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Erotica जोरू का गुलाम उर्फ़ जे के जी


Sex is universal and eternal...
Every creature knows it and through offspring expands their species...
I do not think such rules are followed by each living being.

Rules are social and at times to be revisited..
As in case of LGBTQ....
But yes there must be control mechanism otherwise chaos will prevail..
I agree with you,but admin can't fight against system and it's laws.and they will not risk a forum or server for one author.


mushkil hai, but you have raised an issue close to my heart.

I had posted it in a yahoo group HILMS, and some other forum and it was lapped as it was a play on very popular story, little red riding hood.

Actually, there are many versions, and one latest was a
romantic horror movie made by Leonardo DiCaprio, from a screenplay by David Leslie Johnson.

There is erotic significance in the story as has been pointed out many times, i am sharing a few versions,

'Red Riding Hood has also been seen as a parable of sexual maturity. In this interpretation, the red cloak symbolizes the blood of menstruation, braving the “dark forest” of womanhood. Or the cloak could symbolize the hymen (earlier versions of the tale generally do not state that the cloak is red). In this case, the wolf threatens the girl’s virginity. The anthropomorphic wolf symbolizes a man, who could be a lover, seducer or sexual predator. This differs from the ritual explanation in that the entry into adulthood is biologically, not socially, determined.''

another version is,

" Firstly, the color red, the color of the riding hood itself, can be seen as a symbol. The color red is usually associated as the color of passion, love, blood, sin or as a reference to a woman’s biological crossroad (her menstruation) transitioning from girl to woman. Perhaps, LRRH’s entire adventure which started out as a journey to visit grandmother becomes a trip down the path to womanhood. There is also LRRH carrying cake and wine to take with her to visit her grandmother. A somewhat obvious reference to the religious sacrament, which could also be seen as LRRH carrying her virtues with her on this path. As Shavit, points out, “It is clear that the erotic aspect of encourages the reading of the text as the story of a gentleman exploiting the innocence of a village girl and enjoying her charms, rather than simply as the story of a little girl who is devoured by a wolf” (Shavit, p. 325).
Symbolically speaking, the wolf represents a ‘male beast’ but also offers a reflection of wolf’s true nature, as wolves are seen as predators and this story insinuates that men (or rather, their inner beast) can prey on the young and innocent. Like the wolf in LRRH, a man will disguise his inner beast (perhaps, for example as a cad might hide behind the mask of a gentlemen) in an effort to make a woman feel comfortable and familiar. In the tale of LRRH, the wolf dresses up as her beloved grandmother (cross-dressing) and uses LHHR’s own curiosities against her and to his own advantage, aiding him in his overall seduction. The act of devouring her flesh and blood can be seen in a sexual manner as well."

Perrault, Charles. "Little Red Riding Hood." Pitt. N.p., n.d. Web. 2 April 2012.
Shavit, Zohar. “The Concept of Childhood and Children’s Folktales: Test Case-‘Little Red Riding Hood’” p. 317-331.)

I did a further twist on that thinking that wolf can be she - wolf too, and example of Ismat Chughtai's famous story ' Quilt' was before me. so, I wove a story based on that. And kept the general pattern of little red riding hood. My purpose was to explore female to young female sexuality.

However, later on an issue arose about the age.

In the story I had avoided any direct sexual actions, and it was more symbolic, and the young girl was also not forced ( i hate rape or any story with violent dominations) and she went happily back.

But now minimum age is 18 and the can you imagine a little red riding hood of 18 years, unsure about her sexuality, moving in a dark forest to her grandmother, it defeats the whole tenor of the story,

but i agree with the forums and groups, LAW is LAW and the risk of losing the server is very high.
so now the story is consigned to the memories only and another part is i rarely keep a record of my old stories, just sheer carelessness so when a lappy goes berserk, or i change it things get lost.

so yes, it's sad, but the story is Lost.
You have great knowledge about Indian folks as we well as western folk regional stories.And you beautifully include them in story structure that is why we love to read your stories.
I don't remember lrrh story fully it was like young school girl missed school trip bus and then she met old women and their story unfolds.it doesnot had any intercourse scenes it was a very short fantasy story.It was very different from what you usually writes.
I think you can develop similar story between mid age teen girl like guddi and matured old man.The thing is the way you describes the mental condition of teen age girl it's just beautiful.A teen age where people have curiosity of other sex but also have fear,taboo about it they need guiding hand to fulfill their curiosity.
In your stories most of the times it's bhabhi who does this duty but I thought how about role reversal??A mature man guiding teen age girl about her sexuality and her journey into the sex ocean??


Well-Known Member
भाग २४

देवर भाभी की होली


a very large sexciting post


Well-Known Member
I agree with you,but admin can't fight against system and it's laws.and they will not risk a forum or server for one author.
They should not I was only trying to explain and answer your query, that why that story can't see the light of the day, it will be incongruous to make red little riding hood 18 years old for me and not doing will attract ire of law, so best is to consign it to memories and not pen other stories like snow white and seven dwarfs, which too had erotic connotations.

I follow rules to a T and although, section 377 has been given a long overdue, but decent burial, lez stories are not forbidden and even anal heterosexual sex but it has certain rules which necessitated bowdlerizing of this story to suit the rules of the forum. I have no compunction and i fully understand sensibilities, but as the question was raised, i thought it appropriate to answer as very few new readers will know about it. But you are reminiscing about it makes that it must have made some impressions, however faint.


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मेहंदी की कलाकारी तो जबरदस्त है...
एकदम्मे तहलका मचा दिया.....
जेठानी जी की तैयारी भी जोरदार है...
हल्दी उबटन... उफ्फ्फ...
लेकिन पार्टी में और लड़कियां भी होंगी... उन लोगों ने हाथों की ये चित्रकारी देख ली तो गुड्डी की क्या हालत होगी...
उन लोगों की छेड़खानी सोच-सोच के दिल घबरा रहा है....
एकदम सही कहा आपने, अब मुझसे ज्यादा जेठानी को ख्याल है गुड्डी का, पर काटने का नहीं, परों को ताकत देने का जिससे वो उड़ सके.... मैंने शुरू में ही कहा था, असली बदला बदल देना होता है,... तो थोड़ा बहुत तो रगड़ाई खिंचाई,... लेकिन असली मकसद है उन्हें बदलने का। और औकात दिखाने का.


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बहुत अच्छा रतजगे की भरपाई अभी हीं हो रही है....
लेकिन अब ये सब तो जेठानी के सामने हो नहीं सकता...
कितना मजा आता जब जेठानी हीं देवर का लंड पकड़ कर गुड्डी की कुंवारी कली पर रखती...

लेकिन सब अरमान पूरे तो नहीं होते...
लेकिन गुड्डी पहले तो चीखेगी-चिल्लाएगी... फिर भैया का सटासट गपागप लीलेगी...
एकदम सही कहा आपने,

लेकिन अभी दिया और गुड्डी मिल के जेठानी से निबटेंगी न,... आगे आगे देखिये


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अपडेट थोड़ा छोटा था लेकिन दिया की एंट्री ने फिर से उत्तेजना भर दी...
अब तो तिकड़ी... नहीं बल्कि चौकड़ी जेठानी जी के कस-बल और हेकड़ी निकालेगी....
इसका इंतजार रहेगा.....
दिया की एंट्री के बाद एक नए भाग को शुरू करना ही ठीक रहता, इसलिए इस पार्ट को यहीं समाप्त करना सही लगा।


Well-Known Member
You have great knowledge about Indian folks as we well as western folk regional stories.And you beautifully include them in story structure that is why we love to read your stories.
I don't remember lrrh story fully it was like young schoolgirl missed school trip bus and then she met old women and their story unfolds.it doesnot had any intercourse scenes it was a very short fantasy story.It was very different from what you usually write.
I think you can develop similar story between mid age teen girl like guddi and matured old man.The thing is the way you describes the mental condition of teen age girl it's just beautiful.A teen age where people have curiosity of other sex but also have fear,taboo about it they need guiding hand to fulfill their curiosity.
In your stories most of the times it's bhabhi who does this duty but I thought how about role reversal??A mature man guiding teen age girl about her sexuality and her journey into the sex ocean??
yes, normally my English stories are different. Like in this forum, ' It's a hard rain' title itself based on a popular song of Bob Dylon and first lines are directly taken from a famous poem of T.S.Elliot.

" Dusk was dawning on glass panes of his window, smoke rubbing its muzzle, peeping from outside, streets following like tedious argument, …every evening, it reminded him of Prufrock’s love poem, more than 12 years has gone, him occupying this cabin, but today was to be last day, last evening,"

and it reminds me of famous saying of Godard, every film (for me, a story) should have a beginning, middle and end but not necessarily in that order.'

My stories like, Autumn Sonata, were of that genre. But in the current form of forums days of short stories are over (except in competition, where i prefer not to take part)

Now coming about the initiation process and role of Bhabhi, which probably started with ' Nanad ki training' and creeps time and again. Believe me i tried to fight against it. I believe a writer should be able to transcend oneself so i tried it in a novel like story, first time when a man was the narrator and supposed to be main protagonist. And it failed and failed big time in a story what I always feel as a big sucess, ' Phagun ke din Chaar". Narrator is a male and he has a love angle, gets married and has lot of not only erotic scenes but also makes active interventions. But the show stealer was Reet, again a female figure. so it is hard for me to visualize and in the storm of incest, subtle senses but may be some day, i may try a short story on Lolitasque theme" as you suggested, but the problem is teen must be in the last of teens, 18 + and by that age not much guiding is required.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for gracing the thread, but somebody who is so adept in words, prefer to use emojis!