi...mera naam Sharmila Lokhande hai...me tumhari land owner hu... aur mujhe tumhari company walo ne tumhare aane ki jankari pehle hi de di thi...

Oh ok.. ap bethiye na...

Nahi abhi me chalti hu...tum aaram karo...agr kuch chahiye ho to kitchen me guard ka number hai wo la dega...

Aur fir Sharmila aunty wapas chali...aur me sofe par beth gyi... aur dhere-dhere meri ankhe band hoti chali gyi aur me neend ki gheraiyo me kho gyi...

meri neend kisi ke hilane se khuli wo Sneha thi...

Are madam yha kyu so gyi...chalo pehle kuch kha ke aate hai fir apne room me aaram se sona...

Me beman se muskurati hui uthi aur hat-muh dhokar Sneha ke saat bhar khane aa gyi...usne mujhe aas-pados ki sari cheeze batai...jaise market, restaurant etc... khana kha ke hum dono raat ke karib 10 bje wapas aa gye...aur aate hi me apne room me aai...aur apne kapde change karkar...chit so gyi...


Me office ke liye let ho gyi thi...kyuki neend der se khuli...mene socha "wah Ridhi pehle hi din let ponche gi tu Shabash"... aur upr se dikat ye thi wha uber app koi cab bhi show nhi kar rha tha...tabhi mujhe kal wale cab driver ki yaad aai...me use call to nhi karna chati thi... par deri ke karan karni pdi... wo cab driver 2 minute ke ander hi wha ponch gya aur me cab me bethkar apne office ki aur chalne lgi...


Me office ke gate ke ander aati hui...seedha reception table par ponchi...wha ek ladki bethi thi...

Hi I am Ridhi Singh...I am new here...and here's my appointmnet letter...

Mene uski aur letter bdha diya...usne ek nazar letter par dali...aur apni nazre meri aur karti hue muskurati hui boli...

Please go to chamber 2 you will find there Mrs. Ankita she will guide you further.

Mene bhi smile ke saat uske response ko accept kiya...aur chal di chamber 2 ki aur...wha jakar mene knock kiya...to ander se lady ki awaz aai...

Come in

Me door kholkar andar aa gyi...wha saree me ek lady bethi thi

Good morning Mam...I am Ridhi Singh...new appointment

Us lady ne apni nazar meri aur uthai...aur apni watch me time dekhne lgi

Hi Ridhi I am Ankita your project head...you are quite late...please have a seat

Me bhi unke samne beth gyi...Mrs.Ankita ne mujhe project ke baare me thoda guide kiya aur mujhe apne cabin dikhakar wapas apne chamber me chali gyi...me apne naye cabin me bethkar kafi khush thi kyuki is company ke liye kaam karna hamesha se mera dream tha jo aaj finally pura ho gya tha...

Me Mrs.Ankita ke btaye hue guidilines ke anurup kam me lag gyi...kafi der kaam karne ke bad me ek problem me fas gyi jo mujse solve bhi ho rhi thi...ki tabhi mere peeche se ek ladke ki awaz aai...

Can I help you with this miss?

Mene peeche mud kar dekha to wo wohi ladka tha jo train station par mujse takraya tha... uski ankhe aaj bhi waise hi neeli thi jinki aur me fir se attract ho rhi thi...

Actually yes...I am not able to solve this issue

Wo ladka muskurate hue mere paas aaya aur jhukkar computer me kaam karne lga...me tirchi ankho se use dekh rhi thi... thodi der baad usne wo issue solve kar diya...

Lijiye miss apki problem solve ho gyi...

Oh thank you so much...waise mera naam miss nhi Ridhi Singh hai...aur mene aaj yha new join kiya hai...waise ham pehle mil chuke hai train station par agr aapko yaad ho to.

Aur ye kehte hue mene apna haat handshake ke liye aage badha diya...us ladke ne bhi haat badha kar handshake kiya aur bola...

Hi Ridhi...My name is Karan Rathore nice to meet you...mujhe umeed hai apko wha acha lag rha hoga...

Hum dono me thodi der aesi hi batchit hoti rhi...aur usne mujhe lunch par invite kiya jo mene bhi khusi-khusi accept kar liya...

Lunch par Karan aur me company ke paas hi ek mobile food joint par gaye... aur lunch enjoy karte idhar-udhar ki bate karne lge...mujhe Karan bhot pasand aaya...uski bate na jane kyu sune ka dil karta tha... shaam ko jab me ghar aai to Sneha wha pehle se mojood thi...

Aai gai madam...kaise rha pehla din


Aur mene use sare din aur kaskar karan ke bare me bta diya... jise sunkar wo kafi excited ho gyi aur bhot se swal karne lgi...jese mene bhi haskar unka jwab diya....

Aese hi time bitta gaya aur mumbai me aaye hue mujhe pura 1.5 mahine ho gya tha...Sneha meri best friend ban gyi thi... aur Karan se bhi ek acha relation ban gya tha... kabhi-kabhi Sharmila aunty bhi milne aa jaya karti thi... aur us uber cab wale driver ko mene permanent hire kar liya tha pickup-drop ke liye... kyuki shakal bhale hi kharab thi par banda dil ka acha tha...aur whi Mrs. Ankita bhi project me mera pura support karti thi aur me bhi khub mehnet karti thi... aur isi wjah se company me meri thodi respect bhi badh gyi thi... kulmilakar sab mast chal rha tha...

Ek din ki baat hai me lunch time me karan ke saat usi mobile joint par lunch kar rhi thi... ki ek haat mere kandhe par pada... mene peeche mud kar dekha to wha ek aurat khadi thi jo ki us food joint ke malik ki biwi thi jo uske saat hi wha kaam krati thi...mene uski taf muh karke pucha...


Madam ji me pehle din se dekh rhi hu aap yha akele khade hue kisi se bate karti hai...akhir aap kisi baate karti hai?

Uske swal mujhe at-pta sa lga...jise me thodi frustate ho gyi...

(frustration me)
Kise mtlb? Dikhai nhi deta mere saat jo ye ladka khada hai...

Usne meri aur ankhe fad kar dekha...

(chokte hue)
Kon madam?

Are ye

Aur me peeche mudi wha koi nhi tha...sirf tabel par meri plate rakhi thi...meri kamar se lekar gardan tak ke rongte khade ho gye... mujhe kuch smaj nhi aa rha tha ki Karan kha gayab ho gya...mene gardan ghumakar charo aur dekha par wha dur tak bhi Karan mujhe dikhai nhi diya... mene peeche mudkar us aurat ki aur dekha...jo vismit bhav se mujhe hi dekh rhi thi...mene use kuch na bola aur bhagti hui office me aa gai...me dodte hue Karan ki desk par gyi... par wha sirf kude ka ek dher tha...mera dimag ekdum chakra gya...kuch smaj na aa rha tha...me bhagti hui us desk ke side me jo ladki bethti thi uske pas ponchi...

Excuse me Simran...kya tumne karan ko dekha hai...mujhe use milna hai

Simran ne meri aur dekha...

Karan?...par Karan naam ka to koi bhi ladka hamare saat kaam nhi karta...

Simran ki baat se mera dimag chakra gya...meri smaj me ye nhi aa rha tha agr Karan naam ka ladka yha kaam nhi karta to me pechle 1.5 mahine se kise baate kar rhi thi... me dhadam se paas ki kursi par gir padi... Simran dodte hue mere paas aai...

Ridhi? Are you allright?

Me bilkul theek nhi thi mene bas gardan hilai aur halfday leave lekar cab se wapas ghar aa gai...ghar me Sneha ne meri aesi halat dekhi to wo bhi tension me aa gai... usne mujhe wajah puchi to me ne use sab kuch bta diya jo mere saat hua aaj...jise sunkar wo bhi achraz me thi...

Par..par aesa kaise ho sakta hai

Wohi to meri smaj me nhi aa rha...

Hum dono aese hi bhot der tak chup-chap bethe rhe koi kuch nhi bol rha tha...ki tabhi Sneha bol pdi...

Yar kahi tujhe alzimer to nhi... mere dadaji ko bhi hua tha...wo bhi cheezo ko bhul jate the...

Par me kuch bhuli thode hi hu...

Ha wo bhi hai...

Aur Sneha chup ho gyi...wo bechari bhi kya karti uske paas bhi mere is swaal ka koi jwab nhi tha... kher jaise tese wo din beet gya...aur next day mene chuti le li kyuki meri himat nhi pad rhi thi office jane ki... agla din bhi theek se beet gya...aur agle 2 din weekend ki chuti thi...

to mene aur Sneha ne saturday night ko multiplex me ek movie dekhi... ab tak me bhi Karan wale hadse ko ek bura sapna sochkar bhulne lgi thi... movie dekhkar aur Sneha se bate karkar me bilkul fresh ho gyi thi...

Sunday afternoon ko me lounge me bethi TV dekh rhi thi aur Sneha room me so rhi thi ki mujhe kuch saman lana yaad aaya aur me paas wale market chali gyi... jab compound se me wapas aa rhi thi...mujhe wohi chota bacha lolipop chuste hue jhula jhulte hue dekha...wo meri hi aur dekh rha tha... mujhe wo bhot pyara lga...to mene use baat karni chahi... me uske paas chali gyi...

Hello...kaise ho aap

Me theek hu didi...

Apka naam kya hai?

Mera naam Rahul hai...

Are wah ye to bhot pyara naam hai...

Aur aese hi me us bache Rahul se kafi der baat karti rhi...usne bhi mujhe kafi saari baat batai...thodi der bad me use bye karke wapas lift ki aur chal di...ki tabhi wo guard ne mujhe rok liya...

Madam aap wha kise baat kar rhi thi?

Guard ke swal ne mujhe ek baar aur choka diya aur mere ander ek anjane beh ne pav pasar liye... mene apni garden halke-halke peeche ghumai par ankhe band rakhi...kyuki me us sachai ko dekhna nhi cha rhi thi... par fir majboot dil karke mene ankhe kholi...aur mera dil dhak se beth gya... kyuki wha jhule par koi nhi tha... mere mathe se pasine ki boond tapak pdi...dil ki dhadkan bhot tez ho gyi thi...me bhagti hui apne apartment ki aur dodi... aur ponch kar dham se darwaja band kar liya... mere charo tarf ek ajeeb sa sannata fela hua tha...ki "dhaam" "dhaam" darwaza peetne ki awaz aai... me bhot zada dar gyi thi ki darwaze ke bhar se Sneha ki awaz aai...

Ridhi kya hua darwaza khol

Sneha ki awaz sunte hi mene jhat se darwaza khol diya...kas ke uske gle lagkar rone lgi...

Kya hua Ridhi bta to

Aur mene Sneha ko saari baat btai...mere bate se wo bhi chintit ho gyi thi...

Yaar Ridhi bura mat mana par shayad tujhe ek docter ki counseling ki zarurat hai

Mene ankhe uthakar uski aur dekha...

Yaar mujhe 100% yakin hai tu ek dum normal hai...par ek bar docter se mil lene me koi harz to nai...

Mujhe bhi Sneha ki baat theek lgi to mene ek famous doctor ka 1 week baad ka appointment le liya...Monday morning mere office jane ka bilkul man nhi tha... par fir bhi me bujhe man ke saat gyi...wo pura hafta meri productivity bilkul zero rhi...

jha me ek smay 2 din ka kaam bhi adhe din me khatam kar deti thi... wahi ab 1 din ka kaam bhi 1 hafte me nhi kar payi...mere is behaviour ko Mrs. Ankita ne bhi notice kiya...unhone mujhe pucha bhi iska karan par me unhe kuch na bol payi... yehi nhi es week me meri sehat bhi kharab rehne lgi...me ekdum isolated si ho gyi na kisi se baat karna na kisi ki aur dekhna... agr koi mujse baat karne aata tha to me unhe chu kar dekti paglo ke jaise...mano check kar rhi hi ye asli hai ke nahi...

Agle hafte Monday ko afternoon me mere appointment tha docter ke saat...subha jor se barish ho rhi thi...me apne jism ko ghasitti hui cab ke ander dala... kyuki office jane ka bilkul man nhi tha... jab cab office gate par ponchi to me usme se utar gyi aur gate ki aur badhne lgi... ki peeche bhot jor se break lagne ki awaz aai...mene mudkar dekha to wha ek Fortunar car ne brake lgaye the... par ye kya me jis cab se aai thi wo to wha thi hi nhi... mere sar me bhot tez dard hona chalu ho gya... aur me paglo ki trah barish me road par bhagne lgi us cab ko dhundne ke liye par wo dur-dur tak mujhe na dikhi... me bhegi hui bhagti us reception wali ladki ke paas ponchi... kyuki wo roz wha bethti thi to use zarur pta hoga cab ka...

Are suno tumne wo cab dekhi kidhar gyi hai jise me aai thi...

Us ladki ne hairani se meri aur dekha...

Cab?...par mam aap to roz paidal aati hai

Uski is baat ne mere dimag ke saare dhage udhed diya...mene uska colar pakad liya...

(guse me chilate hue)
Pagal ladki tera dimag kharab ho gya hai...tujhe wha itni badi gadi nhi dikhti jise me roz aati hu...

Mere aese chilane se kuch employees bhi wha aa gye...us ladki ne apna colar mujse chudaya...

Mam pagal me nhi aap ho...pta nhi roz kise baat karti ho aate aur jate waqt...apke dimag ke kuch pench dheele hai...

Usne bhi ye sab chila kar kha tha...jise aas paas ke sabhi employees ne suna...aur wo log khusar pusar karne lge... sab log mujhe aese dekh rhe the jaise me koi pagal hu...un logo ki ye nazar me bardast nhi kar paayi... aur office se bhag gyi...pta nhi kitni der bhagti rhi... par jab hosh aaya to khudko ek park ki bench par paya... mene turant Sneha ko call ki...

Hello Ridhi?

Mene rote-rote Sneha ko sara haal btaya...jiske jwab me usne mujhe turant docter ke paas jane ko kha... mene bhi uski slah mante hue docter ke pass jana hi theek samjha...


Clinic par kuch log apni bari ka intzar kar rhe the me bhi jakar beth gyi... samne ek compounder bari-bari logo ko ander bhej rha tha... fir meri bari aai me docter chamber me gyi...wha par Dr. Rajeev bethe hue the...me jake side stool par beth gyi...

Btaiye aapko kya problem hai

Mene apne saat beet rha sara haal unko btaya...unhone ne bhi mujhe bhot dhyaan se suna...aur sune ke baad bole...

Kya aapko kabhi stress feel hota hai job par?

Ji kabhi-kabhi

To isme koi ghabrahat wali baat nhi kabhi-kabhi extra stress ke karan aesa hota hai...me ye anti-stress aur saat hi sleeping pill likh rha hu ye lijiye aapko acha lagega...

Dawaiya likhkar Dr. Rajeev mujhe wait karne ka bolkar bhar chale gye...tabhi thodi der bad doctor chamber ka door open hua aur ek lady ander aa gyi...

Sorry to keep you waiting

Ji aap kon

Mere saat aapka appointment hai me Dr. Shalini...

Mere dimag ke nase mano phatne ko ho gyi...mujhe kuch smaj nhi aa rha tha ki kya asli hai ya kya nakli...Dr. Shalini ab aakar whi beth gyi jha thodi der pehle Dr. Rajeev bethe the...mne unhe bhi wohi sab btaya jo Dr. Rajeev ko btaya tha swiye Dr. Rajeev wale incidence ko chodkar... kyuki me nhi chati thi ki wo mujhe pagal samjhe...Dr. Shalini ne bhi ise sirf stress btaya aur anti-stress aur sleeping pills di... me wo dwaiye lekar chup-chap ghar ki aur chal di ab mujhe apne aas-paas sabsi cheezo par doubt hone lga tha ki kya wo sab asli hai bhi ya nhi...

Ghar par Sneha ne mere se pucha kya hua...to mene use aaj ka sara incidence btaya...jise sunkar use bhi kafi dhaka lga...
par wo bechari bhi kya karti siwaye mujhe shanubhuti dene k ki sab theek hojaye ga...

Us pure hafte me job par nhi gyi kyuki mujhe dar tha ki agr me ghar se bhar jaungi to mujhe koi imaginary person na dikh jaye...isliye mene ghar me hi rehna behter samjha...saat hi me logo ka phone uthane se bhi katrane lgi... gharwalo aur Mrs. Ankita ne kafi bar phone kiya par mene kisi ka phone pick nhi kiya... us hafte ek-do bar Sharmila aunty mujse milna aai thi...

Next week Monday morning me tyar hokar office ke liye nikal gyi job karne nhi resignation dene... kyuki mujhe ab khud par doubt tha ki me job kar bhi paungi ya nhi... aur ise pehle company mujhe suspend kre me khud hi job chodna behter samjha...me jakar Mrs. Ankita ko apna formal resignation diya jiske dwab me unhone mujhe khub samjhaya ki me ek honar ladki hu mujhe job nhi chodni chahiye...life me sabhi ke saat problems aati hai...hame unka dat ke saamna karna chahiye...aur bhi bhot kuch... par me chup rhi kya bolti unko jo bhi mere saat ho rha ye koi life struggle nhi kuch aur hi hai jo mujhe kuhd smaj nhi aa rha...mera irada na bdalte dekh unhone resignation accept kar liya...

Me ghar aakar sofe par beth gyi...tabhi door bell baji mene khola to dekha Sharmila aunty hai...

Are Ridhi tum yha aaj office nhi gayi?

Nhi aunty aaj man nhi tha...aayiye ander

Me to aa jaungi par tum kuch theek nahi lag rhi...

(jhuta has kar)
Nhi aesi koi baat nhi me theek hu

Sharmila aunty ander aa gyi...aur me or wo bate karne lge... thodi der baad doorbell fir bji mene darwaja khola to wo Sneha thi... wo ander aate hi sedha bathroom me chali gyi...aur me fir se Sharmila aunty se baat karne lgi... tabhi Sneha drawing room me aa gyi... mene uski aur muskurake dekha wo bhi meri aur ek nervous si muskun de rhi thi... Sneha ne mere paas aakar mere kandhe ko halke se pakda...

Kisi baat kar rhi hai?

Uske is swal ne muhje hila diya...mene uski aur ascharye se nazre uthai...

Ki..kise mtlb?...Sharmila aunty se hamari land owner hai jo...

Mene nazre samne ki jha abhi Sharmila aunty bethi thi...par wha ab koi nhi tha...me achanak sofe se khadi hui aur peeche diwar se ja lgi...ab mere budhi ne mera saat chod diya tha... mujhe kuch smaj nhi aa rha tha kya real hai aur kya nhi... me paglo ke bhati jor-jor se hasne lgi...apne sar ke baal nochne lgi...Sneha ne aake mujhe kisi trah sambhala... me use pakadke haste-haste rone lgi...bhot royi jab tak ansu nhi sukh gye...jab me shant hui to Sneha boli...

Chup ho ja Ridhi me hu na tere saath...tune apni dawaiya li...

Nhi...par me pagal nhi hu to kyu dawaiya lu...

Ha meri behen mujhe pta hai tu pagal nhi hai...par fir bhi jab doctor ne kha hai to le le...

Mujhe bhi Sneha ki slah theek lgi to mene bhi ek anti-stress pill aur saath hi ek sleeping pill bhi le li...

jiske karan mera dimag sant hone lga aur me waise hi Sneha ki godi me sar rakhkar so gyi...

Aese hi din katne lge...na me khi bhaar jati thi...na hi kisi ka phone uthati thi...aur agr kabhi bhar jana hota to aese time nikalti jab koi na ho sabkuch bilkul sunsan ho... kabhi-kabhi society ka guard mujse hal-chal puch leta par me uska jwab na deti kyuki mujhe pta tha ye bhi imaginary hai...

Aese hi ek roz me sab khidki darwaje band kiya chup-chap sofe par bethi thi ki...Kithchen se Karan coffee banake le aaya...use dekhte hi mere ander ka gussa phut pda...

(chekte hue)
Tum asli nhi ho bhag jao yha se...mujhe akela chod do...jaoo...

Are Ridhi meri baat to suno...

Nhi mujhe kuch nhi suna...

Aur mene ek flower wass uthakar Karan ke uper fek diya...aur jab udhar dekha to wo wass jakar Sneha ke sar me lga...uske sar se khoon nikal rha tha... me bhagte hue uske paas gyi aur rote hue use sorry bolne lgi...

(smile se)
Are kuch nhi hua Ridhi mamuli si chot hai...me theek ho jaungi...

(rote hue)
Sorry Sneha me sach much pagal ho gyi hu...mujhe tu na room me band rakha kar...

Chup tu bilkul theek hai...age se kabhi mat bolna tu pagal hai OK

Ok...are tere sar se to khoon nikal rha hai...me teri first aid karti hu...

Mene first aid ka dabba open kiya par usme koi sman nhi tha...

Are isme to kuch nhi hai...me market se lekar aati hu tu beth...

Nhi tu ruk me khud jati hu...mujhe pta hai tujhe bhar jana pasand nhi


Par war kuch nhi tu beth...me abhi aai

Aur ise ke saath Sneha apartment ka door kholkar bhar chali gyi...aur me uske saat ise karne ke ke liya khud ko kosne lgi ek wohi to thi jo mera saath de rhi thi...tabhi door ko koi jor-jor se peetne lga...me dar gyi ki ab kon aa gya... me Sneha-Sneha chilane lgi...ki apartment ka door todkar kuch police wale aur wo society ka guard ander aa gaye...

(chilate hue)
Kon ho tum log jao yha se mujhe tum logo se nhi milna...Sneha kha hai mujhe sirf use milna hai...

Tabhi wo guard bol pda...

Kon Sneha madam ji...

Pagal admi tu Sneha ko nhi janta...meri flatmate Sneha or kon

Par madam aap to shuru se is flat me akeli rehti ho...aur is colony me bhi Sneha naam ki koi ladki nhi rehti...

Uske aesa bolna tha ki me jor-jor se hasti beshosh ho gyi...aur behosh hote hue soche lgi SNEHA BHI!!!


Me is waqt ye khani aapko ek mental asylum se bta rhi hu...ye log sochte hai ise me theek ho jaungi...par inko kya pta Sneha abhi bhi mere side me bethi rehti hai...


To Dosto...

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Active Member
My Sweet Sister

My name is Vicky from Hyderabad and this incident happened when me and my sis went to Bangalore. i m 6 feet height and fair in color and my sis id 36-28-32 now u can imagine her ok we were traveling to Bangalore by bus and after reaching there the incidence has occurred

Than she asked me can I hug u, I surprisingly said its ok. Than she hugged me and said I love you. I told her u know my past than to. She said that is u r past this is u r present. Than after thinking I said ok. Than she asked me can we celebrate today’s day I asked her what about office Than immediately she called her office and gave some excused for interview.

Than sis asked me why they are asking the same. I said her so many couples are coming hear for having sex and this peoples are providing them rooms. She asked me whether I also took the same for my ex gf I said her yes we had sex hear only. Than she ask me can u take the same room which u used for first time sex with u r ex. I told her please don’t do this remind me old day and it will heart me lot.

Than she told that is u r past and I am u r present u can not do this thing for you are girlfriend. I said ok. Than we went to that room owner and asked for the room which I used first time with my ex. We hired that room and went inside. After reaching inside she immediately hugged me and again said me I love you lot. Than we slept on bed. She slept beside me.

Suddenly she said I am feeling hot can I remove my top. After hearing this my tool immediately stud up. I said her its up to u. than she remover her top what a beautiful boobs she was having inside the black bra. I was just looking at her boobs. She asked me with smile what r u looking. Is my books are beautiful or you are ex gf.

I said u have very beautiful boobs and also very beautiful body. But I am not dared to touch them. After removing her top she told why don’t u remove u r T Shirt and she only removed my. Than she ask me can I come up on u. I said ok. Than she slept on me and whispered on my ear “Dear I am all urs do what ever you wanna do”

Hearing this I was excited and hugged her tightly. Than she told me she was in love with me and she want to have sex with me than her hubby Than I slowly remover her bra and started sucking her boobs. Her milky white boobs chocolate nipple become red. Than I slowly removed her jeans and panty also o my goodness she had a clean shaved milky white pussy. She removed my jean ans and underwear and said ohoo u have so big cook I seen same in blue movies.

Than she told me “I am Virgin this is my First Time do it gently” hearing this I told myself I am going to beak a seal of a beautiful girl today it’s a lucky day for me and told her don’t wary u will be very happy.Than I starter playing with her boobs and slowly came down to her pussy, her pussy is already wet. Than I started licking her pussy.

And asked her u seen cook sucking in blue film, she understood what I mean to say and she told me to come in 69 position, and she started sucking my cook, we did the same for 10 mins. Than I told her that I am going to put my cook into her pussy.

She that spread her leg showed way to her pussy and to me do it very gently as this is my first time. I said don’t wary only while entering into u r hole it will pain a little ad than after u will enjoy it, and I kept by cook near the entrance of pussy hole and started rubbing the same, her pussy is already lubricated with pussy juice, I slowly started pushing my cook into her pussy. She started crying with the pain, I slowly entered full cook inside her pussy and waited till she feel comfortable.

I asked her r u comfortable can I start know, she said go-ahead, than I started moving in and out and sucking & squeezing her boobs, after some time she hold me tightly I understood that she is cumming, I asked her how u r feeling she told me thank you for making me woman I love you, keep fucking me don’t stop I am in haven, by hearing this I started with full speed and I asked her whether she is in safe period, she said yes,

I increased my speed and after 30 mins time I told her I am going to cum she told cum inside I wan feel it inside me. By hearing this I cum inside her and she also cum along with me and hugged me tightly. I slept on her in same position with keeping my cook inside her pussy till it reduce its size. While removing my cock I found some blood in my cook.

Same day we had sex for 4 time I also fucked her on her beautiful ass. Than she asked me is u r ex is good or I. I told her after fucking I felt like I fucked Aiswarya Rai as her friend call as duplicate of Aishwarya Rai. So friends here I must end my story. I hope u all will enjoy.

The End
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Active Member
Title- Lucky

Sub lieutenant Dr. Kulkarni was a superstitious man even by Navy standards. His brother officers regularly received his 'luck excuse' for various reasons. On his first tour of duty he equated onboard break of jaundice as Bad Luck. His not getting MD was also Bad Luck. His getting commission into Indian Navy was Good Luck. His assignment to the rust-bucket INS KHUKRI was Bad Luck.

Unknown to all there was more of Bad Luck for all. Hostilities broke out after a terrorist attack forced Indian retaliation. Chinese sponsored Pakistan to cripple Indian Navy and economy. PNS Ghazi which was believed to be built by Western Navy in guise of a cargo vessel was the strongest opposition that just happened to within gun-range of INS KHUKRI when the war was declared.

The sudden attack in Indian waters were unexpected to say the least. Before Capt. Mulla could take any action the ship was crippled and a sitting duck. Sinking of the ship with all hands would be a body-blow to Indian Navy. Capt. Mulla met all 21 officers for a plan all captains make and none wish to implement.

Capt. Mulla would stay with the ship and engage PNS GHAZI while the crew took lifeboats from the other side leading to successfully evacuation. As expected there was a revolt with every officer volunteering for the job. That is everyone except Sub lieutenant Dr. Kulkarni.

In his typical fashion he offered to let there be Lucky Draw. He would get 22 pencils with one being cracked. He who gets the cracked pencil stays. Out of time and options Capt. Mulla agreed.

Sub Lieutenant Dr. Kulkarni was back with a handful a pencils and showed all the cracked pencil. He then turned his back to hide the pencil in the bunch and asked all to pick one. From lower to higher rank all picked the pencils. With each intact pencil out Dr. Kulkarni seemed to break a little. Dr. Kulkarni had tears running from his eyes as he held 2 pencils to Capt. Mulla. Capt. Mulla offered to let him choose but Dr. Kulkarni insisted that he was Lucky.

Capt. Mulla pulled the last unbroken pencil and Dr. Kulkarni was already grieving his death. He placed to pencil in Capt. Mulla's pocket and wished Capt. Mulla that the pencil bring him better luck.

As the officers' boarded the last lifeboat they heard Sub Lieutenant Dr. Kulkarni ask if this means a promotion to Captain grade? Death brings dark humour.

Within moments INS KHUKRI was lit up in missile back-blasts. All guns began blazing. All sailors on PNS GHAZI were shocked. It was like facing a new beast. Capt. Ahmed just smiled for Captain of INS KHUKRI was just saying his farewell.

In minutes Capt. Ahmed noticed that the missiles were not reloading and guns fired one at a time. By now both ships were visible to each other and INS KHUKRI had just 1 sailor on deck. Capt. Ahmed watched the doomed man fiddling with something before screaming at his men to set the decks of KHUKRI on fire with White Phosphorus. While some followed his instructions others watched in horror. Captain of KHUKRI had hand started 2 torpedoes and was launching them on PNS Ghazi by pushing it into the sea.

Before the White Phosphorus rounds could land the homing torpedoes were in water looking for their target, PNS GHAZI. Capt. Ahmed calmly declared ABANDON SHIP. No torpedo ever missed at this point.

The survivors from PNS GHAZI would recount the horror of watching a burning man laugh while firing a machine gun from the pole of a sinking ship.

Capt. Mulla had just finished writing his Letter of recommendation for granting Sub Lieutenant Dr. Kulkarni posthumous promotion to Captaincy when there was a knock on the door.

The room soon had all the officers of INS KHUKRI minus one. First Officer Singh spoke that the officers believed Dr. Kulkarni was a believer of luck and took his chances. He stayed upon being forced by honour, thus was not worthy of the rank of Captain.

Capt. Mulla surprised everyone by agreeing immediately. Capt. Mulla went to his desk and said he would withdraw his letter if one of them showed him why. On the desk sat 2 Unbroken pencils.

10000 feet under the sea are preserved 2 vessels. One has a corpse tied to a pole with a broken pencil in the belt.

Dedicated to Capt. Mulla of INS KHUKRI who willingly went down with his ship for tradition and honour.
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A professional writer is amateur who didn't quit


Language - Hinglish
Purani Delhi railway station hamesha ki trah bheed se khacha-khach bhara hua tha...us bheed me se rahta bhante hue me shaam wali Delhi-Sharanpur local train ki aur bhada ja rha tha...kyuki mujhe ek dost ki shadi me shamli jana tha...ye meri us route par pehli yatra thi...kher jaise bhi karke me train me chada...me waqt se shayad thoda pehle aa gya tha...kyuki local train me wo bhi shaam wali me bethne ke liye seat uplabd thi...jo ki ek adbhud ghatna thi...jo log is route se daily up-down karte he shayad wo meri baat ko behter smaj payenge...

Kher me side wali seat par beth gya aur kaan me earphone lga kar gane sunne lga...train me pal-pal bheed badhti ja rhi thi...tabhi mere samne wali seat par ek budhe uncle beth gye...dekhne se karib 70-75 ke lag rhe the aur hatho me bent tha...muche ek dum safed thi jo unke chere par aai jhuriyo ke saat ache se suit kar rhi thi...is waqt tak train ek dum khacha-khach bhar chuki thi...bheed ka ye alam tha ki ek ladke ne apni tasreef meri seat par tika di...yani ab ek ki seat par do bethe the...train ne rengna shuru kiya...hawa ke halke thande thapade muh par pad rhe the...me hawa ke in thapado ko mehsus karta ankhe band kiye hue apne gaano me khoya hua tha...ki train ne brake lgaye mene ankhe kholi to dekha train kisi Delhi ke outskirt ke station par ruki thi...wo samne wale budhe uncle ne meri aur dekhar kuch bolna shuru kiya...jo earphone ki wjah se mujhe sunai nhi diya...mene earphone nikal diye aur unki baate sunne lga...

"ye saab kuch jungle pda tha jab me tumhari umr ka tha" Uncle ne bola...me bas garden hila kar unki baato me sehmati jtai...tab tak train fir se aage chalne lgi thi...

"yehi en patriyo ke paar mere dost ka gaav hua karta tha...ab to wo nahi rha 2 saal pehle guzar gya" uncle ne btaya..."ab to uncle ji ye seher ban chuke hai gaav kha bache hai" mene bola...

"bhae ab tame bhi to bdal gya hai hmare tame me log gaav me rehna pasand karte the...mujhe khub yaad hai jab me chota tha mere gaav me ek baniya hua karta tha khub mota paisa tha uske paas dinbhar seher me baniyagiri karta par shaam ko apni bel-gadi me gaav aa jata...
logo ne khub samjhaya ki itni dur roz aane jane se tumhari sehat kharab ho jaye gi aur uper se umr ka tagaza bhi ha wahi seher me ek ghar le lo... par usne kisi ki na mani...hamesha bas ek hi baat kehta "jo ped apni JAD se ukhad gya uska sukhna teh hai... JAD se juda hai tab tak hi hra-bhara hai" mujhe uski baat us waqt betuki malum hoti thi... ab 72 saal ka ho chala hu ab jakar us baniye ke bato ka mtlb smaj paya...par aaj-kal ke nojawan gaav ke nam se hi bhagte hai... ha mana gaav me utni suvidhaye nhi milti jitni sehero me milti hai...par iska ye matlab ye to nhi ki apni Jado se hi kat jaye... mene bhi 35 saal school me nokri ki hai roz subha cycle se jata aur shaam ko ghar aa jata...mujhe to kabhi koi asuvidha nhi hui... kher ab time tum jaise nojawano ka hai...mere jaise budho ki baat to bas ab chopal ya bus-train ki bheed-bhad me koi tum jisa sun leta hai...hahaha " uncle ne bola...mene bas unki bato me hami bhari....

"ab mera ye jo dost mra hai ise hi le lo...yha peeche iske gaav me iske purkho ki bhot zameen thi...ek waqt tha jab iske pariwar ka khub rutba tha is ilake me...par apne bacho ki baato me aakar sari zameen bech di...aur gaav chodkar Dilli me ja bsa...mene use khub samjhaya tha isa na kre par meri ek na mani balko ke moh me aakar aur uske balak bhi itne nalayak nikle sara pesa daru aur jue me uda diye...ab bhala khula pesa bhi kabhi bach paya hai jab tak wo zamin ke roop me hai tab tak hi surakshit hai...ab do baras pehle mra tha wo ginti ke das barah log the...jis gaav ko chodkar chaudhary banne seher aaya tha us seher ne bhi use na apnaya...bas wohi halat ho gyi dhobi ka kutta na ghar ka na ghat ka...bhale hi gaav me sukh suvidha na ho par admi ka maan saman to hota hai...jab wo marta hai to 50-100 admi arthi ke saat to jate hai...isliye me to yhi kehta hu admi ko ant tak apni JADO se juda rehna chahiye" uncle ne bola...mene garden hilakar swikarti di...

Ab halka-halka andhera ho chala tha aur vatavaran me thodi thand bhi badh gyi thi...uncle ne chadar se apna sharir dakh liya...train apni raftar se aage badh rhi thi...

"mere teen ladke hai ek dilli rehta hai, ek Noida aur ek Meerut...5 saal pehle meri gharwali ki maut ho gyi thi...teeno ne khub kha mujse ki pitaji hmare sath chalo seher...wha khub sukh-suvida milegi...par me na mana...ha manta hu ab mera sharir budha ho chala hai...ankho se bhi kam dikhta hai aur sunta bhi thoda uncha hai aur sath hi ghutno me bhi dard rehta hai...par iska mtlb ye to nhi ki me apne gaav apni JADO se alag ho jau...aur yehi nhi mere uper ek aur bhi jimedari hai apne peedhi ko unki jado se jode rakhna...chalo man lo me unki baat manke unke saat seher chala bhi jau...to mujhe pta hai jaise hi me yha se gya mere balak aur pota-poti ka samband apne gaav apni jado se turat tut jayega...
ab mere lare teez-tyoharo pe to wo log gaav aa jate hai...ha bhale hi mere marne ke baad wo jaise chahe kre... par me is khushi ke saat to mar paunga ki meri peedhi mere rehte hue apni JADO se judi rhi " uncle ne bola...

Tabhi gadi ek station par ruki aur uncle khade ho gye..."chalo beta mera station aa gya... mujhe umeed hai mene tumhe jada nhi pakaya hoga wo kya kehte hai tum nojwano ki bhasha me BOR nhi kiya hahaha" Uncle ne kha... "ji nhi uncle mujhe acha lga apse baate karke" mene bola...uncle ne apna haat mere sar par rakhkar ashirvad diya... aur train se utr gaye...ye train ka safar meri ab tak ki zindagi ka sabse yadgar safar tha... un uncle ne mujhe apni jado se jude rehne ka ek jivan bhar ka sabak diya... ab me chahe kitna bhi busy kyu na rehta hu apni life me par saal me kamsekam ek ya do baar apne gaav apni jado me jarur jata hu...

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