Thank you so much for your kind words Madam. Really appreciate your views."Maybe Raji's favorite KomaalRani's story as well might have crossed such a milestone...unfortunately, somehow due to lack of time, not following it. Sorry for that Komaal Madam...maybe I'll try..."
I think that was your comment.
and it was in reference to your another post,...
Congratulations Bhai...your story has now 4L words..that's an awesome milestone to achieve!!
Currently, i think there are only 4 running stories that have achieved this milestone. Not sure if you are following them
2 are by the evergreen super rohnny4545 (Majboori yaa Zaroorat and Bailgadi), one by DREAMBOY40 and the last one by TharkiPo
Btw, I think TharkiPo is leading...his story has crossed 7L words.
Raji, hope you are next in line to achieve this milestone
Congratulations to all!!!
prkin TharkiPo DREAMBOY40 rohnny4545 Rajizexy"
I always respect your views, your choice and your priorities. some of us like me, keep on posting by sheer habit or force of inertia. it is not possible for every discerning reader to read every post and one makes choice, and my story attracts very few regular readers. I can only say.
Ars longa, vita brevis
So kind of you to keep on posting since very long.. I think even you are worthy of Congratulations for 3 yrs completion of this super story. You are now in illustrious company
komaalrani prkin TharkiPo
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