yes, normally my English stories are different. Like in this forum, ' It's a hard rain' title itself based on a popular song of Bob Dylon and first lines are directly taken from a famous poem of T.S.Elliot.
It’s a hard rainWhen the evening is spread out against the sky Like a patient etherized upon a table…Dusk was dawning on glass panes of his window, smoke rubbing its muzzle, peeping from outside , streets following like tedious argument, …every evening, it reminded him of Prufrock’s love...
" Dusk was dawning on glass panes of his window, smoke rubbing its muzzle, peeping from outside, streets following like tedious argument, …every evening, it reminded him of Prufrock’s love poem, more than 12 years has gone, him occupying this cabin, but today was to be last day, last evening,"
and it reminds me of famous saying of Godard, every film (for me, a story) should have a beginning, middle and end but not necessarily in that order.'
My stories like, Autumn Sonata, were of that genre. But in the current form of forums days of short stories are over (except in competition, where i prefer not to take part)
Now coming about the initiation process and role of Bhabhi, which probably started with ' Nanad ki training' and creeps time and again. Believe me i tried to fight against it. I believe a writer should be able to transcend oneself so i tried it in a novel like story, first time when a man was the narrator and supposed to be main protagonist. And it failed and failed big time in a story what I always feel as a big sucess, ' Phagun ke din Chaar". Narrator is a male and he has a love angle, gets married and has lot of not only erotic scenes but also makes active interventions. But the show stealer was Reet, again a female figure. so it is hard for me to visualize and in the storm of incest, subtle senses but may be some day, i may try a short story on Lolitasque theme" as you suggested, but the problem is teen must be in the last of teens, 18 + and by that age not much guiding is required.