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Erotica जोरू का गुलाम उर्फ़ जे के जी


Well-Known Member
अपडेट पोस्टेड - एक मेगा अपडेट, जोरू का गुलाम - भाग २३९ -बंबई -बुधवार - वॉर -२ पृष्ठ १४५६

कृपया पढ़ें, आनंद लें, लाइक करें और कमेंट जरूर करें


Well-Known Member
Thanks so much for taking out time and reading it.

you are absolutely right that i have tried to capture a person who is in late middle age, these lines from story perfectly describe the narrator of the story,

" I am on the wrong side of 40; suffering from diabetes and hypertension, living alone, on the top of middle management or bottom of top management in a big conglomerate.

I have clawed my way on corporate totem pole, but I know how greasy, how fragile it is. Almost burnt out many times, tired, drained and as we all know, every day is a new battle. Yes, these young boys, like piranhas, they keep on grinding their teeth, gnawing at toes and many times I felt the heat but I was just inches away and moved. You either go up or you go down."

Not because it's a story penned by me, but i cajoled you to read it as i feel a story should be like, multilayered.

You must have noticed, i have used four poets in the story just to match the persona of the progenitor, ' But then I enjoy poetry, crosswords, thrillers and movies too (mostly noir) and my wine also, just to give me company on those long lonesome evenings.'
story begins with the famous lines of T.S. Elliot, and again paraphrased in prose, '

When the evening is spread out against the sky
Like a patient etherized upon a table…'

Dusk was dawning on glass panes of his window, smoke rubbing its muzzle, peeping from outside , streets following like tedious argument, …every evening, it reminded him of Prufrock’s love poem, '
and there is Emily Dickinson, Caurapâñcâśikâ, of Bilhana and story ends with a famous song of Bob Dylan.

Thirdly, many readers presume that my story will be based on Holi related themes, with village background, some bawdy lingo, and that is another aspect for which i requested you to have a look at this story, just to highlight that there are many stories where narrative is entirely different. Even in this long story, out of almost 200 parts hardly 2-3 parts revolve around holi revelries.

Mohe Rang de also has entirely different background.

I can only suggest that whenever you have time, please do try to get some time to read either this story or Mohe Rang de,... your comments will certainly encourage me.
You have equal command over English, Hindi and Local dialects...
And that too with slangs..


Well-Known Member
It is my privilege to get a discerning reader like you who can appreciate the finer nuances of the story.

हज़ारों साल नर्गिस अपनी बेनूरी पे रोती है

बड़ी मुश्किल से होता है चमन में दीदावर पैदा,

it will be my fortune, if you can find time to grace my threads and adorn them with your wonderful comments. I am looking forward to my luck smiling. Have a nice day.
इस फोरम आप जैसी नर्गिस भी विरले हीं मिल पाते हैं...
जो अपने कलम से इस चमन(फोरम) को महका देते हैं...
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Well-Known Member
"I am looking forward to my luck smiling."
haha...I think I should say that I am lucky to read your wonderful stories and not the other way round :)
I will try my best to visit your thread more frequently and provide my 2 cents to your wonderful stories :)
Thank you once again and have a great weekend ahead!!
You said it correctly.


Well-Known Member
Hello Madam...not sure how I missed it or somehow skipped my attention :)
you have completed 199 episodes/updates of this wonderful story...wow..that's awesome.
Look forward to the next 200th update and achievement of amazing milestone. I think very few stories in this forum can lay claim to that achievement..
Also, just a fact that every update is a very long one (which is not an easy task to do)..so, all the more commendable. I am sure, our friend Raji will also follow you and achieve this number with her story (Rishton...). You can then have a very good company as well :)
Hearty Congratulations to you in advance.
komaalrani Rajizexy
हाँ.. दोहरे शतक पर कुछ विशेष....