अहह क्या जबरदस्त कहानी है । तीन बार झड़ा दिया । पेलगाड़ी पर और भी प्रकाश डालिये । पिछले फोरम में भी पेलगाड़ी का बखान नही हो पाया था ।
There is an issue about the sequel, rather many issues. First of all this story itself includes a sequel. The first story was a few pages and included first part of Holi and second was a sequel more like a season 2. However, when i posted a few parts of the next part- named Chuutaki, response was rather tepid, a few serious wishes,... but,... and i realized anybody who looks at the title always feels that he has read this story in previous forum, so he will not know that there a is a sequel hidden. and if there are not comments story gets pushed to 3rd, 4th 5th page and new reader will hardly locate it and read it. secondly as this forum has an advantage of buttons subject wise, incest as a theme dominates and stories which are tagged erotica remains few.
so if anytime and i am not saying i will do it its an IF , a big IF, should it be here, right here or it should be a new story with link to this story and may be link here? please do reply.