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Erotica जोरू का गुलाम उर्फ़ जे के जी


Well-Known Member
अपडेट पोस्टेड - एक मेगा अपडेट, जोरू का गुलाम - भाग २३९ -बंबई -बुधवार - वॉर -२ पृष्ठ १४५६

कृपया पढ़ें, आनंद लें, लाइक करें और कमेंट जरूर करें

Black horse

वेलकम बैक,

ये और मेरी बाकी कहानियां भी आपके कमेंट्स के सहारे पुष्पित पल्ल्वित हुईं,... मेरे लिए तो सबसे अच्छी सूचना है जीवन की इस आपाधापी में समय निकाल कर आपकी इस थ्रेड पर वापसी,...

बस अब जम जाइये और हर पोस्ट के बाद आपके कमेंट का मुझे इन्तजार रहेगा।
जैसी आपकी आज्ञा,
पूरी कोशिश रहेगी, कहानी के अन्त तक साथ रहे।

900 पेज पर पहुँचने की शुभकामनाये
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Well-Known Member
Bechari seva kar rahi he. Shadi se pahele to bhabhi hi unki bhagvan hoti hena. Jo unhe bina byahe shuhagrat mana ne ka moka deti he. Unke aur apne bhaiya dono se hi. Unhe jill top banati he. Achhhe se chatvao

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ये बारिश तो और आग लगा रही है...


Well-Known Member

डबल मजा आएगा, भौजाई भी डबल हो जाएंगी,... मेरी बहन रीनू भी तो होगी न, ... और उसे अपने जीजा के सामने उनकी बहन की रगड़ाई करने में बहुत मज़ा आएगा,...
गुड्डी बेचारी कहीं हदस न जाए...


Well-Known Member
कुछ मेरे सहृदय मित्र नया नया रूप धर कर के, नए नए चेहरे लगा के आते हैं, विशेष कृपा है उनकी मेरे ऊपर,...

बहुरि बंदि खल गन सतिभाएँ। जे बिनु काज दाहिनेहु बाएँ॥
पर हित हानि लाभ जिन्ह केरें। उजरें हरष बिषाद बसेरें॥

उन मित्रों का वंदन
शठे शाठ्यम समाचरेत...
अर्थात शठ के साथ शठ के समान आचरण करना चाहिए...


Well-Known Member
गनीमत है डाक्टर गिल थीं , रुकावट सिर्फ एक दिन की है

अगर नगर निगम वाले यह बोर्ड लगाते तो हटाना भूल जाते
फिर बुलडोजर की कार्यवाही करनी पड़ती..


Well-Known Member
"Maybe Raji's favorite KomaalRani's story as well might have crossed such a milestone...unfortunately, somehow due to lack of time, not following it. Sorry for that Komaal Madam...maybe I'll try..."

I think that was your comment.
and it was in reference to your another post,...

Congratulations Bhai...your story has now 4L words..that's an awesome milestone to achieve!!
Currently, i think there are only 4 running stories that have achieved this milestone. Not sure if you are following them :)
2 are by the evergreen super rohnny4545 (Majboori yaa Zaroorat and Bailgadi), one by DREAMBOY40 and the last one by TharkiPo
Btw, I think TharkiPo is leading...his story has crossed 7L words. :)
Raji, hope you are next in line
to achieve this milestone :)
Congratulations to all!!!
prkin TharkiPo DREAMBOY40 rohnny4545 Rajizexy"

I always respect your views, your choice and your priorities. some of us like me, keep on posting by sheer habit or force of inertia. it is not possible for every discerning reader to read every post and one makes choice, and my story attracts very few regular readers. I can only say.

Ars longa, vita brevis

आपका लेखन स्वान्तः सुखाय है...
लेकिन इससे हम जैसे लोग भी लाभान्वित और आनंदित हो उठते हैं...

आपकी रचना मौलिक है... और तात्कालिक परिवेश को बहुत सुंदर तरीके से प्रस्तुत करती है...


Well-Known Member
Thank you so much for your kind words Madam. Really appreciate your views.
So kind of you to keep on posting since very long.. I think even you are worthy of Congratulations for 3 yrs completion of this super story. You are now in illustrious company :)
komaalrani prkin TharkiPo
Its a long journey since yahoo groups, then exbii, then xossip and lastly here..
So it might be 3 years on this forum.
But its culmination is since long back.
And each time the canvas increases.
That is the beauty of her writing.
She deserves more but....


Well-Known Member
Thanks so much for placing even me, in the illustrious august company of such constellation of star writers. Although i am not even a pale shadow of the luminous authors, you have mentioned. And the criterion that a story is crawling, inching towards its goal for last three years without garnering views or appreciation i think does not tell a lot about either the author or the story. but its is your sheer magnanimity. Thanks again.

I am sorry to admit that i have not read story of two writers you have mentioned. my misfortune. But Rajize yes, we go a long way to the days of movie name games ( which now does not attract visitors) and i am a great fan of hers. She made a debut and her second story, ..a class by itself.

Incest is not my forte. But i do read only two writers on that theme, Rajize and Ashok Ji.

Thanks again and may i request even if you are short of time kindly have a look at my very short story, ' Its a hard rain" not more than 15-20 minutes and it will give you some idea the type of story i wish to tell.

here is the link

Thanks again .
In my opinion you are SUN and others are remote stars in this constellation..
So do not underestimate yourself.


Well-Known Member
एकदम डी एन ए तो मैच कराना पड़ेगा, इसलिए ताला खुलने के बाद अमृत वर्षा मेरे सैंया और उसके भैया की ही होगी,... वो भी हम सबके सामने, पॉजिशन मैं ही चुनूंगी गर्भाधान संस्कार के लिए
मांग भराई पहले हो चुकी है... अब मुहूर्त, गर्भाधान संस्कार, गोद भराई और दूध की वर्षा...